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S2 licensed
Your correct, it just shows that a cadet is online, I half knew someone would of seen that. It's also a good example of how coping can be the cause of the issue in the first place, and well spotted

As hyntty pointed out... change "FoundCadet = 1;" to "FoundCadet += 1;" for a count, or leave it as it is if you just want to confirm that a cadet is on-duty
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Am I the only one who sees the contradiction here?

^^ Your stolen mine words, right out of mine mouth.

I am looking at the code (copied it to note pad as its easier to read) and I don't see a mistake in that specific snippet, someone may see something I don't. So I will ask a silly question because of my experiences. Are you 100% sure that you put a cadet on duty? You could make a !command to tell you how many cadets are connected, this may help you solve the problem

A small example, just an example, may not be 100% correct...

[Command("howmanycadets", "howmanycadets")]
public void howmanycadets(string Msg, string[] StrMsg, Packets.IS_MSO MSO)
int FoundCadet = 0;
foreach (clsConnection C in Connections)
if (Conn.IsCadet == 1)
FoundCadet = 1;
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("There are " + FoundCadet + " Online", MSO.UCID, 0);

Sorry, I stole your code and edited it to make the example
S2 licensed
Firstly, welcome to LFS...

It is probable you were banned by your own host as you are the only admin. If you have access to the host on a desktop, you could simply type '/unban [insert username here]'... however, its more important to fix why you got banned. There a message when you got banned, something about 'CPW'? This related to modification you are using with LFS.

If you host banned you automatically it is more than likely you do not have a standard install of lfs and your ban will be for 12 hours only. I would suggest making a backup (zip it or something) of your current install of lfs, removing it 100%, delete any left over files apart from your backup. Now re-install your lfs and try the new install with no modifications made to it. If, after the ban is lifted, you can connect to your host without being banned again, you have your answer.

If you do not have access to your host to unban yourself, you could try registering the host with lfs-remote, this will allow you to administer your host remotely with ease.

To register your host with lfs-remote, you will need to log into lfsworld. You will require the ip, port and password for the host.

"I've got no hacks/cheats" Just to clear this up, any modification to the original install could cause this issue. Many times people have replaced the original car models assuming that the sim will still run fine, but still get a CPW ban. As much as you may not be cheating or hacking, you may still have a file in your install that could cause this issue.
Last edited by Psysim, .
S2 licensed
Quote :4: Damage modell overhault
5: Various damage calculation overhault, like clutch heating, susbension damage, engine damage and such
6: Fixing the various bugs for improved game value

4 and 5 to me almost equate to the same thing. Version 0.6b - Improved autocross editor, Safer collision system - Many more fixes and improvements.

I think it was explained in a progress report that Scawen had come across unforeseen issues which had delayed the new tyre physics.

Correct me if I am wrong, most of these issues were given no actual timescale? no promises were ever made? Even "7: Dual core support. Scawen stated that it would be around a month's of work" is saying it could be done in a month, not it WILL be done in a month.

I still stand by what I said, I have everything (and more) I was promised when I paid £24, anything else is a bonus?

Quote :not the usually lie "We are working on very secret stuff, so secret we canot even take a picture of it, write about it or talk about it".

You get given progress reports, its not strictly true that everything's some big secret. [Click Here for a big secret lie] Calling something a lie without some proof that the dev's are sitting back, having a laugh at your expense is not going to help motivation, the comment is counter-productive to the aim of your post?

This whole thread smacks of 'Screw you Santa, I asked for a red bike'

Again, happy Xmas!
S2 licensed
Seems like a load of old moaning to me....

If you were given a progress report, you would whine that there's not a VWS or Rockingham. If you were given expectations you would be pissed off when you don't get your way. Maybe the devs learned from announcing the VWS and have chosen to say nothing.

Truth is, no matter what your given, its still not enough. Giving nothing is probably easier than putting up with all the moaning.

Happy Xmas to the devs, thank you for continuing to give me the content I originally paid for.
S2 licensed
Quote from MJL1966 :Hell with it. Too many ass hats in this game. Cya.

Sad but true, not everyone on LFS behaves as you would expect. This is not issolated to LFS, its an issue in most online multi-player games. The act of being a troll extends back far beyond gaming communities...

Having a demo licence does make the issue worse, users on demo tend to care less about others! I could suggest buying a s2 licence to avoid these types of users. I am sure most of the community will back me up when I say s2 drivers are overall, better drivers!

In summary, nobody is keeping you at lfs, you do that yourself. If your not 100% satisfied, find another game!

But really, best thing to do is ignore ass hats as all they want is to get your attention and annoy you, currently your letting them win. Chin up, skin up!
S2 licensed
I am not in... I am actually making this post in attempt appeal to you about reading peoples server rules before you enter. Our server does not allow advertising and spam. It's clearly in our rules, please check our rules before violating our server again.

