I agree entirely. While selling LFS to some of my friends this has been one of the things I've mentioned. It's a very community supportive game with how easy it is to browse servers, how quick and pain free it is to join a server.
I also love the easy to use ingame chat, great spectator controls, free view. And how trough voting a group of friends can control an empty server to an extent. And also the added benefit of insim programs to spice things up.
Relax lol. He's not calling anyone specific an idiot. He's just saying that there may or may not be idiots (griefers) who try to ruin the experience for others and thus there are safety protocols put in place to protect those who don't want their experience ruined by undefined idiots. Take what you want from it.
Cool idea. Maybe a function to "record" a race-line from driving a lap yourself.
I love the horizon view! It makes the driving feel more alive so to speak. While this has been availible as an addon for quite a while it's nice to see it make its way into the game officially.
Interesting idea however redundant. If someone wanted to rip off a setup and claim it as their own it doesn't take more than a few minutes to copy each variable in that setup by hand. (you can do it in under a minute even if you can keep a few numbers in your head at once)
A better idea is, if you don't want people to use your setup or say its theirs, don't give it to them.
It's advertised as a racing game, yet it can be used in whatever way the game mechanics allow. And I'm just gonna point this out. A higher amount of cruise or drift servers (or whatever else) are not responsible for the lack of racing servers. The one and only problem here is that not enough people who want to race are active in the game.
That is if the visual mesh has any effect at all on the mass distribution of the car. I don't think that's the case because otherwise that would have been listed as a problem with the VOB mods, so far I've only heard about collider box issues.
This isn't a request. It's more of a cool idea which I just thought I'd share and maybe someone will find it interesting enough to take it on.
The concept is a "Render my skin" on steroids where a LFS replay or live driving could be used to bake a blender animation with coordinates and rotations. I'm not sure how much data you have at your disposal with insim but at least you have access to a frame-by-frame location and rotation of the vehicles, right? (if you can access the steering angle and wheel rotation speeds (and suspension travel stuff) that would obviously help as well.)
Another interesting thing is that as far as I know both inSim and Blender share Python as their coding language, and they both encourage to use this coding aspect in as creative ways as possible.
So the idea boils down to a program which would update the position of Blender objects based on the positions of LFS cars (and maybe even autocross objects). Maybe it doesn't even have to be a program but can run entirely from Blender.
This could be used to render animations of LFS driving with elaborated scenery, models and effects.
Again I'm not asking anyone to do this, I'm merely sharing the idea so take what you want from it!