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S2 licensed
Well said Becky, I can agree, when it comes to myself I am not too worried, never had a problem and doubt I ever will. I have met people from the internet on many occasions and overall its been a great experience. I don't let my kids know that I have done it, I'm probably a huge influence on there lives. If I had been a dope smoker as a teen, I wouldn't want to give my kids the impression that its a good idea. I try to protect them, shelter them and provide the best for them as I can. They are all I have and I love them dearly. Thankfully adults are not often the victim's of predators and its hard to express it to kids. A lesson I learned was when I found Cigarettes in someone's school blazer, the answer I got was "but you smoke them", it made me realize the risks of "monkey see, monkey do".
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Hint - if you ever buy your kids a domain don't put your full address on Whois and then not remove it when someone asks.

Good thing I am not planning on buying my kids a domain.
S2 licensed
and all I can say is EH? Getting rude is one thing, getting personal is another. You want to drag my mother into this? That's fine, just makes you look weak and pathetic. Now I know what your excuse is. Pick on her all you want, I don't like the bitch either. Glad we share something! I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.
S2 licensed
OK, I am talking about the example I set to my kids. If you want to know about me I have no problem with it. I don't question other people's parenting skills. I teach them to tell the truth, for reasons I teach them to keep the truth from the internet. I think you would do the same in my position. I don't think anyone can judge me for it, even though I'm sure you will. Alarm bells rang in my head when I walked into my daughters room to find her talking to "Father Christmas" on MSN.

I could have the attitude "do as I say, not as I do" but I choose to lead by example.
S2 licensed
Correction, My body is 40, what about the rest of me?

Im 21 on the inside! illepall

Really though, I'm not 40, sure my profile say's I am, but when it comes to the internet my values are a little old fashioned , you weren't to know but I set an example to my kids, don't give anyone on the internet any personal information that's truth. It is better to lie and protect yourself.
Last edited by Psysim, . Reason : clicked submit when I wanted to preview.
S2 licensed
There is simply only one answer to that, first let me do the maths.....

Myself + age = old enough to know better.

That too old for ya?
S2 licensed
Like I said, your all so young looking and my youth seemed to run away years ago with something.... probably divorce or something else messy. Your request is one reason to post myself and there are three hundred reasons not to.
S2 licensed
OK, that's good news and/or bad.... depending on how your looking at it. So did you transfer parts from your previous computer? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to work through it piece by piece in my head. And have you tried thinning down on processes and going for a little destruction yet?
S2 licensed
Oh I saw EVERYTHING! It was golden entertainment.
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Ah, I now see what you did thar

I hereby extinguish my flaming banana (Mainly I didn't realise that the OP was the same username as the pic)

Yeah, just so he could confirm he had exactly what the example has (forgetting the license) and trying to put it into first time users terms. Hope it worked for him.
S2 licensed
Well the sound as much as its important is not crucial, and probably wont make a difference. The game updates on the condition of your car when you have a prang, or at least I would assume! So lets work on this step by step, maybe together we can crack it....

What about networking? What did you have and what do you now have? Snotty string or waves?

Any different background processes? File share, voip, live streaming....?

And have you tried thinning down on whats running with Task Manager? It could be worth checking whats running and taking it down to the essentials just to make sure its nothing there.

All we looked at so far is a little hardware, we can work through the list until its sorted. It could also just be a poor install.
S2 licensed
Oh I am going to just assume he had success and got too distracted to let us know. The excitement was probably too much.

