Exactly! We're provided with an off topic forum because it is known that LFS is not the only thing we're allowed to talk about here. So this:
"We need to tighen up the junk and really off topic stuff"
really makes no sense to me. The only problem is when off-topic threads are made in the main LFS forum where they shouldn't be, but for the most part I think people are doing fine by keeping the thread's where they are suppose to be. The only recent problem for the dev's is all the requests being put into the test patch thread when Scawen said not to.
Go to any gaming community with a crack of their favorite game and you'll get flamed. LFS isn't the only place this happens. Yeah some people do jump to conclusions very quickly, but when a demo user posts a pic of him in a gtr car on fern bay....
And what's so bad about spam and off-topicness? We can't discuss LFS 24/7. There ARE other things in life
Your layout says 22 views, I'm one of them. It's pretty good for a first layout. I know how tedious it can be to lay objects out and make any sort of track. I don't claim to be a drifter, but I enjoy trying. I mostly like the couple of long sweeping turns you have on this one. One downfall, which isn't your fault, is the barriers themselves. If you run into them they send you flying quite funny sometimes
Just tried doing a few laps and ran into a bug. The replay is attached but I'll give a little explanation.
My first lap out I hit a banner before the first checkpoint so I spectated and re-joined. Only got a little ways before it kicked me to spectator because I didn't reach checkpoint 1 quick enough. Re-joined, kicked me to spectator after 20 seconds or so. Re-joined, kicked me to spectator as soon as the race started. This went on a few more times before I decided to record the replay and leave. You can see from the replay I wasn't driving too slow as to not reach checkpoint 1 in time, it was just kicking me way too early.
This is the first time I've witnessed this. Pretty sure it has something to do with that initial spectating I did manually before I reached checkpoint 1. In fact I'm going to go do that again to see if the bug reproduces itself.
Well it didn't do it again. Very odd, but I guess it was just a one time thing.
I was noticing that too. And Pastyrk's line has a really weird part it in right after the third checkpoint. Looks like he was nearing a haybail, then it suddenly jumps to the left and keeps going. My guess is just some lag happening or something.
That doesn't even seem to be talking about S2. He mentioned earning points to get the other cars and said there are only three tracks. Along with this: "highly adaptable AI drivers who exhibit an uncanny level of situational awareness as they battle tooth and nail for every position." Either my mind has escaped me at the moment, or that is a review of S1illepall
This has brought new life to LFS for me. I haven't played for a good while, but this has kept me busy the past few days. Can't wait to see what comes of this idea. I can imagine some real good rally tracks using this feature :-)
I have my iPod plugged in to the computer with iTunes on shuffle. I voted rock since thats the closest genre to what I listen to, though most of what I have is probably considered metal.
I guess I'm just lucky then. I upgraded to SP2 as soon as possible and never had any problems, even though it seems everyone I hear talking about it has only had bad things to say.
Come on people...this thread is getting very annoying with all the requests. I don't see how Scawen hasn't completely flipped out already. Give the guy a break!!
I've been engaged to my girl for nearly 2 years. We're getting ready to move into our own apartment in about a month. But then again, I certainly don't devote as much time to LFS as a lot of people here.
The only way I can see LFS getting in the way of anyone getting a girlfriend is if that is ALL you do. People need to have more hobbies than just sitting on the computer all day.
Press N a few times, the cursor shows up with one of the options This is a little annoying online because if you want the cursor to show up, then the connection list is also going to be showing, and with a large server it can block a big chunk of the screen. But really it isn't all that bad. I've been doing it for a long time. And yeah you just reminded me about Racer. I believe this is the default setup for Racer if I'm remembering correctly.