ok so im told if i come post here im going to get flamed.
what the hell, like i care about this game anymore by now..........and no matter what i say here is wrong.
im really beginning to think this game is all about arguing, bickering, and generall being arseholes to each other every night.
i was racing on the noobs server all night, i was told these guys are friendly, fun, and i would be guaranteed a good time there if i go.
so i spent all night racing with them, having fun with them, like 4 or 5 hours straight. it was really good.
so, the evening is drawing to a close and a couple of people are leaving, but obviously theres like 5 or 6 people left on the server including noobs. the race finishes and were hanging around and im clicking restart every 20 seconds waiting.
so i just chill knowing that itll start soon. so, were still hanging around when me and this other noobs club racer go off up the track the wrong way, and i hit this guy called Tweak who is doing some WR or something.
this guy called "I hate this game" starts laying into me, i guess he saw me as a target because of my previous posts here, judging by his username. and obviously he wants to get into Tweaks trousers so he started picking on me.
im guessing this "noobs" server was a trap for me or something.
well it worked, you pissed me off to the point where i come here and do exactly what you said i would do. post on the forums about what happened.
you made me wait ages and never restarted the race, you wound me up to the point i just tried to crash into you and then i got banned.
my experience of the noobs server.
and this game as a whole.
something i am deeply regreting.