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S2 licensed
I recently got the LFS add on called BeSpoke and had some great fun putting new wheels on the XFG XRG XRT. The ones I chose werent ricey, just nice polygons and worked well inside LFS for replays. But when you change the .rim file it changes them all to the same graphic. So after a race or so I just got used to the new .rim file and realised that it was more hastle to do it, but I kept it for special screenshots or replay moments.

I think I just want to see some variation on the track, however minor, so 2 or 3 rim types would be nice too, in my opinion. Sports rims 2 peice so it looks racey and shows a little bit of individuality between the cars.

I guess thats a +1 from me then. Is it? Did I agree or not? Dunno!
S2 licensed
Quote from kurent :Or you do as the tutorial says and tick 2-sided in the render tab.

Ooooh thanks. I saved the file with all the boxes ticked now so I did it the hard way but this is a good tip that I didnt read properly in the tutorial.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I read the post fine. So fine in fact, that I did not realise it had all these errors in. Possibly this is because I am as dyslexic as the original poster, although when my doctor tested for dysxlexia she just said 'nah - I think you're just thick'... . lol.

Anyway regarding slip into a corner, am I the only one who just cant drive LFS that precisely all the time. I mean somtimes I can, some cars/tracks/setups etc, but quite often I approach corners knowing what I want to do, but what actually happens is at the turn in points I react to whatever the car decides it is going to do in order to get around the bend.

I put this down to a lack of feeling from the drivers seat, i'm more consistent in real life - I swear! lol.

For me, I can only really do it at south city, I just practice a lot there and know my braking points well there. (remember, dont use shadows or other peoples skid marks as braking points they change!). I usually aim for the same consistent line but try to push my braking points and shift the weight of the car more to get it to go over and the back end can step out a little bit. Little mini scandinavian flicks on tarmac, in my head. Did that even make sense...LOL

Sorry to hear about your cat.

Quote from Bob Smith :Heh. I mean it's all very fine and dandy telling someone 5 degrees is best, you might as well not bother.

When approaching a corner do you think:

a) I'm going to take this corner at precisely 63.5mph while maintaining an optimal 4.5 degress slip angle feathering the throttle to 65% at the slightly-late apex


b) hooolllld ooonnn!!!


I suspect more the latter than the former

I guess this depends on how many laps you have done in the car at that circuit, wether youre making a pass and are on the inside line, or sometimes just as a little surprise because of loss of concentration. I usually find that under braking i'll put a wheel on the dirt making my braking distance much longer and putting the car sideways and then it's a crazy dorifto with dip, while going into the corner.
Last edited by richy, .
S2 licensed
Quote from LineR32 :Your missing the parcel shelf Richy, the only way you'd be missing it is if you've selected those polys and hidden or deleted them, or changed the meterial of it to glass.

Figured out what I am doing wrong.

Basically the materials that I selected for different car peices needed to be ticked as 2-sided. XR_interior1 and interior2 were the main culprits. Followed by mirrors and seats and some other things. Once 2 sided is there it makes the object more complete.

See the latest render I did, this time it took longer to create it since I have some shadows and lighting working. I am enjoying doing this stuff I hope I can learn how to do all the good stuff eventually.
Last edited by richy, . Reason : added picture
S2 licensed
A bit of slipping can really help at South City, it's good for getting you lined up for a nicer view of the apex (barrier) and the exit point of the corner, allowing for more speed on exit. Understeering in some of those corners loses tonnes of time where as a little oversteer gives you more room for error. Slamming the breaks on at top speed and shifting the weight of the car can get the back end to step out a little helping you to glide round the corner.
S2 licensed
definately S2.
S2 licensed
Heres a little update.

I am still stuck on a few things. This "gap" in the rear window that lets the wheel show through, I need to fill that somehow.

And the brake discs are square, I need to make them round to fit with my new wheels.

And the reflections make it look a little too bright.

Lighting is still pretty weird to me, like, it just makes everything black. Going hunting for more tutorials on other stuff...
S2 licensed
Quote from kurent :I agree, that's why I included ALL the cars in my tutorial! The "" contains all the cars of LFS. How are you not getting this?

LOL I just found them obj files and then realised. Sorry!!
S2 licensed
Quote from kurent :richy I thought you figured this out already. The link to the obj files in my tutorial are the obj files that were converted with the py script!

I want to do the other cars too. Trying to get the py script to work so I can convert them but no luck so a pack with all the cars in would be cool.
S2 licensed
Quote from yamakawa :@ImportFantasy

another one, Rodeo drift
if i will do it..... leg cramps!

Very nice and original look to that render, well done sir.
S2 licensed
Does anyone have a copy of the .rar files pack from earlier links, I can't seem to get that download to work off of the link. The one with all the converted cmx in it all ready. My script .py file isnt working with the version of blender that i'm trying to use. I have signed up on that web site too but when I try to download it, I just get page cannot be displayed...


