It's not the chicanes that are the problem, they are just chicanes, you get big ones, small ones, slow ones fast ones, all sorts, they are specific features of the tracks. try looking at the damage model aero model and surface grip or the curbs or the other million suggested improvements like dirt or rubber on the track that are the inaccuracies of a racing sim. how about the dirt on the tyre model is this 100% acurate? or the marbles the wear and tear on the car the countless other reasons why drivers in real life have to slow and we dont. thats all it is. this doesnt mean we cant replicate them as best we can for now and hope as upgrades go on the need to take care will increase.
its like an RPG game or something where someone says, I am quitting the game, and everyone turns round and says, can I have your stuff?
don't get wound up by cheats, just carry on as normal since the guy will soon get bored of LFS with no challenge there, they only cheat themselves. if you get beaten by a cheat then take it as a compliment, he had to cheat. this is worth tonnes more glory than even winning the race. same goes for cutters, wall hacks and aimbot!!!!1111oneeleven.
just enjoy lfs your way and dont let the cheater win by making you quit lol.
So the topic called "Remove all chicanes" is not about removing all chicanes. Okay, what planet are you on? The guy is complaining about chicanes not making him slow enough yet at the same time he wants to go fast because the game is called Live for speed.
Where in the definition of chicane, does it say it can't be after a corner or before a corner (since it's in reverse). Where in the definition of chicane does it say must make you go slower than a 90 degree corner, which is also pretty fast in LFS, hence the "so you want to remove all corners too" comments.
Since you named a lot of the chicanes already, try AS cadet, AS club FE club or any of the chicanes without lifting off, braking or adjusting your line to get through it, do this in the FZR.
Oh right you just realised that slower cars are going flat out but the faster cars cant. Nice one!
Why do you think people cut, why do you think there is barriers there, because people are driving OFF the track to get better times.
The guy is quite clearly eluding to remove all chicanes, maybe you should re-read it?
LFS has many different types of chicanes, slow and fast. All require a line and steering to get through, braking before a chicane means the chicane is doing its job.
Also try those chicanes flat out IN REVERSE CONFIG?
Yeah it's a bit bright isnt it, I think I have it on 100% with a black and white graphic so the white is showing too much...
Im still toying with the reflections, I think I might make a new reflection map since the one I have is too detailed and has water in it so the ripples look weird. I want more defined reflections, simple yet effective.
Thank you for the help, i'm sure I will be back with more questions.
Ok I think this tyre wall thing is definately because of it being too close to the actual tyre, I moved them very slightly and no more problems.
Lighting is still hard, my reflections are too strong on the windows yet too weak on the body, need more tweaking and stuff to get it right I think. Everytime I add lights it goes too dark or too bright and always looks best with just 1 skylight.
Heres a little picture of my hot hatch scene.
Havent really figured out much with the environment....
Q1) When I crop the brake discs, it stretches the .dds to fit the original polys, I guess I need to edit this whole object.... ?
Ah nice thanks Ian, went over to the nvidia site and downloaded the thumbnail viewer and WTV (which it says is good for viewing textures with alpha channels).
Edit: This is the link to the tools section on nvidia for anyone who is looking for this same previews, dds plug ins for photoshop etc. etc.
I can see the previews of the .dds as I open them in photoshop and 3ds max but I just wondered if it was possible to get windows to do a little preview thumbnail like for jpgs or bmps... if not I will just use the program I am editing in.
Q1) Is there a way to get windows to preview a .dds file for me instead of needing to view it from a program?
Q2) Is there a way of seeing which .dds are related to which car other than by guessing?
Q3) I would like to trim the brake discs down so they are round instead of the black square as standard, should I just get a brake disc from elsewhere and import it, or can I get it to trim off the black corners / border for me?
Sorry about the million questions and irritating stupidness. lol.
Just an amateur wanting to make me own LFS renders. Thanks everybody.
I have .obj files for all the cars but I seem to be getting problems all over now, like I thought I would just start a fresh render with an XFR but I get even more "black" areas of mesh that dont show the maps I apply.
Hiya, I have definately done the 2 sided thing, I've ticked it on all materials I can (thats why the windows + lights look chromey) and when I render I tick force 2 sided.
In the final render you can see the front tyre is blank but its definately mapped there cos you can see it on the other side.
Trying to find a way to upload this scene, it's 2.28 MB so it's just over. I've deleted the skin file so I can upload it here. You may need to add a skin to it...