Sorry to keep digging this thread up.
I got more questions for ya! I'll try and keep it easy to read.
OK! Are you comfy?!
First is my 5:4 FSB:RAM ratio.
Right I sort of understand a little bit more about this since ive been reading on it, although its all quite hazy still. Ive got a P4 so im ok because it can handle asynchronous ratios like that, but I read somewhere that this possibly could give me as good as 1:1 or even better performance as 5:4??? due to the way P4's have some sort of architecture to handle this? could this be true? maybe I didnt read enough and it was actually from some overclocking to a ratio of 5:4. rather than underclocking like mine is.
Second is my temperature stuff.
Cool so ive got a few ways now of monitoring my temperatures and getting a general idea of what my winbond chip is reporting. I tried this program called Thermal Analysis Tool or TAT from Intel. Weird error I got when trying to use it. I dont think it works with Pentium 4's I think you need a core duo for it. Anyway, when I double click that program I get an error and I can visibly see in CPU-Z my CPU clock speed from from 3400 to 2800, after a reboot its all ok again. Crazy stuff, careful with it. I wanted to use some of those features to log my temperatures over a long time and stress it a bit.
What do you think about thermoelectric cooling see for some info on it. Says you can use it with a stock HSF. uses a lot of power though. thought that was a cool thing.
I read somewhere that you need an equal amount of air being pushed into the case as is being pulled out is this true or does it not matter that much? Does that mean if the fan on my HDD at the front of my case is not as big as the fan at the back of my case that its not getting enough air? Should I think about modding my case a bit and maybe getting a similar fan?
Third is my voltages.
Now this one is really really confusing, trying to monitor the voltages from my winbond chip im not quite sure exactly what its reading from if its reading correctly or how to fix it or check it properly. Is that winbond reading from the voltages actually on the CPU itself, so if those are reading incorrectly it would mean a faulty CPU? That doesnt monitor the voltages on my motherboard or whats being fed into it does it, so how would I know if my PSU is doing all the right stuff in that area? You said I would notice things cutting out or not working. My DFP loses all power sometimes while im racing, this is a new problem.
Fourth is my USB ports maybe related to the power
My DFP used to be plugged into the USB ports on my mainboard but I have since moved it to the front panel USB ports. Now im guessing these ports are buggered up because the microphone / headphone ports dont work but the USB ones do. Do you think that little front case panel containing the ports is not getting the right amount of power? As its a little circuit board on the front of the case. This would make my DFP randomly lose power, in LFS and in windows would it?
Do I need to borrow my mates multimeter and learn to use it to really find out about that power stuff?