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Quote from TRKAC :I guess it is hard for you to comprehend what i am talking about.I think i was clear but ok you dont need to worry about all that

Edit: I see, you want them to make the interface simpler.
Last edited by pärtan, .
S3 licensed
Quote :-I would like to see a cockpit view made for people with wheels
since I have a wheel I dont want to see the wheel and hands in the game,there is an option to turn that off but it looks ugly that way

As you said, there is an option to turn the hands and wheels off. I don't know how it could look better without a wheel.

Quote :I would like a camera closer to windshiled so i can only see the gaudges
BUT with FOV of 90

You can adjust the camera position, camera angle, FOV and loads of other things in options -> view

I don't really know what you were suggesting with this topic tho.
S3 licensed
Not trying to sound negative or anything. I think it would be cool with some better mirrors. However, LFS is "so damn realistic" because stuff like this isn't a priority. So you basically answered your own suggestion.
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S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Maybe also add a reflectivity slider to the rims? When the reflectivity is at full you get chrome (no diffuse color, just the reflectivity map) and when it's at 0 you get no reflectivity map and just the diffuse colour (matte).
S3 licensed
Quote from Feffe85 :Then just change it so that you have the controll over the volume of all the cars on the track, but still they change their own sounds? ^^

But a big part of changeing your own sounds is to adjust the header mix, collector mix and tail mix which all at 0 results in no sound at all.
S3 licensed
I like the idea. It brings up a whole new category of LFS trolling though. Users who either lower all there sounds so they can't be heard or the people who just slide everything up to max.
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S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :When I asked about that section when open configs came,Scawen said it needs a track update,so it's not that simple as just removing the walls.

However scawend asked for offroad sections which people would like to have the collisions activated for.

And I support the idea. I've thought that it would be cool to open some of the available roads on this track too.
S3 licensed
skins reaching over window I agree fully with Can be used either for tinting or for decals etc. I also think that this could be extended over the headlights and tail lights so that you could for instance smoke your tail lights (to a certain extent) or put some electric tape over your headlights.
S3 licensed
Quote from stanza6 :I am kind of aware that LFS IS a R A C I N G simulator, But I am really using it to teach people driving, in India. it's making a world of a difference to our communities.

Inside of that we are looking to add a lot of road signs. I have LYTE and have seen the Layout Editing Options, but where can I add or modify the signs.

My objects folder has a few very low res images. Can someone please help? Thank You.

Stanley Ravi

Like MadCat said. You can replace the DDS files of the existing signs. There are quite a few new signs added with 0.6b which makes perfect candidates for replacing.

That's the texture you're looking for. You can replace each of those signs with a desired indian road sign. I would advice to put "mirrorable" signs on the arrows because I think they come with flipped editions ingame.;29412

That link will get you to a DDS converter with which you can save a DDS file.
Replace the file called under data/dds in the LFS folder.
S3 licensed
Quote from logan2611 :How about all of you idiots SHUT UP

Those are all games which somewhat feature what you're suggesting so basically, the "idiots" are trying to help you out by finding you the right game for your needs.
S3 licensed
My impressions of Shift 2 weren't very good. All though I didn't really try Shift 2 that much. The steering was laggy first thing that happened. Also my impressions of Shift 2 might have been somewhat coloured by Shift 1 which was complete shit in many aspects. So reading that this "C.A.R.S" will be based of the Shift 2 makes me wonder whether this will be any good.
S3 licensed
What ^ said.

Most serious LFS movies seen today are somewhat professionally edited because people learn from editing there LFS videos. LFS have a nice replay mode currently as it is too so I'm also gonna disagree with this idea.
S3 licensed
Back on topic. I've got another perspective on this. I'm going to divide the LFS community into two factions. Cruisers and racers. I know however that there are people that do drifting and people that do a little bit of everything (such as myself) but hear me out.

Consider that the cruisers got there own game, mod or whatever you want to call it. It would feature speed limits, road laws and such to an even further extent then the cruising in LFS today. Cruising in LFS at the moment is still somewhat a semi-racing style cruising. You're still cruising along a race track (Maybe not after the recent patches with open configurations but that doesn't matter). Many people actually do follow the racing line in between the different obstacles placed out and do so in a high pace. I'd call this "Semi cruising".

Now to the point. If LFS as a game were to be divided into two separate games; pure racing and pure cruising, then all the people who used to enjoy "semi-racing" along a cruising layout would start turning towards the pure racing servers. All the full time "Semi-cruisers" would turn into part time pure racers and part time pure cruisers. So this hypothetical mod could be a good thing for the racing side of LFS.

