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S2 licensed
i think bubbles is cranky cause no one has changed his dirty diapers....

Wheres your mommy? can we help you get her? abooo booo... oh such a cute baby, so outspoken for his age too!
S2 licensed
Im sorry, but LFS is dedicated to motorsports not hobbies or exhibitions or shows. Hence, personally, i'd rather see them concentrate on features that are directly related to the actual content it is trying to embrace.... real racing.

Once S3 is released we might get a devkit, then you can mod and drift to your hearts content.

That i dont support drifting doesnt mean it shouldt be there, all im saying is that i prefeer if they stick to what they want to do.
S2 licensed
well, this is the place to do it, just dont demand it.
S2 licensed
If i must elaborate.

This is something which should be brought up when S3 is in development.

Right now, its fine to suggest it as you have, but in reality its quite pointless to discuss it so early. There are many, many other features which are a lot more important to gameplay\physics that need to be addressed.

S2 licensed
after reading all of the thread (phew), all i have to say is... NO
S2 licensed
i think that deserves a "DOH!"
S2 licensed
well, funnybear, look at my stats on lfsworld, i think im competetive enough to not have to resort to abusing glitches.... I guess it makes winning that little bit more satisfying.

Anyhow, im pretty much relegated to put up with it, so... i guess i'll stop ranting now :P.

As for the setups, i find it evolves with time, as you try new things, for example, for the f08 i always had F1 like sets, pretty stiff with little damping, as i drive more and more, im finding that a softer suspension is more suitable for keeping the power down, trick is to maintain the nimbleness.... so its allways evolving... a lot of trial and error, but the payoff is worth it.
S2 licensed
Also, dont forget that the FZR responds nicely to the EXPLOIT, so once the patch is out it will level things that little bit more.
S2 licensed

if in say... counter strike, someone abuses an exploit and pwnz everyone, in what category would he be placed in?

-Highly intelligent for finding the exploit and abusing it
-Total Hax0rz
-or simply someone that cant live with playing on a level field, and decided to take advantage of a glitch that is there...

Im a very competetive person by nature, and "honorable" you could say, something which unfortunately has practically vanished in this day and age so i personally find it very irritating to see these high nose setups..

dont take it personally or anything, we've had some good races together and all, but its just that its been irritating me since the first day someone found out that by raising their nose they get higher top speed.... Specially when someone like me, spend hours figuring out a legit set, that is pretty good, to end up being beat by a person that d/l the hax set.

Sry for the rant bud, and please dont take it personally.
S2 licensed
i dont take setups from anyone, 99% of the sets out there are EXPLOIT sets, if you want to cheat to be faster, be my guest.

Good thing you are doing your own, its best since you know what you can do to get that tenth of a second less on the next adj.
S2 licensed

their driver support is the best, and compatability with any game out of the box is next to perfect.
S2 licensed
condomania pet promoting the all new condoms instore?
S2 licensed
i work from home , all the breaks i need etc.....but the work needs to get done, so i usually end up working till the weeee hours of the morning, and sometimes weekends too.

but hey,i can have a cig anytime i want, if i have any medical appointments i can go to them anytime, its also hell because its easy to work 12 hours straight without noticing the time..... and the money is good too .
S2 licensed
dont forget to check that you have the latest version!
S2 licensed
under acceleration, the weight of the car is more towards the rear, so theres not much real weight on top of the front tyres to help maintain traction, this can be helped by stiff rear suspension, but it can only do so much.
S2 licensed
He looks just like him! its uncanny, even the messy hair :P.


This is a blessing for both of you for the rest of your lives
S2 licensed
If you could shave the new tyres in nkpro, that would be awesome too :P, i used to shave a lot of new slicks, its a pain in the ass but it helps a lot with initial heating and off the line grip.
S2 licensed
yeah, be carefull with your money, you might end up buying S2 by accident eh.
S2 licensed
a guy in a mitsubishi truck pulled out on the road without looking right ahead of me, i was doing about 90 km\h, nailed him in the rear end, since as soon as i saw him starting to pull out i slammed on the brakes, the front of the car was squatting when i hit him, so the end result was his towing ball on the rear bumper ended up a foot from the windshield. he had virtually no damage, my car was almost totalled, about 3000$ or repairs. I was fine, asides from a little seatbelt burn, it was a 96 nissan sentra, no airbags and shitty tyres. this happened in '99.

Thats the only accident i've ever had..... i've had tons of close calls though, but thankfully, either im damn good, or someone was watching over me for those accidents not to have happened :P.
S2 licensed
my only vice is nicotine :\.

I want to quit eventually, for the moment i cant work or race without lighting one up :P, it doesnt help that my gf smokes too :\
S2 licensed
so is my gaydar.....

i think they are related :P
S2 licensed
#3 is actually already in the sim.
S2 licensed
unfortunately the only sure fire fix is that, clean install.
S2 licensed
how about posting this where it belongs...


Lighten up guys.

seriously, this should go in the leagues section no?
S2 licensed
If im going to race, i go to a grip server, if im going to drift (never) i'd go to a drift server, that easy.... best way to avoid any trouble\headaches\annoyances....

If the race was over, you could quit and go to another server to drift, or do it single player...