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S2 licensed
heh, good point carl :P
S2 licensed
Nick, you should be in bed. shame on you :P
S2 licensed
heh, its 6 am here, havent slept, been working, so i guess its a biproduct of work that i get to stay up to see the patch released :P, unless its released like, in 6 hours, by then i'll be blacking out hehehe.
S2 licensed
If any of you saw Montoya or JV in cart, you would know why TC is nuttering auto racing, seeing the guys man handle the cars is a thing of beauty, skill, and cojones.

Now with TC, its like an amraam guided missle, *point and shoot*. yawn.
S2 licensed
lol demo racer, we all wish it was that easy. It takes a LOT more then just 30 lines of code to implement it properly, plus theres a lot more work to be done on top of that to make it look good and go hand in hand with all the other improvements and features already in the game.
S2 licensed
dammit, now i have to call the hitman off...
S2 licensed
well, with Vista coming out with DX10, scavier should start thinking about working on the new shaders to support most of the bells and whistles that it can perform, including normal mapping.... I guess when the dev's feel ready they will tackle that....
S2 licensed
for sc classic the perfect exit would be to make it like the pit exit in spa.
White line violations exiting pits
S2 licensed

I've had enough races ruined by people who exit pits like mad-women swerving onto the racing line and blocking\hitting whoever is coming.. Im sure theres hundreds of people who feel the same way i do.

So when the perpetrator exits pits and immediately floors it to the middle of the track, he should have a stop-go penalty.
S2 licensed
same here, i dunno either.
S2 licensed
Hmmm, how about instead of having a time for 1 hotlap, have an average time of 2-3 hotlaps done one after the other, so in essence this would reward a more complete driver who can be consistent, and keep the hotlap whores in check.
S2 licensed
Allrighty, now with the patch coming out with an F1, and several improvements.... minus proper suspension models, i'll bump the thread back to life.... looking at the F1 model and seeing all of the sloppy suspension connections is just wrong, its an F1, it should be a model to rule all other models... it should be the baby that carries lfs to a mainstream market.. but as it is now, it does not fill the part graphically. I know theres a poly limit, but there should be an excemption made for this.

Heck, i'll even do it for free if eric is tight on time. i got the credentials.
S2 licensed
all of the wr sets except mine (if i still have a wr, which i doubt) are unrealistic and exploit lfs's physics weaknesses to the max, which means not only aero, but tyres too.

Why keep all of the unrealistic and worthless records?
S2 licensed
yay, the day of the honest racer will come! (read: bugger off high nose whores)
S2 licensed

so dont go by the WR's.
S2 licensed
BTW, for those with a good eye for details, like fellow 3d artists, will notice that the car is an ingame model.

You can see some of the poly edges in the wing, look at the bottom, its not perfectly smooth. Its a game model. Good one at that too
S2 licensed

No space for music, all work.
S2 licensed
Actually, drag from the wheels in open wheel cars is massive, its one of the main problems in aerodynamics for the cars, hence why the p-34 was developed with 4 smaller wheels instead of 2 huge front wheels. And it would be awesome if they did factor that into the aero physics.
S2 licensed
Kid, your getting worse then any nk defender, only bashing it. If you read the thread from beginning to end, you'll see how much of a fool your sounding like.

Im not even going to comment on the lfs\NK discussion, all i'll say is that nk is 10000000000x better then rfactor

Comparing FF effects though, NKpro is more visceral, while lfs's is very tame, both are good in the end.
S2 licensed
It's decent, at first i was apalled, but its growing on me, i kinda like it now. Online play on a jap server was decent, so a server here in NA should be good stuff. Dont give up on it, it has potential.
S2 licensed
1 min to go :\
S2 licensed
Im a bit mad about having preordered, and told that we where going to get dedicated serves exclusive to those who paid.

Well, im one of those, and nothing. Trying to d\l off RSC or gamershell is hell, the servers are getting hammered and my dl has timed out 2 times already at 60%. grrrrr
S2 licensed
If you read one of kunos last posts on his forum, you'll see he was focusing on making the pickup races as smooth as possible, meaning he's not neglecting the people who just want to join a race asap and get going.
S2 licensed
hey banshee, server performed great, no lagging at all .

Good racing too, great choice of car\track for the test!
S2 licensed
FORZA 2 will rule them ALL!


In all seriousness, i have the 360 and im completely satisfied with it, i dont see the need to get a ps3, unless i was some RPG whore, which is the main game base for ps's, i wouldnt even think of getting one.