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Quote from MAGGOT :I'm thinking it's probably because we all want new content... Just speculation from me, though.

Because asides from tiny little gfx updates, we havent seen any of his work for a LONG time, what has he been doing? nobody knows, what we all hope is that he's been doing something good, and not just some cockpits and a track update. So lets all speculate whats going down.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :It's true, and heck look up all of the latest interviews, and the latest you will find he actually said something is..

uh.. crap he didn't say anything on that one either.

Oh, here is one he said ..some.. thing.

And I also remember reading about people asking what thread this picture is from the old version of Westhill.

Lol, that interview is from 2003, we are in 2007.
S2 licensed
Quote from boosterfire :
I think it's just too soon to tell. We have no idea what Eric has been doing in the past year. We're just assuming that he's not done much because we never heard of it, but we might (I hope) be surprised and actually get quite a lot of content in patch Y.

Still, if there's nothing else than a new SC and car interiors... I'll be sad, it's not what you'd call a lot for a whole year.

I cant help but completely agree, Is Eric working somewhere else at the same time and doing lfs on the weekends type deal?
S2 licensed
My suggestion, since your starting fresh in the 3d world, use Softimage or Maya, max is ridiculously buggy and backwards. You'll be saving yourself from a LOT of useless pains.
S2 licensed
Quote from seinfeld :so we have to pay for hi res?
if thats the case i simply wont buy it, ive already payed for a game that has less then mediocre graphics anyhow, if this is how its going to be in future meaning we have to pay for a car or a graphics upgrade, I think id rather leave lfs behind

couldnt have said it better myself.
S2 licensed
Well, to be honest i dont see a bright future unless they get more people on it. They have done amazing things, and lfs is outstanding, but slowly and surely newer sims will come our way, more flexible, bigger, better, nicer looking, better physics, more customizable, all the meanwhile the 3 will be working on patching up s2 beta. So potential customers will flock to the newer better sims, its a fact of life... and lfs will die a slow death since we all love it so much.
S2 licensed

I used the fist extensively in GPL, either as a thanks to a lapper, or during celebration, or waving it in disgust while trying to get past a dirty driver, it really is quite useful
S2 licensed
As long as EVO is a part of that team, it will bring them all down with his attitude. He has absolutely no spirit of good competition, we happen to have an accident (going 2 wide into bwgp chicane, i give space he doesnt, but i classify it as an accident, no biggie) And he proceeds to ask me why i didnt appologize, i said it was a result of both our actions and neither one of us is fully responsible for the outcome, it is what it is, an accident. He proceeded to kick me then to ban me. Good move.

I race with all the other redline guys pretty often, and we have a blast... Its unfortunate that such a good teams reputation be tarnished by one megalomaniacs actions. EVO.

Hope to see you all other redline peeps on the servers .
S2 licensed
i doubt it can run overseas, it'll just sink as it hits the water no?
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Ask yourself, is this really the right place to discuss about arguments between drifters?

hahaha, this thread is gold!
S2 licensed
I was just racing on asclub with the foxes, was battling for 3rd place working my way up, someone nudged one of the tyres on the fast chicane ahead of me, and it came out onto the track surprising me, i avoided hitting it... but it tagged me on the RR just hard enough to make me spin.

I Loved the experience, its what keeps LFS fresh day in and day out, never the same race twice.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :This reminds me of the incident at Road Atlanta in the 90's; It ended in a car snapped in half, a career-ending injury, and a large lawsuit IIRC. Not a good situation at all. The tires should be tethered down or some other form of softbarrier should be used. The AI should also not plow through the Blackwood barrier lap after lap. God that's annoying...


Jeremy Dale's career was ended in that incident, it was an imsa race and he t-boned another prototype car when it bounced off the tyres, bringing on the track tyres and the car.

Anyways, -1 for me.

They are there for a very valid reason, and when accidents happen, well, its an accident. I'd much rather have the tyres there behaving the way they behave, then to have people cutting every corner.

