Just go go-karting with your lfs buddies, you'll see a glimpse of who's got what, with decent karts of course. Sim racing helps discover some of that, but the rest is discovered in real life, so until you really do race in real life you'll never know if its in you.
If you where smart, you would have realised a LONG time ago LFS is a constant WIP, hence it will have bugs here and there, which are inevitable, specially on a piece of software thats NOT FINISHED, and it is made VERY CLEAR when you purchase LFS that this is a piece of unfished software.
Why do you come here knowing this (im presuming your smart enough to realise this by now)?
If you dont like it, LEAVE and come back when S3 is released (finished product), you'll already have S1 paid for so you only have to pay that little bit more to enjoy an awesome product.
I dont mean to be rude, but you sure arent understanding many things that are being said here...
Anyhow, to conclude this topic, most people will send their sets if politely requested, but please be understanding if:
-the person you are req. the set from is driving
-is fine tuning the team set
-is working on a set and is slower then default (has happened to me :P, car feels good but its slow, so i fine tune till i beat WR with a nice driving car)
-has blocked messages
-just plain doesnt want to share the fruits of his labour (working 5 hrs on 1 set is not unusual for me)
Thats what i did, gutted my old computer, took the HD, DVD drive, Sound card from it, all i had to buy was Ram, new mobo, new cpu and vid card. Now i got a killer sys. for less then 1000$ CDN.
the trick for a fast lap is all in the chicane, on entry go in about half throttle, dab the brakes to get some weight on the front tyres, once pointed to the exit gradually go on to 100% throttle.
Its fine to play around with the sets to see what works and what doesnt, but imho it important to have a good idea of mechanics\physics to be able to forsee what can help and what may actually be slowing you down, you could be doing changes that will help you greatly, while at the same time have other settings that will be countering that. AFAIK scawen is working on a patch to fix the front end being really high glitch, it is a glitch, having the front end very high should be loosing you a lot of front downforce, but since its S2 alpha thats not happening .
Dont forget, MOST of the WR runs and setups are made with an UNREALISTIC setup, EXPLOITING a few bugs the physics have, which drives me INSANE.... not only that, but the WR laps are done tearing up the tranny and car, not REALISTIC at all, so dont gauge your speed by kids that will do anything including exploiting physics bugs to be fast (IE: having the front end 10 cms higher then the rear, in real life the car would have 0 grip on the front since its creating lift, damn exploiters)
Watch a few of my wr runs if i still have any :P, there you'll see realistic setups and lines and driving.
Also, i cant stress enough to learn the track! very good points made by the poster, follow them and you'll be set for some good races.
if you look closely, theres a little "step" right after the kerbs like this |-|, its part if the design of the curbs so its not abused, i love that little step