About the "giving away source code". That doesn't have to happen since you don't need to alter the actual core of LFS in order to make a version with content more focused towards cruising.
Last edited by pärtan, .
S3 licensed
Quote from racer autov8 :Nothing.

usefull post is usefull
S3 licensed
Well, you're not the first one. Right now the AI doesn't care about other cars. They simply drive along the line. I agree with you though. Would be nice if the AI atleast would brake for other cars in front of them or drive around them.
S3 licensed
Quote from cris12821 :yea you ****ing homos. I did pirate my version and I'm glad I did because the users for this game are ****ing faggots and the game honestly sucks,just pasess time well. This is why MANY pure 100% online games our not well known. Because people never ****ing listen and take into consideration other peoples ideas. Instead you people just put them down and make them feel miserable.

Heres a ****ing hint for you. When someone gives u an idea,wether or not u like it, you should always try there idea because what if there right and what they said was true, now u dissed them and bullshitted them because u were to airigant to take it into concideration.

PS. CAREER ISNT TUNING SHIT AND RACING ONLINE U ****S. It is something that u have a goal to. A mechanic/does his job to help people stay safe in there vehicles. Racing games with Career are things so u can become the best driver with the most money and coolest car.

u ****ign morons cant know shit bc u ****s dont even ****ing know what a CAREER IS. Good job pissing me off. You selfish ignorant ****s


S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Is this the feeding troll thread?

It would be if he was trolling, in this case he's not.

LFS isn't here to attract as many people as possible for Scavier to earn as much cash as possible. Many people did the same mistake as you to bring up mainstream populatiry as an argument for adding more stuff to LFS. Thing is, popularity isn't what LFS is about. LFS is about simulating driving and that's it. There is no point in turning every single game into a Gran Turismo 5 is there. If every single racing game were in the very same "optimal" mode with career, car mods, >9000 cars etc there wouldn't be any variety to the market. If then someone were to dislike that concept and would just like to simply drive, then there wouldn't be an LFS like sim for that person to turn to. You have to realize what role LFS have in the racing game market. It sure isn't to become the biggest title.
S3 licensed
Quote from Psysim :Adjustable mirrors too, as we all like them set differently when driving a real car.

Problem about that is that with the current mirror system there is no need for adjustable mirrors. LFS mirrors doesn't work like real mirrors. They work more like monitors with a camera facing backwards. The position of the eye doesn't affect what you see in the mirror. If LFS had realistic reflections in the mirrors however this would be really cool but then again, that would suck so much computer.

+1 to the ability to see the car in the mirrors though.
S3 licensed
Quote from cris12821 :It's 2011 and almost 2012 and Ino this game isnt that old so this game should have MANY new cars like race cars and stuff there is like none right now.

LFS is focused on a core mechanic and handling physics found in no other game up to date. It's also being developed by 3 people. That's why new cars aren't constantly being fed into the game. You already have 16 vehicles with whatever gear ratios you want. There might be few cars but they sure are variated and they cover many different classes and types.

The part where you said; simpler setup editing.. No offence but I would like to slap you for that. Don't take it personally. LFS has the absolute best setup modifying in history with a simple interface, the right options and it's just so fast and handy.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Stig PL :Nordschleife would kill tyres in 2 laps but only in LFS we could feel real flames from the "Green Hell"

I agree with above. Either in LFS or at the real thing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Trader2005 :And secondly, NoGripRacing, has an individual who found a way to directly mimic the driving behavior in IRacing for rFactor, before recent update, which pretty closely mimics the driving behavior in LFS.

Pics or it didn't happen.

And with pics I mean links
S3 licensed
DFGT might be cheaper. but I'd still go for the logitech G25/G27 wheels. Only wheel I had for the PC is the G25. It's been holding up nicely for over 2 years. It makes some sounds at certain angles but it's nothing that bothers me. I've opened all the components up and reassembled them to do certain mods such as reversing the pedal mount. (Easy on the G25) and increasing the shifters resistance.

I've heard a-lot about people complaining about the G25/G27 quality and it's been pretty negative. I however haven't felt any of this. I feel that the G25 is of good quality and like I said. Still running after 2 years (I'm not easy on the wheel. I use high force-feedback and agressive wheeling, especially when drifting)

People complain about the G25/G27 having a high deadzone, this is fixed my sliding the profiler force-feedback up to roughly 102% (not 100%) and then adjusting the force feedback trough the game.

Biggest reason to why I picked the G25 is that I really wanted the H-pattern shifter and the clutch. Another reason is that the shifter is a loose component so that I can mount it in waist level. My driving position is pretty similar to that of a real car and that is what makes the G25 / G27 great.

Hope you found this fast write-up helpful.