If anything, they could be changed to the ky style bumps that will damage your suspension.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :You make stupid assumptions about sterotypes and at the same time you become one.

I know many drifters who never have and never would make such threads and I know many many more racers who do and will again.

What you assume, or interpret is completely IRRELEVANT to the topic, you being moderator should know better and try to maintain a neutral point of view. With that said, whatever you think i said or think i "stereotyped" by giving examples of what 90% of the drifting community asks for is for each and everyone to interpret their own way, some may see it differently then you, some may agree, others disagree.

What type of moderator are you? obviously not an unbiased one, which defeats the purpose of being a mod.

Anyways, thats all im going to comment in this thread. Cheers.
Last edited by RMachucaA, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Your post is total BS mate, and you are just making things worse when they don't need to be. Inventing your own version of reality and stating it as if it is fact doesn't deter all of the good people from enjoying this sim in their own way. As for whining, you would have to be perhaps the biggest of them all. Do yourself a favour and stop digging your own grave.

I post facts, and provide links which support my complaint in a constructive manner.

Something i suggest you should do if you want to have any credibility.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :whats wrong with drifters? they pay their money and yet they feel the need to hide in their own community for fear of the flaming sparked off by "z0mg wherez da NOZZZZZZZ?!"

Just link to LFS Torque, they've got a GREAT community going there, why split it up further?

Whats wrong is that they constantly make new threads like:

"Can we have BIG wings and add neon lights under the car?"

"Why does lfs not have NAWS????? like dudes, NAWS is HOOTT"

"Why cant we have tyres that last forever?!?! NFS has them and lfs doesnt, lfs suxxx0rz"

and it goes on, and on.

Drift all you want, but please dont make threads asking for drifter only things to be added to the sim. Drifting is a by-product of the sim, not the sole intention of it, so let it be.

Some examples:
|- - all same suggestions, and more i didnt bother putting up.
Last edited by RMachucaA, .
S2 licensed

Drifters can just go play a game thats taylor made for their drifting needs, need for speed, it was made for you. Embrace it, love it, and leave us in peace. And i mean it in the nicest way.

I just feel that drifters WANT this sim to be taylored to THEM, while the mayority of the lfs users are grippers, so this small drifting camp whines and cries about things they want to suit their fad, which honestly annoys me quite a bit. Drift all you want on lfs, just dont come asking that you need this and that so you can drift better\longer whatever.

Asking for a drifting subforum would be feeding this fad, which imho would slowly start to compromise lfs's integrity. So no. Let lfs go where it was MEANT to be headed, and stop wanting it to be more like NFS then LFS.

Last edited by RMachucaA, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :less of the insults please, RMachucaA

rgr that, it just simply drives me up the wall when they dont bother doing a search, and starting new threads on the same "drifting" requests over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
S2 licensed
man you drifters are THICK.

have you bothered doing a search?
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :A while back the devs had a thread about LFS t-shirts. What ever happened to that? I still want one!

Same as lfs, 2 people knitting\stamping eachone by hand, if you want you can pay double the price and get half a tshirt faster, or triple the price and you get a complete t-shirt! The catch is, since its handmade, you cant get a set delivery date.
S2 licensed
typical drifter, cant see past his nose
S2 licensed
good suggestion, but only applicable if you follow through with other lemans roules and car types *hint scawen*
S2 licensed
Quote from Slidaaaa :Ever heard of race drifting? no? wich world are you people from...

which world are YOU from?!

"couples figure skating race".. does that make any sense to you?

"race drifting" lol, its like the special olympics, for "special" lfs kids.

sigh, just stick to your nfs games, they cater to your type.
S2 licensed

They set the prices, if they failed to plan properly its not our fault, its theirs. They dont have a publisher pushing them and making them stick to a schedule, we have to assume that role if we want to see anything finished from them. We basically have taken that role anyways, we are funding their development literally, paying for a beta ffs, what else you want?

Give them extra money for something they should be doing anyways? you might aswell go get some kneepads and kneel under scawens desk.