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S2 licensed
Well its all in a language I can't understand.... Im reading it as "house under dash, upside down Y, backwards E, table with Rack of ribs...." anyway, can anyone translate the point of it? I scored 70 on what ever I was doing....
S2 licensed
Thanks SamH, its been a long hard struggle to get here. Been surviving on friendships for the last how ever many months. I can recommend getting a license to anyone now, just got to put in the work for my S2.

The first £10 came from PTC sites and hours of click click click click.... I think someone felt sorry for me! Really, its a good way to raise a tenner if your not able to work, just got to be careful, many are a scam. Thanks cashlagoon too for not being a scam
S2 licensed
Before anyone else starts, i PAID for my S1 today. If you don't believe me I can send you the receipt. Thanks to the anonymous person who sent me the last £2.
S2 licensed
OK, the error has not occurred since my last post. I have good reason to believe that this was just a coincidence. The updated host has been running fine. I did make a public invite for anyone to try to exploit my server but I have not seen any success so far.

Thanks Scawen, I can recommenced this patch to anyone who is currently running a dedicated host.

In fact the only issues I have suffered are not anything to do with LFS, to clear things up with those who have had connection issues, this is down to the fact that my lines are currently being replaced and the road outside has been dug up. Please discard this fact when considering the new updates.

I would of posted when 48 hours are up, however I have to go out and am not sure what time I will return
S2 licensed
How long is a piece of string?
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I see what you did thar

Yes, the phone plays a great distraction on me when posting!

/me turns mobile off.
S2 licensed
Quote from haha360 :is it me or is it that lc isint on the host list anymore! please help!!!!!

LC was removed because idiots failed to read threads before posting....

I think he missed something, like 52 posts on this thread!

Read between the lines, your giving Demo users a BAD name! :chairs:
S2 licensed
Duplicate post....
S2 licensed
ummmm, wasn't I the first to reply to your first post?I did read it.....
S2 licensed
This thread has evolved, It was about the better choice to make on Linux for a user with less experience. Now its more about the Crayola Gui and how it compares to Windows. If I was to ask which van would suit my needs best would I expect later to be comparing a transit or sprinter to a sports car??? If your bothered about ease of use, forget about Linux as a whole. Go back to Windows, click, drag, drop and short cut your way to happiness! Windows is a standard car with a CD player and electric windows. Linux is more of a Van with nothing more than a lot more space and a good engine!

Windows is just too much pretty colours, waiting for things to load and annoying "here's what you already know" for me.
S2 licensed
This could just be coincidence, this morning the test host received a and error and shut down. I believe its working, re-started so I'll have to wait and see. Sorry but my daughter closed the error notice before she decided to tell me about it.
S2 licensed
I had to read that a couple of times, but then I have just woken up.... If I'm "getting it" then I would say YES!
S2 licensed
I can't say I have used it either, but getting an alert as soon as you get a virus is the general idea or anti virus, prevention comes first though.
S2 licensed
zeugnimod, your correct, I'll admit I spend more time driving and posting than I do watching Vids. But yeah I have seen a few goodies, I just love this one though
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Are you trying to systematically insult, offend or patronise every individual member of this forum ? Nice one Bud You're cool, real cool...

Ummm no, you missed the point, Oh I openly admit I was insulting you..... and only you, but then you did a good job of insulting yourself.

pb32000, each to there own. Tbh, I prefer a good bash on term, there is something so satisfying about it. I'm not a big fan of pretty colors and fancy gui's, I just like something to be functional, complete the task its intended for without wrapping it in a big box and putting a red ribbon on it. I think it was Henry Ford who said something like "if it does not have it then it cant got wrong"? Just the way I look at things.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :That looks really good.

But, this is where Linux really starts to p*ss me off. If you follow the Linux link from that site then you're presented with this And as a self confessed computer illiterate, that page might as well be written in Ancient Hebrew for all the sense it makes to me. Clicking on the links in that page only adds to the confusion of what the hell am i supposed to be doing ? On one of the links it tells you to follow a path in Linux to a particular application so you can set things up to add a new suppository or something . But the Linux version i'm using doesn't have anything remotely like that quoted path, or even the quoted application.

Why on earth it has to be soooo complicated to download and install a new programme into arguably the best OS out there really really frustrates us non PC geeks. Still, i can live with these frustrations if it means i don't have to go anywhere near anything made by..(shudder).. that other company

/end of rant, thank you, carry on...

I think its probably more that Linux is jibberish to you. It all vanilla to me. If you have Linux installed, here's some advice, remove it and go back to windoze.... your just not ready for it yet. If that is the case, why are you bothering with a thread that revolves around Linux? You think a suppository is only something you should poke up your @$$?

S2 licensed
Quote from russianfire768768 :Not funny I drove over 2500kms on that server.

Is that all? I made it to the end of the pit lane before I got banned... god knows what I did wrong!
S2 licensed
This update from Scawen should stop the hackers connecting, the problem was addressed at about 7.30 this evening.

This is only about the 20th thread I have seen about this issue.

The thread linked earlier ( should tell you more about it. Replace LFS Dedi with the updated exe and your good to go!
S2 licensed
Amazing video, probably the best one I have seen.....

/me rewinds and replays
S2 licensed
If you can't get on with Ubuntu forget Fedora, you will have to really know your stuff for that. Security is great on Fedora but if you don't find Ubuntu very user friendly the Fedora will throw you! Have you tried Kubuntu? (KDE Ubuntu) It can be a little easier! You can download an ISO of the live CD or better still, they will post you the latest version for nothing. Check the Ubuntu site for more.
S2 licensed
Hello speedemon57, I'm a "DEOM" driver.... but whats a demo driver? If your wondering what I am talking about, read your thread title.

Contact a moderator, they can help you fix this.
S2 licensed
FF3 downloads to the same default place as FF2 (Desktop) unless you have changed the settings. Its probably an idea to check My Docs too. If you still can't find your downloads use the windows search and look for the extension on "my computer", all files of that type should be found. It may take a while to find them all but its going to find EVERYTHING!
S2 licensed
I have tested this patch on a DEMO host, so far so good, its worth trying. I have yet to see if anyone can get past it.

Thanks Scawen for the fix!
S2 licensed
I think its nice, I can see the beauty in its simplicity.

Quote from hazaky :I think that the "Mac" sign ruins the skin up.

Or do you just not like Mac's?
S2 licensed
Well done, you made one side, copied it and flipped it? I'll read it in my mirrors some time eh?

If you ask real nice someone might fix it for you....
.... your gonna have to pay them tho....