Its from another game? That will probably explain why I was confused. It would make no sense to me the logo's being back to front on the side of a car... on the bonnet maybe. But even on the bonnet I would only expect that where it NEEDS to be read in a rear view mirror, for example and the only time I remember seeing it, on emergency services vehicles.
Now I know what the inspiration was I wont say you failed, I just understand it better, I still dont like it though, however, this is just my opinion. Really, what ever makes you happy... or floats your boat, if you like it, sod everyone else.
Ah, ok, I never looked into Teamspeak and obviously missed Ventrilo. Seems you answered a blank for me, thanks. I will look into this as I have a mouse(cuts off while typing in LFS) and find it hard to reply while driving. Don't bother with the mic, your missing alot of fun over something kind of trivial, and really, I didn't know about it so its not like it made a difference here!
Another idea is to get a 3rd person to change your account password and hold control over your account until whoever is willing to pay can confirm that the payments have been cleared, that way anyone willing to help has a chance of selling the account if you fail to pay. I know account sharing contradicts the rules but if you were to refer devs/mods to the issue I'm sure they could make an exception.
Your last post poses another question:
You don't live with your mother but do you not have contact with her? If that's the case, I'm not only sorry for you but for your mother too. (I'm also sorry if this is a little personal for you.)
I am not sure if the mobile credit thing is international either, Check the UK paypal account for details on mobile transfer as I know its possible in the UK. How it works is, you register your mobile with paypal, send a text saying "send 20 to [email protected]" and I believe its your mobile credit that is transfered to the named account. I have not tried it so I can't say for sure. It could be your paypal credit that is sent.
I would be willing to buy you the license but I would want cleared payments first(not just for security but because I am skint). Past the suggestions made by everyone else I dont think there are many other solutions. You could ask your bank to make you out a check and have it sent as a check payment. You could also try applying for splash plastic (Pay as you go card) which is idea for internet purchases and costs you very little (I believe £1 on your first topup)
I am going to speak my mind, please dont get offended, the more you post about this is the more its getting suspicious.
And that's exactly what this thread wasn't for.... but anyway, I'm sure everyone can read for themselfs, and its exactly what you failed to do... reading my posts, unless I now speak dutch or something. Ummm really, you take it back to that thread.... I don't want to drag your silly crap here.
Love the tangent this thread has taken, but as with the post above, back to the topic, I can see where your coming from. I only just got my S1 and I am truly in love with LFS again. I always did like it, demo was getting a tad boring though. Yeah, I lost my LFS virginity too.... wait, does it count if im only S1? Did I only go half way?
I think if I'd had that list of problems ABOVE or BELOW (Depending on settings) or upto POST NUMBER 20, I would be complaining bitterly to my card company about how crap the credit card is, do I have a point? I would probably say something like "I thought you wanted me to spend money and pay you interest"
I got a question, If you could squeeze this thread and get fresh juice of bulsh.... what would you do with it? Actually, I don't want to know!
So, 1/4 of a million registered users? Well I forgot my password and registered again about 49,967 times... that could answer for some of it! Oh, and I sent Chuck Norris an email about LFS, which is why he now smiles so much.
Go on, squeeze some BS juice out of that! Don't argue with statistics!
Having read the thread its clear you have paypal. You can now send money from a mobile phone to a paypal account, you could give this a try, it would solve your problem.
The only way someone is going to buy you an S2 licence is if you give them the money first, otherwise they only have your word for it that your going to pay them back. It does not give anyone a good impression when your saying "i'll pay you back" and "my card won't work on LFS or paypal"
Wind? Bloody strong wind for a simulation. Tis a bit odd but hey, its a simulation, it can't be 100% to reality. I gotta wonder why too. Bet you didn't save a replay!
I just don't get it, people quite often post on this forum asking for help, throw it back in your face when you try to help and then go off in a slagging rant about it. If someone does not appreciate some good, constructive advice why do they bother to ask in the first place?
I'm not ranting because I'm in a bad mood, I'm in a great mood, like I just had 20 hours of bunny sex (I bet that ends up in a signature or something) with 20 amazing women. I just think its a bit lame.
Quite frankly, I don't care for it and this forum is full of it, and no, I'm not slagging you all off (I'm sure someone will say I am insulting the whole forum), just the minority. If anyone wants my help or advice some time feel free to ask. Just don't ever throw it back in my face.
Damn, it felt good to say that.
Oh yeah, any Mr Negatives about to reply? Have a bag of constructive bulsh on me!
It was about Linux, you took it off topic, he got sand in his crack about it... lets face it, its not that important. You'll openly admit your not 'savvy' at computers so you posted a rant about something you clearly don't understand, enjoy your tag team, I'm not your buddy and quite frankly I came on this thread to help. All I have done is try to help until your shatty little gob come on ranting how crap Linux is when it became obvious you don't have the faintest clue about it. For the record, I am probably as old as his dad too. Throw help back in my face, well simple, if that's what your both about don't ask anyone for help, more important, don't rant on a "help me" thread, do it on a "rant about me" thread.... I'll make it simply clear
Happy Birthday. Life starts at 14.... New responsibilities and.....
No, I wont start with that kinda thing, thats the kinda thing my father would of said to me before telling me to go and cut the grass or something. Really though, hope you have a great one, your only going to be 14 for the next 365 days, make the most of every one!
And I got you.... Well I got you nothing actually so make the most of it.
Woah, never knew scones were associated with being gay. CSU1, as your having trouble expressing your sexuality without others getting confused... I have a single friend I could fix you up with, single for a while but nothing wrong with my friend...
... He's about 5'9, Tall, Dark, A party animal.....
Woah Thanks, this is more what I wanted, not like the first reply i got (Meh ok) and yeah, I was stuck for ideas, so I looked at what was surrounding me. I could of used more.... the list goes on! When looking at avaliable logo's i just kept finding more along the same theme. Apart from garmin, they are all computer related in some way, and the garmin one is not far off. Thanks for all the comments, very constructive!
It wasn't a question and it was taking YOUR thread off on a tangent but never mind. Perhaps you would try and knock me out.... bit of a stupid thing to say on the internet though. Actually you need to read everything I have said again and get off your high horse... or wash the sand out of your vagina, I'm not sure which. Really I think your more of an offencive shit for brains than I am.... and look, its getting you all pent up with anger. Really though, I like you, you remind me of when I was young and stupid.... Take your time!
Oh, and about the windows thing, it wasn't down to me actually. But yeah, you failed to read properly again. "But, this is where Linux really starts to p*ss me off." you think he was comparing to a Gem Desktop (Atari ST/STE) or Windows???? Te-Rhad!
Returned home to find out that there was another error while I was gone. Again did not get the details as I wasn't here. Will try to catch it next time, has anyone suffered this or is it isolated to me? Lets hope so!
Its a simulator, I shouldn't think anyone is sponsored by who ever's logo's the have. Its just trying to make it look better. Thanks
BenQ, Logitech, NVidia, Creative and AMD are all products I have, Garmin (Local GPS company) sponsor me at a sport(if you can call it that). As for the rest... its just to spice it up. It is my first skin. Alot of people don't like the vents, I probably will scrap the idea. I didn't notice Logitch was off centre(thanks). Most of the logo's were to fill gaps where it was missing something.
I keep changing things, I can't decide if I am happy with it or not...
Is this skin good, bad or ugly?
Something constructive would be useful. If you could change anything what would it be? I'm lost and don't know where to go now! I intend on removing my name from the front wings but apart from that.... there is something else I am not happy with but I can't put my finger on it. Go easy on me, its my first skin!
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