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S2 licensed
Quote from manza47 :exact, i haven't a idea how to accomplish the following: in a place gives the order to delivery to another specific place and win cash $$ xD. (For example, sending a package from home "A " to the house "B")

ok, you wish to set the X and Y co-ords of the job destination?

If that is correct I would assume the 'place' could be maybe a shop? In the MCI class, under the bit that should say 'Switch' and 'TrackName', you should find a destination? It could be on one of the other tracks 'case SOXX:'

Without actually seeing your code, that is as far as I think anyone could help.
S2 licensed
Quote from manza47 :
Just the only thing I need is to figure out how I can connect the workplace to work properly.

I was asking about this ^^
S2 licensed
And that ^^ was what I was getting at

Quote from Psysim :
<= -118 and >= -119

I may be wrong, im half asleep... but they are the wrong way around? Oh, and '/ 196608' that you underlined it correct, it belongs there. You are deviding into meters I believe.

Good job... and good luck!

And as in work place you mean track?
S2 licensed
yeah, I knew / 196608 was ok, it was the other bit i was looking at....

It looked like (at the time) he had inverted his '<' and '>' resulting in everywhere but that location. I was half asleep when I was reading it.
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :65536

I stand corrected. I was never sure which was correctly a meter, but I know the other is used throughout most peoples applications.

Like MadCatX, I also smell more fail code than is being presented....
S2 licensed
all im going to say is, i think you wanted....

<= -118 and >= -119

I may be wrong, im half asleep... but they are the wrong way around? Oh, and '/ 196608' that you underlined it correct, it belongs there. You are deviding into meters I believe.
S2 licensed
Oh my god, a demo user posted something on the forums, first lets pick every inch of it to bits, then lets be real prick and get the flame throwers out....

really, if it does not intrest you, why all the negativity? If its not your cup of tea, dont be a tosser about it, move on to the next thread.
S2 licensed
And rwd sadly only 1wd too
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Or just read this:

If not, try something called Piriform CCleaner, it gives you the ability to pick what starts when Windows logs in and is very easy to use. It also contain other tools that will help with the performance of your PC.

Another thing you can do, that often helps with performance and removal of software that you were not aware of is combofix which repairs many errors and removes a lot of usless data. Make sure you only get combofix from bleeping computer as there are many 'not so good' copys.
S2 licensed
There is a correct way to shift gears when dealing with front and rear gears, you should try to keep the chain in a straight line, as it helps to prevent the chain from flexing, over flexing will cause the chain to strecth prematurely, which in turn causes un-even ware on the sprockets. Your chain should be checked regually for chain stretch, most cycle stores offer this service for free.

This guide answer most questions. ... o-bicycle-gears-shifting/

Oh, you should know if your chain is stretched beyond reasonable function, every time you stand to pedal up a hill, the chain slips, and you squeak for a while!
S2 licensed
Now really, don't be a pathetic 'im looking for a reason to flame' tard. When you asked to see my desktop I knew it was going to be a reason to do exactly that. Reason? because if I didn't, I would have TeamSpeak (yes I do use it) coming out of the speakers with the LFS sound thats on a second sound card, enough of an answer? I would assume you have audio drivers....

Really, your being a ****tard!
S2 licensed
Yes, I think we were posting/editing at the same time!

More would always be good, as long as its quality, as long as the mentality is 'looking for a simulator' rather than 'looking for a game'. It would just be nice to think people find LFS while looking for a simulation rather than a game as I think it encourages a more serious attitude.
S2 licensed
Quote from rpmmatt :Are you one of those people who refuse to drive a car unless the air vents are all lined up exactly?

What were you expecting? A desktop smotherd with rubbish? If I had posted such a thing, I am sure you would of smacked me in the face with it. I use this PC souly for LFS. And to answer the questing, no, the direction of the vents would not bother me one bit, a load of rubbish in the footwell would

fair enough you like the clutter, thats your choice, I don't see the desktop of my LFS rig, it loads LFS on start and thats all it does, for all my other needs, I have other PC's. I will admit, I build a desk for racing, so the PC is not really suitable for day to day use, no place (other than my lap) for a keyboard or mouse. Yes, its just different views and choices of use, I'll put my hand up and say that desktop does not reflect my other PC's, but i still keep them fairly trim.

I am not sure what the limit of my FPS is, I have never really tried in LFS, I limited it to 50, although we can see at approx 100fps (aparently) I guess it comes down to not pushing everything at full speed.
Last edited by Psysim, .
S2 licensed
Nice, refreshing and different, makes a change from the normal. Again, im not keen on stills in videos, but all the same, nice job!
S2 licensed
Not really, but could you be more specific, Desk desktop or Windows desktop? And I would assume the computer I use for LFS? I am not even going to question why, out of sheer morbid curiosity, ok...

Edit: I made the assumpton, you wanted to see the desktop of my LFS setup, well not much to see, but here it is....
Last edited by Psysim, .
S2 licensed
Quote from rpmmatt :You can easily have Steam sold games and LFS website sales kept seperate, without impacting the game or separating the community.

Thanks for clearing that up, I understood different tbh, but never mind.