Once I have those I can try out this awesome tutorial.
S2 licensed
Your tutorial is great it has got me started on 3ds max, I am sure with some more time I can do a lot more!

Here is what I finished with, unfinished but still got some .dds files that I had downloaded for in LFS that I used with some different brake discs. I kinda just decided to split up the layers into new layers so I could add different maps to it.

I turned the wheel a bit to make it look like its posing lol.

Things that I still need to do (which is probably obvious) are:

1) Make the tyres black. I can't figure out how to do this. and add a LFS tyre wall with logo.
2) I would like to put an image on X Y and Z plane so it looks like a background, or a floor or something other than floating in space.
3) I would like to get some real reflections going on. Lighting sounds complicated but I would like some ripples type reflections.
4) A shadow under the car.
5) Some custom grills on the places where the skin is very small, do I just do this bit with photoshop?

Anyways, thanks again for the tutorial and help, hope you think I did ok so far!
S2 licensed
I am reading this part of the tutorial; "In this tutorial we will use only the bare 3ds Max 9 and .obj files for cars which we will import. I have converted the .cmx files used by LFS with another modelling program called Blender and CMX2OBJ v0.0 conversion script made by Tom De Muer."

I am going to try and get this so I can make the things to put in the dials and stuff, I think this is what the tutorial is asking me to do with; "It's time to sort out the other materials, if you haven't done so already.", at the bottom of the page.

I've managed to get the brake calipers all sorted.

Ah hang on can I add the dds from my LFS folder... /me goes searching......
S2 licensed
I need a cmx importer for 3ds max 9, does the old one work from that wiki guide, it says for versions 5 and 6. I've not done anything like this before, not even for photoshop. Just downloaded some fonts and patterns lol.

This is a plugin for 3ds max 9 right, so it says on this thread that the DLI file needs to go in my plugins folder. Do I need to extract the other stuff or is that just for the SDK / coder guys?

This will then allow me to import the missing CMX into 3ds max 9 which will have the colours and dials and things on it?

Edit: I extracted the DLI file but the plugin doesnt appear to work in 3ds max 9. How do I import the interior cmx and the lights CMX and the bit of the body that is white im guessing that is missing a CMX too...
Last edited by richy, .
S2 licensed
Quote from kurent :03 - Default is the default name 3ds Max gives to materials. So maybe you applied the material to that part by mistake? Either way, there are two pictures with all of the objects and the corresponding dds in the tutorial.

Ok this two pictures thing is what im missing I think.

Here is where i've got to, it's taken a while with dinner and stuff inbetween.

I've got invisible things, like the mirrors are invisible, and bits inside the rear window are invisible.

I mapped s_clocks too but it comes up black, as you can see from the interior shot. I can't seem to find the dashboard properly.

Am I missing the default XRT skin or something?

Also, the tyres look very white too, like, I have the textures in but no graphic or colour...
Last edited by richy, .
S2 licensed
Yeah I figured out that I didn't refresh that list so I didnt see the dds on the mapping thing, ok now.

My new problem is getting rid of the white borders around the windows and lights ...

I have been right clicking and finding out which dds is for which by looking at the filename like the guide describes. I have some called 03 default that im not sure what to map there...
Last edited by richy, .
S2 licensed
I've gotten to this stage now where I add all the little details for the interior and windows, but I can't remember what I just did to repeat for this. I am a bit confused as it is .dds files where as it was a jpg before and when I do it I can't see the window. I think I will try on the lights first as I think I missed a step.

Ok I remembered and am making slow progress.

New pic...
Last edited by richy, .
S2 licensed
Thanks, giving it a go now. Currently no problems just slow to learn. I am going step by step and will let you see the finished XRT.
S2 licensed
That is a funny replay.

S2 licensed
Heres a little XFG skin for you all to use if you wish, nothing much, just a little nostalgia. Sorry if this has been done before. :haha:

It's uploaded already, use as you wish.
S2 licensed
I would love to see a full grid of sedgeways.

S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :...I find that the worst post since Cr!ticalDri!ft. ...

I thought it was pretty good advice.

It's quite chilled out, a nice break from racing, in the garden. And you can surprise your grandma which is better than any race win.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :You most likely think wrong.

S3 is supposed to be the last stage.

Awwwww I hope not. :yikes:
S2 licensed
I think it is S4.
S2 licensed
Blueflame you havent got any p.b's for AS Grand Prix, Grand Touring, Historic or many reverse configs there, so how can you comment on Aston, when really you are commenting on AS Nat which is 1 config in itself. I sincerely hope you have raced all those configs offline otherwise you might sound stupid.

Think about T1 of AS Nat, this is the first corner on the circuit which is neither flat out nor is it a hairpin. The chicane, is not a hairpin or flatout. Come on man, think a bit before speaking.