Regards, the ICE team.
S2 licensed
Nice thought Becky

Sorry to see it trolled so hard, im going to say it the way I think I should, without a trollish attitude. Its not for me, I made a promise not to give any more.

Wish you the best of luck though, its a turely selfless thing to do and quite admirable.
S2 licensed
I have to agree with gandlers to some extent, and I am more cruiser/drifter than racer. Giving out the source could be complete disaster. I am all up for new features that aid the cruising community, but I can't help feeling this would devide the LFS community, would that be a good thing?

Currently (at this moment) 1215 users on-line, I am not going to say there are more cruisers than racers, but I feel confident in saying that cruisers spend longer periods connected than any other type of lfs user, I could be way out of place saying that, but its what I see. So, how many users would be left online at LFS if it was devided? a few hundred? would make those server lists look real bad.

I agree, Aston, Kyoto, Westhill and Fernbay are all race style tracks, but I fail to see SouthCity as anything less than universal, its a very good 'cruise' style track. Objects are what help us improvise when it comes to the race style tracks.

I know its a long way off, but there is talk of track editing software of some variety coming with s3... I think focusing on the cruise community on its own would be great for cruisers, but could kill the rest of lfs. I don't want to sound objectional but this one gets a thumbs down from my opinions!

Nice thought tho
S2 licensed
Well, yes, i got the concept of the mirrors being a fixed rear view, I don't see this as any reason why adjustable mirrors should be impossible, surely with a wider field of view, it could be cropped to suit your settings? Besides, its been done in other simulators. /me caugh*rfactor*cough

There is no need to Adjust the mirrors.... IF they suit your needs! But like I said above, we all drive differently. With my mirrors IRL, I have them slightly pointed down so that I can see along the car (van as it happens), but also see the road a little closer to my car.

pärtan, like blackbird said, LFS could do with an update (in ref to mirrors), and it would be possible simply with a wider fov thats cropped. It was actually the headtracking with mirrors in LFS that disapointed me the most

Seems like a fairly popular opinion that NoNder shares!
S2 licensed
Quote from NoNder :It can be nice to see my own car in mirrors. Its very hard to know where is end of my vehicle. Its necessity.

Editing mirrors rotation is nice idea but its not very needed.

+1 to this, wanted to see my own car in my mirror for ages. Adjustable mirrors too, as we all like them set differently when driving a real car. Would also be nice to see them work with headtracking and other view altering apps/addons.

I am sure its been mentioned before about mirrors, but its well worth a mention again imo
S2 licensed
An age old argument it is to weather LFS is a racing or driving simulator or game? Well the truth is, and I think its well established by now, lfs is all of the above mentioned. If you use it out of the box, as it is, you have a serious racing simulator, add an insim application and you have a game too. I think the main point is, its flexable, so the argument of what its supposed to be in my mind is void and irrelevent. And I think your right "I'm not here to judge." as it is a case of "what ever floats your boat".

I always have and always will enjoy a little arranged and official destruction, if its what people want to do, give them a place to do it. Afterall, this flexability and variety helps build a better community...

"How well would a Demolition Derby Event be supported?" among those who are into that kind of thing it will get a +1, but there will always be someone who's boat it don't float, don't listen to them, if you don't try, you wont get and thats simply the truth. It has been done and failed, but thats no reason it can't be successful. One thing to take into consideration, with LFS, any contact sports can be an issue when a user has lag, but don't let this put you off the idea

So, yeah, I would actually be intrested, I would also offer a hand if you need. We hold a DD event from time to time, the rules are limited but its good fun, and as Racon mentioned, there is another (which i wasn't aware of) so it may be a good idea to look at these other events so you know what to expect

Btw, we use a patch of grass for our event as it just seems to work better, but im sure at least one person will disagree. Come find me or email me if you would like a hand. [email protected]
S2 licensed
Yeah, I don't want you spamming on my servers thanks, once was enough, please don't come back!
S2 licensed
Ok, thats a little more helpful

What you are getting is a (off the top of my head) Show.MessageBox(Ex blah) which, to you pops up on your desktop, it looks like a small window (gray box) with the text 'NCN Index out of range' or something? and a 'Ok' button in the center? If I am incorrect, tell me.

I believe the error isn't caused 100% by the NCN class, but maybe the data type used to store the information? Datatype being 'int64'

Like I may have mentioned before, I am not 100% savvy with dougies work, within the project you should have either/both connections.cs and/or players.cs? Within both/either of those files, you should find the data types saved for EACH player! Look at what 'Int64' data types you have and let me know, I am not sure how I or anyone else can help, but I will try, I am sure others will too.

Someone who is using dougies work, help me out here!