S2 licensed
Great photo's guys and girls. Overall not a bad looking bunch. You all look so young though, which is one of many reasons I don't think I'll be posting my own mug shot here. Its great to put some faces to some names, even if it took me about 2 hours to get through almost (i skipped about 4 pages near the end) all of them.
S2 licensed
Who said I was using my own internet? As it happens it is my own internet and my internet pays for its self, however its a trade secret.
S2 licensed
I think we need more information. I'll ask what's on my mind. I have used LFS on my daughters laptop which came with vista and it run's fine, so lets dismiss the OS for now. My theory is its not that. First thing that comes to mind is what hardware are you running? Mainly graphics and sound? Those are the two that matter the most. Have you anything that is not what I would call a standard part like a printer or scanner? And have you made sure all drivers are up to date?
S2 licensed
Look at the second picture first, ignore that is says S1, thats just where I entered your username for this example. Click on the link where it says "this is where you did step 1 and step 2"

Now look at the first picture, make sure all the details are correct like the example, again ignore where it says S1, mine will differ from yours. Follow step one and two, then go back and click on multiplayer. Happy gaming bud, and welcome to LFS

Game on!

Hope this helps ya!
S2 licensed
Ah, "Unlock" is for if you purchased a license, which as your a Demo user you didn't purchase a license. The solution is simple, it says....

Registered User Name: Nck1991 [?]
GAME password: *************** [?]

Window while connecting : [no] [?] <---Probably

If this is about how it looks you have done it correctly. Just click "Back" > "Multiplayer" > "Display list of hosts" and you should get a list of hosts. Give me 5 mins and i'll come back with some screen shots to make it easier for you.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Looks like you have a quite fitting racername there.

Its the med's I take, I admit the SE's are a bit odd. What's his excuse? :haha:
S2 licensed
Quote from nck1991 :i heard about the LFS game and registered online , got the email and clicked the link , it says was old link or something but try to login , it works then i click account details then it says you must login in , i re log in and get the account details. Try to create a game password then clcik continue then it says you must login .

Im sorry but this is truly SH*ITE !

I'll try to help you if I can.
1) So, you sign up to LFS on the main site, you give a username and password on the main site. This would be a username and a password for the site and forum, yes?

2) You get your email with an activation link and you click the activation link, yes?

3) You enter a GAME password at the page you were directed to by the above link, yes?

4) You OK/Submit the GAME password that you chose and it asks you for the SITE username and password again, yes?

What did you do next? enter the username and password?

It seems that your username and password for the site have been accepted or else you would not be posting on the forum. I am assuming you want to know if your GAME password has been accepted/activted?

Sorry to lay this post out like this, I just want to make sure I am getting all the information correctly.
S2 licensed
God know's what he's got apart from a problem. I think we have all given him enough solutions.
S2 licensed
Until I said that there had been nastier things said, I think in my post I even tried to stick up for you a little, you threw it back in my face. Forget it.... It all sucks, you suck!

You still fail
S2 licensed
Go wash the sand out of your vagina, I gave you my opinion and that's all. Isn't it an opinion you wanted? I explained my confusion too, I think maybe you have some life issues, maybe a doctor can help you with that. I thought I was being constructive rather than saying you fail. I think you have asked for this...

YOU FAIL! :thumbsdow
S2 licensed
Quote from orange_boy_uk :But demo cars suck, you want some action in FXO, RB4 etc :P more fun

This is why I am planning on making one in the skidpan. I do like to cater for demo users though, I was one until a few days ago. Before anyone asks, yes the idea was inspired by sumo.
S2 licensed
Yikes, busy thread and in such a short time.

There is a crashing carpark, probably more than one. I run one simply called CarPark in demo mode. It clearly states in the welcome that its "full contact permitted".People do come on the server and whine about being crashed, they also get told to leave and read the welcome again. I have an intention to open another full contact host called "last man standing"(title speaks for its self), maybe in the skidpan this time. Tim_J_23, your welcome to be a part of it, I could always use some help.

I can't say I have thought about layouts much, I did consider a figure 8 but its not gone past consideration.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mikey Monkfish :because you can hurl a tirade of abuse at some numbnuts that just wiped you out.

I suppose that is one way to look at it, I would like to think that these tools were more so that you could be respectful and say sorry for wiping someone out rather than for hurling abuse.... but what ever floats your boat I suppose.