An experienced driver in LFS probably already takes a lot of care in overtaking backmarkers. Its not an Alien if he cant deal with traffic, hes just an accident waiting to happen. He thinks he's the man but really he hasnt quite got the experience yet, knowing where to overtake in the lap to least affect BOTH drivers laptimes, tyres. He should be realising that if he makes a cleaner overtake than the guy in 2nd place, he will gain. Getting frustrated like that will just let 2nd place catch up if they are better at overtaking the same backmarker. A backmarker may be a rookie, this means said rookie may not know the line, or even be able to stick to the same line for 2 consective laps...but this should be immediately clear to the alien from seeing the driving style of driver and/or previous race results.
If said backmarker is an experienced driver also, and is not yielding over a long time and is pulling out equal times to the alien then its the backmarkers fault for testing the patience of the alien. The Alien should try to not react by hitting the back marker, you can always hold them up in a later race, or have a little sly word after the race.
Since my return to LFS ive just accepted it in someway. Ill race the back markers, and have a good time at it too. Who cares if they crashed T1, if they are an equal speed as me ill have some fun. +1 lap schmap! its still a blast racing with someone closely. Winning isnt everything.
If I see a noob, having a hard time controlling the car, genuinely new to the game. ill let off the throttle. tuck up behind them, have a few feignt overtaking moves, slip and slide about behind em a bit, get their adrenline running. and show them what LFS is really about. even tho im at 90% pace

. I want them to have fun, i hate to think new guys feel that they are left out because they are a bit slow and spin a lot. send em your setup too, if only to get them more stable on the roads. tell em to watch your line, and if your really feeling kind give some advice on controllers...