I don't want to knock what you said too much, but I think Steam and Independent are a contradiction in terms. I still worry for the exposure of lfs to a less serious following, afterall, lfs users overall, when on track (in s2 at least) are quite respectful and take it as the serious simulator(/me thanks the devs) that it is. That is a 'change' I wouldn't like to see.
S2 licensed
Well its just my opinion. Oh and my signature is just a dig at some people on this forum, I think you misunderstood it. I don't think the steam idea is ever going to happen anyway. Its not about sturing in the forums either, its more about the fact that people don't read a thread.... people assume, I never said anything about low spec pc's, I never said anyone didn't have a right to an opinion either.....

You knock me for compairing 400 fps on blackwoods to 200 on southcity, it was clearly ballpark and making a little correction on the 400 to 0, but I don't see that being knocked.

It would make lfs different to how it was when I paid for it, which would disapoint me deeply, one thing that was attractive about it was the lack of need for anything else, it runs independently and that is nice. I think it would be a sellout to put lfs on steam as much as it could be if it was sold to a large game developer.
S2 licensed
Quote from rpmmatt : Stop using your pentium III's guys and get with the times.

That would be an assumption, and a very wrong one at that, if you read, its not about what the pc has, its about not wasting what the pc has, its like turning a light off in a room your not using. As you have said, you can and are using lfs with steam, congrats, hope your happy! I don't feel the rest of us should be FORCED to use it when its obviously avalible as an extra. I can see some advantages to it.... if your into that kind of thing, but if your like me, not into msn, xfire, steam and all the other extras, its just a thorn in your side.

So lets say the poll should of been 'Keep Steam optional' or 'Make steam compulsary'... havin said that, I would still vote with 'optional' rather than compulsary. So lfs works with steam features like overlay, problem solved, steam not required!
S2 licensed
And on that bomb shell...

I think you just confirmed you petty stupidity!

From 400 fps on black woods demo could be 200 fps on southcity with 32 cars and a layout. Like I said, you wouldn't know until you have tried it....

A full grid can be a nightmare, 32 cars all in the same place.... what an FPS leach! drawing 32 cars is a little differen to what? 15 is it on demo? I notice the fps drop at a race start.
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Yeah, totally not, not even at all </sarcasm>

I would like to think you have something to back up your insinuation that I am using a cracked copy of windows! Quite frankly, insinuating such a thing is imo simply pathetic, grow up. Your a prime example of the kind of bannana burning ignorance this forums does not need. Your also commenting on something which your knowllage could only be limited as, well lets see....

On demo...
You don't get 32 cars on track
You don't get some 500 physics objects
You only have a very FPS happy blackwoods....

So to be 100% blunt, your comments are totally void until you have seen the effect the above have on your games performance and fps. Really, do some reasearch and stop being a child!
S2 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :Or if you have a PC with more than 256mb of ram.

I have more than 256mb of ram, I just don't see the point in wasting any of it on applications I don't want. And well if people are going to complain about a promise (vws) not made to them, why shouldn't a few people be annoyed if the specification of lfs changes? I don't see how turning off windows updates makes my comments usless? maybe you didn't read my posts, I aim for performance, I can update when I want by turning it off.

tbh, this forum can turn in to a tardfest of flamers and trolls easly, and I think steam would perpetuate the situation, I simply don't think steam users are mature enough as a whole to deal with a bunch of senisitve banna burners, cencorship is already too laid back and this could create a mountain for forum mods to deal with.

E.Reiljans, learn why people turn windows updates off before you make a usless comment, and no, its not because of a cracked copy.

If your gonna sell out, in for a penny in for a pound? Do it properly... or don't do it at all!
Last edited by Psysim, .
S2 licensed
Quote from lemming77 :Add a shortcut to your game to the Steam client, and it won't download anything as long as you launch the game from Steam's shortcut. That's the only way to do it.

Well that just sold steam to me, really it did (can you smell the sarcasm) as you have to add current games to stop it updating? I still don't want it, lfs is not broken, it does not need fixing. The day we get all mixed up with steam users will be the death of driving standards. And tbh, if LFS was on steam, I would not of brought it, I tried steam and my opinion of it was 'what a pile of steaming crap', I found LFS looking for a 'racing simulator' on google, a search engine that (most)retards seem unable to use(thank god) so yeah, why not get a neon sign for the kids on steam and turn lfs into a tardfest.
S2 licensed
When LFS starts or a steam game? It seems not bs, it stops when you start a steam game. Steam is still a bs program.
S2 licensed
I can't say anything would sway me towards a yes, I spent my time removing unwanted software from my pc so that it works better when gaming, I never have liked the idea of third party software being required to run the game. I removed msn, java updates, turned off windows updates, removed whistles and bells and aimed for optimum performance. Too often I see people lagging like crazy on servers and I ask 'are you using torrents or something' to which the answer is oftern 'no, steam or java was updating'....

Steam is ok if your someone who does not feel that minimum is maximum.
S2 licensed
Yeah, I think Flame is on the money, all the others are very alike in concept, and i won't knock it, all my ideas were about the same. Hard job, good work Flame!

The best I came up with, not much different to other ideas...