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S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Yet in 5 years yo've posted 292 times '_'

i let my driving do the talking.
S2 licensed
I've been here longer then 99% of the users here, i've seen this forum go down the drain more this last year then i've ever seen it before. Constant kids crying and moaning about stupid things, demanding for some stupid ricer options constantly.... It gets OLD fast. Its not so much the moderation, but the users in this forum that have made it become an unwelcome place, as the avg age of subscribers goes down, so does the quality of the forum.

I used to come here almost on a daily basis, now i try to avoid it.
S2 licensed

Having lived in colombia and driven there for years, its normal for trucks to be on the wrong side of the road trying to pass other trucks, they race eachother, you have no idea how many accidents i've come accross because of them.

Hope he can recover, but it doesnt look good.
S2 licensed
Screamer 4X4... its the same guys i bet... its identical. Good memories, had fun doing the trails way back then.
S2 licensed
I just got meself this Tamiya hilift, love the scale look, i hate non-scale kiddy looking RC cars\trucks.

S2 licensed
yeah, it started a year ago... im still bored of lfs.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :IF it does happen, button and alonso in the same car would be great to watch.

In the BACK of the field

Alonso won because of the car, period. When they outlawed the mass dampering device they had in the renault, he plumeted like a stone, where he remains.
S2 licensed
I do what Eric does.....

Except since lfs came out... i've done... oh.... dunno, about 40 full cars with highly detailed interiors and all the jazz you can imagine.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :GP Bikes I imagine.


I love GPbikes, its miles ahead of SBK08 and all those so called "sims".
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :Oh my... I nearly had a heart-attack when this happened to me last race :>

yep, thats a moment worthy of a painters stroke in the undies for sure
S2 licensed
Welcome chaps!
S2 licensed
LOL, danica should not be allowed to drive after that... she could seriously have injured quite a few guys. She's made higher then average opsies compared to other drivers (maybe the exception is IDE ).
S2 licensed
DC will be missed.
S2 licensed
compare the smooth online play with lfs

About the wrecks, its inherently difficult to make big crashes look realistic online, theres not fast enough communication to update the cars extreme positioning while in a big wreck, so thats something we all live with.
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :funny..

Let me tell you about the only accident I caused in iRacing. After the start, I rear ended someone in T1. As soon as I hit him, his car disappeared from plain site. I frantically hit "look right", I look in the rear view, but the car's just GONE. No he didn't join the spectators or enter pits (you have to come to a complete stop to do that). That car just freaking disappeared. I'm sure he reemerged somewhere out of my view. After the race, I wanted to see the replay so I knew who to apologize to, but no, after 5 years of development it only records the last 6 laps of the race (if you only have 1GB of memory like me)

Even when I started playing LFS in 0.1 or whatever in 2002 we had fairly solid multiplayer collisions and were able to watch an entire replay (and save it - another feature lacking from iRacing). So you guys may whine about development speed but I think it's quite amazing what one software developer can do compared to a large team with alot of money..!

p.s. I didn't mean to single you out I'm sure the bugs in iRacing will be fixed soon and the ability to view and save replays will be added.... development speed seems to be very good. But the fact remains we're shelling out a lot of money for a game that lacks a ton of features that LFS already has.

I havent seen what you mention personally, possibly his internet connection isnt as good, or yours. Also, about the replays, you dont see cars blinking like the replays in lfs... in lfs they twich every second, which i've always found incredibly annoying, comparatively in iracing, the replays are butter smooth, just look at this youtube vid of me having a fight with tim wheatly and him loosing it:
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz ::o im a maturing young man lol.
Im not crying over nfs i just dont think everyone should always flame it and thing its crappy. People have their own preferences.

It just gets on my nerves people always flame anything such as drifting,cruising or need for speed just to name a few.

Puberty, gotta love it.
S2 licensed
^ good eye! lol, i missed that completely :P.

Anyways, im sure eric must have been working on something else, despite this i sort of feel these cockpits didnt get enough love. I understand the low poly limits imposed by the gfx engine, but a little love goes a long way. Regardless i guess he did the best with what he's got...
S2 licensed
I dont understand one thing, for example, the project gotham racing 3-4 interiors took no more then a week, maybe two if they where REALLY complicated to model and uv\texture.

For lfs, it shouldnt have taken more then 2months tops to do all the interiors, considering also that they are quite low poly and hence are pretty easy to uv\texture. He must have been doing something else, im sure of it, is it so?

Here's an example of a pgr3 cockpit: ... ry/GT5%20vs%20PGR4/25.jpg
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah in my first (only, so far) race there were a couple of spins, but no collisions.

I don't think it's fair to compare that to LFS driving standards though, given that iRacing only put 10 cars on the grid with me.

The 10 car field is only in beginner class, when you move up and qualify to better cars\classes, the fields go into the 20's and 30's and above.
S2 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :

Updates for LFS in the meantime:

Added Mongolian language


Not to slam on scavier or anything, but this pretty much sums it up.
S2 licensed
Go back to NFS with your neons and stuff
S2 licensed
On Wiki, i am declared as the person who FIRST found the FIRST LFS demo ver.

So i speak from experience, having been around since the VERY beginning.... They REALLY need to up their game, invest in themselves as a company, not an individual, this means hire one or two people more. Just think, after a few weeks of getting the extra help on the same page, the work timeline will literally be cut in half, 1\4 at worst.

LFS WAS on top 2 years ago, now its simply there. Being in the game DEV business i can see whats happening right now that will come out this\next year that no one knows about, and with confidence i can say that LFS has nothing to make it stand out... now or in the future.
S2 licensed
RIP, great comedian, he seriously pushed the envelopes of comedy....
S2 licensed
Even milka dunno, they are all normal talented drivers, Danica is like the psycho ex-gf that wants everything done her way and now! Hell no.
S2 licensed
anyone BUT patrick please, she's a spoiled brat, anyone notice all her fits and tantrums?

Legge would be a much better choice.