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S2 licensed
well. i have tried to do hotlapping. ive uploaded about 20 hotlaps in the XFR to get "a rank" i had no idea what id get or where id be but i sure as hell knew it wouldnt be fast. i dont even try for the WR, i just try to get under the benchmark time. I cant do setups, i download those off inferno then try and match that time. I often get Flotch's setup, then i find flotches WR then i watch the replay, then i try and do the same thing.

hotlapping taught me to drive the car properly, i could drive before i did the hotlaps, but watching the replays and really finding the sweetest line on the track improved my races there so much.

You need to add an option to the poll: I upload hotlaps because noone is online.
S2 licensed
i once had a weird pain in my chest, i went to the doctors the next day and he told me i had a collapsed lung. kinda shocking but the night before i said to some friends, i think my lung is f***ed and it was. but i didnt exactly think it would be true. spend a few weeks in hospital because the air leak didnt fix then had to have surgery to fix it and well, 5 collapsed lungs later im like, constantly shitting myself daily thinking it may happen again.

and on the subject of bad doctors... when i went into A&E for the 2nd lung collapse a doctor did a procedure wrong on me. he put a tube between my ribs to put the chest drain in (to get the air out) and he put the tube in wrong and i woke up (in out of coniousness cos of morphine) and my armpit had swollen the size of a small football and the shit hit the fan. i had surgical emphazhema and my skin nerves and feeling are still trying to repair themselves. i had to beg the doctors to take a look at it because they thought i was panicking, but I was completely right to.

and now my confidence in health care is really bad, i make sure every doctor is telling me what they are doing, and if i have any worries i scream like a little girl and tell them, NO EFFING MEDICAL STUDENTS NEAR ME, OK!
Last edited by richy, .
S2 licensed
check out this... lap 1 wheel on the grass in the 2nd chicane (the full speed one that often gets you on the grass) at AS club in UFR i think my rear wheel touches the grass just slightly and sends me off the was fun getting caught out like that, often can get on the grass there perfectly fine but this time it just seemed to "catch" weird...
S2 licensed
An experienced driver in LFS probably already takes a lot of care in overtaking backmarkers. Its not an Alien if he cant deal with traffic, hes just an accident waiting to happen. He thinks he's the man but really he hasnt quite got the experience yet, knowing where to overtake in the lap to least affect BOTH drivers laptimes, tyres. He should be realising that if he makes a cleaner overtake than the guy in 2nd place, he will gain. Getting frustrated like that will just let 2nd place catch up if they are better at overtaking the same backmarker. A backmarker may be a rookie, this means said rookie may not know the line, or even be able to stick to the same line for 2 consective laps...but this should be immediately clear to the alien from seeing the driving style of driver and/or previous race results.

If said backmarker is an experienced driver also, and is not yielding over a long time and is pulling out equal times to the alien then its the backmarkers fault for testing the patience of the alien. The Alien should try to not react by hitting the back marker, you can always hold them up in a later race, or have a little sly word after the race.

Since my return to LFS ive just accepted it in someway. Ill race the back markers, and have a good time at it too. Who cares if they crashed T1, if they are an equal speed as me ill have some fun. +1 lap schmap! its still a blast racing with someone closely. Winning isnt everything.

If I see a noob, having a hard time controlling the car, genuinely new to the game. ill let off the throttle. tuck up behind them, have a few feignt overtaking moves, slip and slide about behind em a bit, get their adrenline running. and show them what LFS is really about. even tho im at 90% pace . I want them to have fun, i hate to think new guys feel that they are left out because they are a bit slow and spin a lot. send em your setup too, if only to get them more stable on the roads. tell em to watch your line, and if your really feeling kind give some advice on controllers...
S2 licensed
If youre worried about drivers hitting pit crews, they can run out of the garage when your car is stopped in the yellow box. if anyone is going to hit your pit crew they are going to hit you too. you also would be stopped (to engage the pit stop) so then the crew will move to your vehicle and you cant move until the stop is finished so they can move back into (or near the garage) safely. At most, the car in the pit behind you may go through a crewman at the corner of your car as he leaves/enters a pit box. im sure most drivers would still avoid it and it would only occur rarely.

Having people in the pits permanently is another story. it leaves them open to be driven into. However you can put some kind of static models of Team management etc on the pit wall with a lap board sticking out when you go passed.
Why go down the gym when you can shed calories playing LFS?
S2 licensed
Hello all hope you are well.

