who usually decides who is at fault in real racing? its like a body of people i cant remember the name of though theres probably lots of them for each type of racing, usually you get some drivers fighting or arguing after an incident but i dont think they decide who was at fault do they? i would think that both drivers would have their own views on what happened and only a lot of people who have no bias can really decide those things. and are some just said to be a racing incident and noone is actually "to blame"?
as for racing sim specific slang, im too fresh under the collar to know that much. however...
WR = world record
PB = personal best
LFSW = LFS world, the website, that should definately be in your favourites. See link http://www.lfsworld.net/
XFR = XF GTR, those are all pretty much self explanitory same as the tracks (eg BL= blackwood) youll learn those pretty quick.
firstly, does running in windowed mode reduce FPS? I almost always run my games in full screen because of this. I also like to have the graphics go up to the edge of my monitor to get rid of the border. but...
i like to use MSN Messenger but I find when I have LFS in full screen mode I cant hear or see any messages.
is there a way to force LFS to allow background to show through, so when I see someone log on and the window on the task bar (above the clock) pops up, itll appear in the game for a split second?
Then i will know if someone has logged on, or sent me a message and i can shift F4...
Stupid request i know but my friends think im ignoring them when im playing.
DRT isnt that clear of this stuff either, my mate got banned off there so we set up our own server only to find a DRT guy come on our server and ask players to join their server. That was kinda funny, i didnt say anything though, well i have now
there needs to be some way to mark the server where an admin picks the start grid because im not sure that would go so well on public servers where admins tend to do what they personally want not what everyone wants. Something in the server list.
is it possible to make the game dump .bmp files into a folder using print screen key?
i played a game that let you do that. you just go to the folder and there are a tonne of .bmp files there for you to look at, or do a slideshow or something.
i dont know how the game used to dump the files into a folder though. (didnt need to paste into a paint program).
aye but a car wheel + pedals is a human interface just like a keyboard, in a way you are sitting up straight staring at a windscreen. its not that far off.
well on pedals you can hold the brake at half pressure...
or 1/4 pressure. or just lightly rest your foot on it for as long as you want. its analogue so there is more control from it, keys are like digital on/off switch. with pedals youre using your feet, which is never easy, but you learn hand/eye/foot coordination eventually. being a driver i already use my feet on pedals so using my handss to accel / brake was never confortable in the first place.
at first i was slower with the wheel as i got used to it. but now i am beating my PB and also being way more consistent than I used to. for example. i would sometimes do a 1:54 and regularly do 2:00 times on my joypad. now i can get a 1:54 and regularly do 1:56 laptimes. so it is faster overall. now i can do back to back attempts at PBs. but i was using a joypad which was twitchy as hell.
oh yeah drifting is like 10x harder, thats for sure, but it sure is a good excercise workout. i heard if you turn off feedback and reduce the degrees you wheel turns its ok but i havent tried it.
just trust in the fact that in a real car is there isnt an A and Z key.
i didnt play it myself but was motor city online like that, i just heard of the game after they had already binned the project for lack of interest, and it sounded itneresting.
but there is only 1 way to learn how to react to the fastest guys on the net and thats to be out there and get lapped in the thick of it but everyone else is too fast with the banning that it probably makes it harder for the people who really do want to learn and try their best to be clean and follow flag rules.
how about some kind of Warning system for admins.
"Player has received first warning!!! next incident will result in a ban!!!"
or the Sin Bin thing, where players can be put in a quarantine but can still type, i dont know.
we did after this happened because it was that or back to the demo. except im not a good driver so how is he going to learn to react. how do you learn to make the first corner with 2 cars illepall
whining is the only thing someone can do if they get banned off of the only rally x server in the list.
i tried to show him offline but the AI just rams you off the road, it doesnt teach you how to react to being lapped.... it doesnt teach you how to race online.
If you dont want to read about it how about admins make a point of not doing it, so the threads dont happen, you can tell me this Tweak, but you cant tell every single newbie this can you? if you want to stop these threads, telling people after they posted them is not the way. how about some rules for admins, like there is for drivers on the road.
yes this is online gaming, and you get bad admins, thanks for explaining that one.
yeah i learnt my lesson before, i went about it the wrong way that i know now. but i will continue to make these threads because new guys are treated like crap and until they arnt these threads will still happen. i havent posted about servers i havent had issues with, only the so-called servers that hold the "good racers" who aparantly are fast but treat new people like crap. if an admin wants to do whatever they want in their domain they should expect the flak from it too, just like the users of that server get the flak from them.
why should a player walk away banned for not being fast enough or good enough, and the admin sit there on the server acting cocky with his mates laughing at the fact that another newbie just got banned, har har. no.
this time i got the replay, this time i didnt get angry. and this time i made a point.
well is there some way to mark your server to say NO new people allowed? because its unfair to just ban someone off of the only rallyx server in the list. just because you think youre all too good to be practicing with new guys doesnt mean they deserve a ban. how about an explaination before u ban them? i think you are sticking up for him because hes your team mate, definately.
edit: i watched a replay of league racing, not rally cross i must admit, but on the track people got lapped too, being lapped is a part of motorsport, i dont think in formula 1 people get banned for starting out and not braking records.