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S2 licensed
I caved in and bought it, seeing as the dev's put a lot of effort into making a lot of features predominant on the PC, i thought it should be supported.

Not bad, i dont have much time so i played for 1\2 hour, single player is good, multiplayer is awesome (the little i did play).
S2 licensed
No hardcore mode=no buy from me.

I CANT STAND shooting someone with half a clip and they're still running around. HATE IT. If it wasnt for that i'd buy it.

Crysis 2 im probably getting, just because i kinda liked the demo and im sure the single player will be decent.

BF3 is a must buy, no questions asked.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :Just as a reference, Dave Kaemmer is working on his new tyre model for over a year now... And Dave has a big investor and (thus?) access to extensive testing data, he even had a whole tyre testing facility at his disposal at one time! Scawen has only the data he can find with no investment from the outside and doesn't have a team of engineers to bounce ideas to... Still, both are out "soon"...

Scawen, you may (or not) know that I always understood and defended your position to delay something to make it right... I know from what I gathered about programming and tyre behaviour that you're wrestling with a hugely complex topic... Besides you, there are only 3 people in the whole world (one fourth retired) that have enough knowledge of both to be able to create a good racing simulator, so that speaks volume of the task you're working on...

That said, you get to say this only once:

It seems that you have fallen into the same trap again... We all - well, at least most of us - can understand that a plan changes or that an obstacle proves harder to tackle than it looks initially, but you're making the same mistake again... Once is human, twice in a row - doesn't reflect that favourably...

They would have had all the money in the world if they had licensed out their game engine, i know for a fact MANY companies tried licensing it (big companies, with big capital obviously) and he blatantly refused all inquiries. Imagine what LFS would be today if he had decided to license it out... complete! why? easy, he cant procrastinate, right now he can procrastinate for as long as he wants, with only the clients moaning, but if it where to be a big company asking for certain features he had promised for licensing he would be under a deadline, which would mean no time to remodel the kitchen, or basement, or procrastinate. Its human nature to take the path of least resistance, in this case the path is no obligation to anyone.
S2 licensed
I'll bew watchning it all.
S2 licensed
Recently got a T2i (i think its d550) and LOVE IT. Had a panasonic HD camcorder which im selling since i wont use it ever again after buying my lovely camera.

Been filming my daughter, trying out lots of things, its a blast. Bought a copy of Vegas for editing\comp, it works wonders for how much it cost. I've always bought canon cameras, for the last 10 years its all been canon, never dissapointed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Just a heads up to some of you fools who think that S3 is only going to be the Scirocco and Rockingham. If you actually read the first post you would see that Eric is working on other stuff! If you're asking yourself "Then why can't we see it?" you must be an even bigger fool because this thread is a true testament to what would happen if we saw pictures of what Eric was working on and it wasn't released within a week.

I find it silly that we need to endlessly moan about how 'little' the devs are doing when we clearly have so little to do ourselves that we have the time to come here and endlessly moan about development speed. Not only is it a waste of your own time to come here and just moan about how long the devs take, but it ruins the community-developer relationship as Scawen is probably too busy (he is writing a new set of tyre physics after all) to shift through 20+ pages of complaints and silly questions to address some legitimate community concerns (ones that haven't been adressed already).

Now that I've made my point, I'm going to do some bloody work. Tommorow I'll come back, check if there's a patch and go on my way if there isn't.

Last time i checked, it took eric about 1 year to update SOME cockpits... and some other small stuff... in that one year, a seasoned 3d artist could have done about 6 highly detailed car models with incredible cockpits and a bag of chips, factoring in other misc work needed. So knowing this, we should expect about 20 brand new cars right? noooooooooooo, a VWS which the 3d model has been finished for about 2 years, and another new car. Not quite breathtaking.

Dont want to be negative about it, but im just working with what has been shown up to today.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :Finding the SR system really weird, had a race with 2 4x contacts and many x1 off road penalties and gained about 0.4 SR, just had a race there with a pole to finish win, perfect race with not even a 1x penalty, and only gained 0.1 SR.

Ah well, i'm at 3.6 just now, not bad for the rookie racing.

Really getting into this now, the SR system really does work, obviously still accidents but no crazy overtakes with no consequences like in most other sims, means the racing is a lot cleaner, at the front of the field especially.

I don't quite understand the rookie schedule, why do they only run LRP and Laguna? They could also have Summit and Charlotte road course in there, both are part of the basic package and would provide a bit of variety for the rookie season.