Not been racing on LFS for a few months, had an awesome summer and havent had it installed on this machine, or even my wheel, its been in the cupboard collecting dust. So its winter and I set it all up and have a go. Hook line and sinker im addicted again.

Ive been on the Racing for Ireland server racing XFR/UFR on AS Club, what a buzz. I love how LFS gets you so hyped up and the adrenaline running that your sweating in your seat infront of your PC. Screw cigarettes or coffee, i need another 5 lap fix of this ...

its a bit wooooa and a bit wheeeey but its a fantastic race, and I got my PB on the last lap. go go ufr power! try viewing it from my motor cause i had a real buzz driving it.
S2 licensed
You sir, are a genious! That video was excellent!!!
S2 licensed
That was really really really good, watching it again, top quality stuff there!
S2 licensed
Quote from Vendetta :

their we features a full lap on so2 with the lx6 from the outside, zoomed in right on the suspension. the second is an incar veiw of the bf1 racing around so2 (bumpy as hell!)

sound is lfs sound, didnt make any special fx or anything, just lfs Smile

really liked that LX-6 video Thumbs up
S2 licensed
I would love to get a little model of the XFR with my own skin on it heh
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :But, the more videos that are created, the more people will hear about LFS. I believe its called viral advertising. All you have to do is make it easy for people to make videos, and then more people will probaly hear about LFS.

thats how i found Live For Speed, I was searching for motor racing videos and found a short video someone made of some racing and thought, hey, whats this game, got the demo straight away.
S2 licensed
that was brilliant! thanks!
S2 licensed
oh man i just laughed my tits off for ages.
S2 licensed
you could try using the droplet tool thingy whatever it is, the thing you use to grab colours, like get a ferrari logo and use it to grab the red... i guess it would be close...
S2 licensed
yep and with the speed it could then show the reaction time too.

S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :There doesnt seem to be many fans here.

A thread about football becomes a discussion about NASCAR.

heheh, the football fans got scared off by all the guys moaning about the hooligan thing.

i think sky one are doing a girlie movies thing during the world cup for those who dont want to watch the football. so you can all watch some of that instead. lol
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :You, however, are not English. It's obviously an English thing, along with hooliganism and swearing. Some of the worst people I know are football fans. Only a few of the nicest people I know are. My views are skewed accordingly (plus I just don't like it, despite being on my schools football team when I was younger simply because I could run quickly).

lol Razz football has changed, its not as bad as it used to be, noone wants to see hooliganism in the sport, well maybe millwall fans but they are from a different planet anyway. Thumbs up

the world cup is a time when you get to really connect with complete strangers, youll never see a time like it when there are people tooting their car horns and celebrating with random people. even people who dont like football tune in and watch it because the world cup is fun! if you dont know the guy/girl next to you, so what, you can talk to them about the game your watching together.

i know for sure that there will be all sorts of people down my local, and none of them will be brawling or doing anything like that.

look if you dont start liking football im gonna send my mates round and brick all ya windows. heheh Big grin
S2 licensed
+1 for horny cheerleaders
S2 licensed
Quote from Ap0cAlYp5e :I made this Crashing Compilation a while back.

Here it is again for you
Size: 104 mb
Length: 6 minutes 30 seconds
Format: AVI (DivX 6.0)

heres a perfect example of why they can be good.

what an amazing video, thoroughly enjoyed every single second of it. great music, great crashes. just brilliant.
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :I cant wait for football season to start!! I hope the Bear's do better this year than...... oh, your talking about soccer....... I'll stick to lfs. :P

yeah were talking about the football that uses feet LOL Nod
S2 licensed
my white van has 2 flags on it

you described me exactly tristan luv eeeeeeet!!!!
S2 licensed
i think this is about football? yes, it is. COME ON ENGLAND!!!!

engerrrrland engerrrrrland engerrrrrrrlaaaaaand!!!

engerrrrland engerrrrrland engerrrrrrrlaaaaaahaaaaaaaaand!!!!

please let rooney be fit to play, and please no more missed penalties.

i shall be very drunk after every game, so you really dont want me on the servers. lol
S2 licensed
ive done a total of 17 laps accross 3 tracks

cant be bothered to keep switching wheel on driver on. lame excuse i know.
S2 licensed
im sure ive gotten an XFR through that gap unharmed before funny test!
S2 licensed
i dont use the default sets but race S if i dont have a setup for that track or cant find one on the team inferno website race S is not too bad at all. cant say i ever tried default.