Thanks for the opera portable links, they really make my life a lot easier
Gotta test those web developer addons aswell, they seem to be similar to the firefox web dev toolbar, even though I havent seen a edit html or edit css button on the screenshots yet.
Hmm where is the web developer tool bar, the realtime tidy validator, the noscript plugin? And even more important: no portableApps version... so you cant carry the whole browser with all settings and bookmarks on a usb stick. Couldnt live without that anymore
overall a good mainstream end user-oriented browser
nothing for a serious web developer though (well, for testing you must have it of course)
OOhhhh he can, because the user has to understand the webdesign immedeately. And the info bar thingie you made there really looks like a menu. Thus the site doesnt work really well Im afraid.
Maybe the most important thing of a website is that you dont have to think "how does the webdesigner want me to use this?". A website has to work.
Also, if you want to start a project, you should have a clear picture of it in your head, and describe a bit more detailed what work will be needed.
that should be around 1.000.000 skins if you take into account the high and lowres versions... omg
That sounds a bit too much if you ask me.
At least it means all S2 racers would have as many skins online as allowed, and also at maximum size. Cant believe that tbh...
When buying entertainment software, you pay for the entertainment. And somehow the 4 devs (dont forget Geraldine ) get that far more right than other teams of a few hundred people...
Well it could be possible is someone hosts a backburner render farm, and gives root / remote access to the queue, so people can just add their render jobs, and the rendered file will be done after some time...
Maybe its better to give access to a small program that just renames the skin file, starts 3dsmax and then renders the scene.
Mouse is not faster though - there are just many demo users that have very much practise and very advanced setups, and almost nobody who has S2 drives Blackwood in the old demo cars
Besides being faster, wheel is way more fun also, and thats what its all about, isnt it?
start a sp race, then type /qual 10 and then /qualify
quali will then start, but the AIs might so weird things until they manage to get out of the pits.