NPL = Someone joins the race from spectate
NCN = Someone connects to the host (also happens when you start the application)
S2 licensed
as a result of your reply, I can assume that your running the LFSExternal.exe or what ever thats in the debug folder of the source you downloaded? and I would assume that you have not opened the solution?

If your confused by the words 'compiler', 'solution' and 'source' give me a clue, I am not sure what you know about coding, without sounding rude, I get the impression your experience is limited?

Help me out here, what do you know about lfs and InSim protocal? More information will aid me in assisting you.
S2 licensed
Good idea, I always forget about lapper, its a much better place to start if your experiences are limited.
S2 licensed
Do you get an error message when you try to run the insim application? I would rather assume that its not windows 7 that is the issue, possibly the configuration of the insim application? have you edited (in the application) the ip address, port and admin pass so that they match the dedi? Obviously without knowing the exact error message, I can only take wild punches in the dark!

Give us some more information to work with, another application my not solve the issue. I am not meaning to sound rude but it sounds to me like you have limited experience with programming, would this be correct?

edit: i see your on a server, i shall try to connect!
S2 licensed
Sorry, did my post seem inconstructive? I see no trolling.... It was just good practical advice, you think thats trolling? you have missed a hell of a lot on lfs forums!
S2 licensed
Here's the link.....

Quote from Silverracer :Download the post Z30 dedicated servers from here:

S2 licensed
Well firstly no matter what insim you have, you will need to configure it for each track, this will involve setting up the X and Y locations of each feature. Without some programming experience you will find this near impossible. Making changes in notepad will achieve nothing... until you compile the solution. Firstly get yourself a compiler, visual studio or sharpdevelop. Once you have a compiler, open the solution and edit it, you will find this much easier and faster than using notpad and command prompt.

Nobody will give you a complete and ready insim, they simply do not exsist and take a lot of work. Partial works in progress exsist, but with recient updates to lfs, some of them will not be 100% compatable.

Another thing is, the forum has a search feature, its better to use this yourself than ask others to find you the links....
S2 licensed
NCV? You could of ment NCN? its not a windows problem, NCN I believe a new connection, its an insim issue. The error is telling you what the problem is...

"WAS EITHER TOO LARGE TO SMALL" and your using "INT64"

Without seeing the code, I can't help much, but I would assume this could be playerid? or connectionid? I am not 100% on Dougies code. Copy and paste the NCN class and you'll probably get more help!

To find the class, hold down 'CTRL' and press 'F' (for find) and paste in 'private void NCN' to assist you finding the class.
S2 licensed
Quote from gandlers :it would help if you gave us a valid IP address then.
The loopback address is no use to man nor beast!

Like gandlers said, we can't help you. We need the name of the server. The ip address you have provided is called the 'loopback' and its a local address (your own pc) along with 192.168.1.* which is your network address. Click on start, run, type 'cmd' to open a prompt/dos/terminal window, then type ipconfig. Your ip should then be displayed along with and your 192.168 address. isn't a port either.

So give us the host name if you want it tested, this should be the same as in your hosts config where you find '/host='
S2 licensed
"TCP Socket : bind failed" look like a message from LFSDedi rather from insim, I would assume the port is blocked or something? You may want to change your insim application settings to what they were. Can people connect to your server (ask a friend), if the answer is no, I would assume it safe to say you need to foward your ports.


There are some instructions about ports, visit the link above.
S2 licensed
As mentioned above, its your 'GamePass' you need....

Visit this link and scroll down to 'Unlocking'....

its as simple as that. Oh yeah, it will say welcome to demo, not welcome to s2

You probably remember it like this.... ... 0/20090112113753!Main.jpg

Welcome back
Last edited by Psysim, .
S2 licensed
Quote from 65D :Get computer at least with Intel Core 2 Duo

Correct me if I am wrong but LFS only uses 1 core, so 'at least' is irrelevent, you would be better of not worrying about dual or quad core, if its purely for lfs you are better off 3.2ghz than 1.6 ghz

2gig of ram that you currently have, with a good processor and reasonable v-card should be more than enough, that being said, your integrated v-card obviously isn't cutting the mustard. As Inouva said, a 128 should be enough, you don't need to rob the bank!

Until you get your new computer, it would be advised to go into your lfs options and 'down tune' your graphics. You have to choose between eye candy and fps.

Shift + O > Graphics >
then reduce 'car draw distance', ALL LOD (level of detail), turn off haze, sky, shadow, trees, flags, rubber, Full screen AA as 'None'.

Sometimes (strangly) high res textures pull better performance than compressed so thats worth a try. And finally, moving all the Mip bias sliders to the RIGHT may also help.

I can understand a LFS dedicated computer and the need for it, I have done it myself.

No individual component will 'fix' fps, as it is down to a number of parts.... cpu, ram and v-card are the componants that make a major difference.

Don't forget though, with LFS using one core, a dual 3ghz will probably deliver better performance than a quad 1.6