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S2 licensed
feed him to the lions!
S2 licensed
Names over cars... so i can see who's wrecking people. Thats the sole reason.

If its a league race, i'll turn it off.
S2 licensed
As more things are plugged into lfs programing wise, the work increases exponentialy, so do the problems of debugging. So at this rate, with scawen trying to keep a steady pace, the spacing between releases will be exponentially greater. Expect s3 by 2009-2010 (not kidding).

In conclusion, yes, it is going to get old, and it somewhat has gotten old. I really like lfs, i've been using it since the first demo came out, i do feel its gotten old
S2 licensed
They are one and the same.

Wheres the option that says "i dont need to drift, i know how to drive"?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
23020 laps: 169 posts = 136 laps per post.

I dont trash talk, i let my driving do it for me :P.
S2 licensed
New mini ipod shuffle and g25.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrfell :A bit of an update on using a G25.
I've had mine for a while now, and prefer to drive using the h shifter and clutch more than sequential or paddles. I don't care if I miss a gear or am slower the whole driving experience is so much better. Still loving it and could never go back to 2 pedals and 240 rotation!!

x2, but online i dont use the H shifter or clutch, im not a good looser
S2 licensed
Just a heads up for canadians, microbytes has some in stock for 249.99, picked mine up in montreal last week. On the box it says 269.99
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :The dx9 doesnt work on all puters even if they have dx9 cards. beware, its simbin code, aka noobs fresh out of school exploited overseas.
Good luck finding a computer where it can run (i have 2 here and none worked, even thought one managed to get to menus and get a corrupted frame every 3secs, like so many report in rsc).
Sim niche market doesnt need this corporate mediocrity saturating the small market every 3 or 4 months with the latest isi based regurgitated crap. thanks for nothing mr roos.

In the dictionary, if you look under "miss-informed" theres a picture of you! Get your facts straight BOAY.
S2 licensed
in fsx, if you fly high enough, you actually see the curvature of the earth, just an awesome detail.
S2 licensed
Wait for dx10 cards for sure. Also as a side note, only the FSX Deluxe edition is updateable to dx10 afaik.

As far as the sim goes, i love it, im getting great performance (had to disable the autogen though) other then that everything else is maxed out at 1680x1050.
S2 licensed
Its clearly a case of black ice, i've driven through it enough times to recognize when it is the culprit. Even harder when its patchy (such as in the vid) since front tyres might grip while rears will slide, then they catch and fronts have no grip and all kinds of different situations.

One day we had solid freezing rain overnight, next morning going to work i didnt want to leave my car, its a wicked rush trying to keep the car pointing in the right direction and taking corners has never taken so much concentration and work :P, even going at 5 km\h if you brake, you'll slide for at least 10 meters without any sign of slowing down.
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :I can see it automatically fail hard.

And increasing number of coder suicides as no-one has a clue how to program for such immensively distorted and complex CPU architecture. Until someone programs a program to build millions and millions lines of code, we ain't gonna get nuthin' useful out of that.

I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

Hence is why the ps3 will go down in a ball of flames, developers have cried out about how annoying and difficult it is to code for the ps3.
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :If someone could make game engine that is good and I mean really good that would allow almost anything very real like, it should be that making content should be simple and fast for it, that would be great invention. Others could then get that base engine and build their products to it much faster and using more time to gameplay etc.

Of course problem is that making such engine would require enormous amount of work and resources, but maybe some day we will see something like that.

Who remembers game called Hunter? It was quite unique at it's time and that freedom was something new, quite large game area too compared to others. Spore is perhaps something like Hunter was years ago if we look how innovative game is. But Spore is one man's dream, again it is not made by company working for profit, but it is biggest thing in gaming for long time, imo.

Let me be clearer...

Say, a racing game in the mid 90's had a car model with 200 polygons, doesnt take long to model a car with that many polygons, but now cars in pgr3 for example use 80000+ polygons, see the difference?
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :In many cases you could use that argument against a lot of the indie developers as well. Just like the larger companies, some of them are very conservative and unwilling or unable to take any kind of risk- preferring instead to churn out the 50 millionth 'match the 3 colours' title, because they believe it will sell.

IE: need for speed and any sports game made by EA.

BTW, one of the reason pre-made game engines are becoming so popular, such as the unreal engine or source or whatever, is because of the amount of art assets that need to be created, it has increased exponentially as games become more and more complicated and detailed visually. in the past a small team of 3d\2d artists was more then enough, but now you need a small army to create all the content. So instead of having a team dedicated to creating the game engine\physics, they transfer all the manpower to asset creation, trying to maintain the costs of developing a game to a minimum.

As for FLOW, it looks amazing, knowing how complicated it is to simulate flowing water properly i can appreciate the results. And we wont be seeing realtime water like that in a LONG time.

PS: gears of war trailer is all REALTIME, nothing pre-rendered like 90% of the ps3 trailers.
S2 licensed
Quote from masternick :i seem to remember making a post in here but now its gone

RMachucaA the drifters pay the same amount of money for S2 as u do so i dont see why they cant make suggestions, ppl like u will knock anything down because it a drifter posted it, does it make u feel big?

I have reached the edge of sanity, do you know how many times this same "suggestion" has been posted before?

And curiosly, its all the drifters that lack the capacity to think of searching beforehand, hence my like of patience with your kind.

I have nothing against drifters, but somehow they always end up reposting the same crap.
S2 licensed
Quote from DM05 :Hey ya'll... :P

Been drifting for a while now... and I like it

But one thing i can't help thinking about... in D1 the cars have all about 300 hp and up... and the best cars for drifting in LFS S2, would be XRT and that porsche looking thingy :P

but how about the ability to tune them... you know... bigger turbos and stuff like that ??

I think a similiar game would be Red Line Street Racing... but there's no realism... but here you can buy stuff to really get your ride tuned... not just stock parts...


I vote to tune in his ban.

FFS how many times do we have to read these "suggestions" from the drifters, theres a search button! USE IT! And no, we dont want tuning, thats why you have nfs, so you can drift and tune to your hearts content. This is a racing sim, not a drifting sim.
S2 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :Flippin hell, this video is amazing!! Must have missed this race!

And that was with a lesser car the kr.
S2 licensed
No he wont.
S2 licensed
my source is the horses mouth, i'll leave it at that, and yes, its alive and kicking. Rome wasnt built in a day, so relax.
S2 licensed
GTR2 is definitively an improvement over gtr or rfactor, it feels a lot better, sure its not perfect, but its a hell of a lot better.

Never been a fan of isi based physics ffb, but i'll still buy it, anything to get the rfactor taste out of my mouth.
S2 licensed
Poor horse, he's been beaten to death once too many times, let him rest will ya.
S2 licensed
Door hitting a head sound on your way out?
S2 licensed
heh, im impressed i got so many miles, i usually dont have that much time for racing

Total stats:
Travelled distance: 52616 Ml
Fuel burnt: 33197 Ltr
Laps: 21606
Hosts joined: 1778
Races won: 1145
Second: 619
Third: 378
Finished: 2735
Qualifications: 107
Pole Positions: 50
Drags / Wins: 65 / 15