Rookie series is toned down in variety so people dont have to pay for extra tracks when they just want to try it out for a bit.
S2 licensed
Quote from Breizh :Why it's not you making LFS.

Im making something, just not lfs
S2 licensed
Dont you guys realize, that as every day passes, LFS falls behind more and more and more, due to the tiny dev. team size, and them trying to add more and more things, the time it will take them to complete the tasks is exponentially greater, and it has reached a point where when they finish said tasks (if they ever do), they are close to obsolete, so scawn gets started on updating them again, and since it takes a tiny dev team so long to do, by the time the 2nd update to the original update is almost done, its once again, completely obsolete, then wash\rinse\repeat the process x infinity.

And that my friends, is why LFS has been dead a long time.
S2 licensed
TBH, one of the most original trailers i've ever seen, the camerawork\bullet time is just awesome.
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Have just done a few laps in the Riley and its a beautiful car! Braking is a bit of an issue, I'm guessing its a strict "Straight line braking" car as I'm finding the first corner at daytona road to be madness, also I keep randomly spinning under heavy braking - I guess I'll have to play with setups for a while. Down to a 41.4 though with about 10 laps on the board.

Im using 54% bb. was able to hit a high 38, low to mid 39's constantly, low 40's end of fuel run.
S2 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :Just had my first iRacing race

At the very start of the race some guy spun on the straight to T1, I braked abit too hard I think and spun, ended up last and managed to work back to 2nd ... =2648935&custid=54765

What laptimes are people getting at Limerock in the mazda roadster?

My best is 59.804, optimal is 59.3xx although I cant push any more haha

cup version mid 59's, roadster ver. low 59's with optimal in a 58.
S2 licensed
Picked it up this weekend to replace my aging Logi. G5

S2 licensed
Mad expensive, getting them in a week (lenses have to be custom made because of my astigmatism, so it takes a while )

And this, for work on the go:

S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :With default set I've done 1.40.2.... someone did a 1.39.6 (they helped develop the car and race it in real life though )

What a cracking little car it is. Wasted on the rookie series.

i agree, its so nicely balanced, great fun to toss around.
S2 licensed
^ nice!

I started from pitlane, 10 seconds behind last place :\, wheel wasnt calibrated :\ ... =2640008&custid=15559
S2 licensed
I WISH we where more like france, goverments should be scared of the people, NOT the people scared of the goverment.
S2 licensed
I went to the xperia x10 from a blackberry, the difference is staggering, the games\multimedia experience rocks, movies play soooooo smoothly. Only minor complaint was battery life, but as i've been cycling it, its gotten a million times better.
S2 licensed
Quote from Major Del :I hope that the tyre physics will be almost future proofing the game, so if features such as wet weather, track temperature, brake temp which all affect car handling and tyres are implemented then the perfect tyre model that Scawen is working on can be applied to these. Perhaps saving the trouble of rewriting the tyre physics every time such a feature is added to the game in the future.

Oh, at this rate im SURE they will be future proof, since they will come out.... IN THE FUTURE!
S2 licensed
PS: His father is the BIGGEST DOUCHEBAG in history, had the unpleasant chance to meet him once at mt. tremblant racetrack, and the guy just screams of snob rich **** and he acts 1000% like it.
S2 licensed
Becoming a father is not cheap :\.

Still to buy are all kinds of other baby related stuff... just the mattress for the crib is like 150$.

S2 licensed
Quote from Ingolf :LFS is dead/dying! What a silly statement.

If you get tired of a game - get a new one.
The argument certainly has nothing to do with the state of the actual game. It lives for everyone who enjoys it - newbe or oldtimer.
"Poker is dead, I've played it so many times I'm really bored of it" = Poker is dead!
Dont think so.

By the way:

iRacing: 14 000 subscribers, 20000 members
LFS: >40 000 members (whereof 200-1000 drivers are online every day/night)

I could not find any figures on how many actually race on iRacing per day, but when I subscribed I found about 8-10 drivers that were doing the low class (spontaneous) races / day. Must be higher rates as you advance of course. And the actual online users/day may be more than in LFS. I have no reliable figures, maybe you do.

Note, my point is not to compare iRacing vs LFS but to highlight the fallacy in some of the above comments.

Just my opinion,
cheers all fellow racers!

Lol, avg age of lfs user = 5 yrs old. I'll take quality of user vs quantity, maybe lfs has 10x more users, but they all need permission to play from mom and dad, not so with the other service .

I'd rather race against semi pros or pros, then pro's at wetting their beds like the lfs kids that dominate the service.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed