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S2 licensed
I had predicted a LONG time ago (4+ years ago) on these very forums, that LFS will die slowly.

How did i know this? easy.....

They refuse to get help, to include anyone else in the dev, i dont know if they are that money hungry where they cant stand paying someone else or they just became VERY elitist and thought noone was good enough to help them. Whatever the case, then end result is the same.

BTW, the $ i paid them is "thanks" enough for LFS.
S2 licensed
Its been dead to me for the last 3 years.

So now its almost done decomposing.

The players left in LFS are just maggots eating away at its rotting corpse.
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Anyone know how much less downforce the spoiler will produce? I could care less how it looks most of the time, I just want to know about the racing aspect of it. It should make the cars looser yes, and after watching random saves the past couple years I hope you can't "dirt track" the cars...

As far as the no yellow line deal, I say they keep it out for 2 races.

actually, a spoiler will create more downforce, making them even more tight (understeery).

Not only that, but the spoiler will create a huge vortice behind it of empty air, which will make cars following it understeer even more.

The wing had the huge benefit of cutting through the air, and not leaving a huge messy wake behind it, the spoiler is the opposite.
S2 licensed
Im going to be a dad .

Expected delivery date is August . Cant wait!!!
S2 licensed

felt like doing thread necrophilia.

you all fell for it.

merry xmas!
S2 licensed
Quote from tomylee :LFS and iRacing should work together, like this we would get maybe something awesome. Combined power are better when singel power.

Believe it or not, Scawen has been approached by a ton of BIG companies wanting to license LFS for their own projects, i know this for a fact, he has had quite a few generous offerings, but he never budged.
S2 licensed
LFS was awesome 8 years ago (you read that right, i've been around this sim for that long)... and hit its peak of content\features around 2006-07.

Ever since then, not only did the lack of good quality noticeably better patches slow down drastically, but also the sim started growing bigger then the original LFS crowd could handle ie: more and more kids started playing, which leads to more wreckers (insert drifters here too) and the whole core of what made the LFS community fun started diluting with the raw sewage that is the common folk which is driven by the main stream mindless media\fads.

Since then, Scawen has been fighting an uphill battle, and loosing. Theres some admiration there for him, he's stuck it out this far, but i believe that this has become the nail that will seal the coffin. (has sealed the coffin in my situation, as much as i loved LFS i doubt i'll ever come back). He really should have expanded his team, at least have added one programmer/artist to the mix, it would be cutting development time right now by almost 1\2, which would have kept a lot of people a lot happier and involved.

Anyways, its not all his wrong doing... LFS just ended up attracting a different crowd then what us the original core community where. So some of us migrated, moved on, left LFS to those who dont know where its come from and all its accomplished.
S2 licensed
What the heck, might aswell.

Heres a pic of our wedding, it happened this october , she's ALL MINE! .

S2 licensed
Being one of the first to be in LFS... i've seen its evolution get slower...and slower... and slower... im at a point where im expecting updates to start going backwards and removing features :P, ashes to ashes so to speak.
S2 licensed
thanks guys
S2 licensed
Quote from Dj-Aeri :This is DTM


the DTM now is boooring, too much dependance on aero, the cars dont even look close to stock, nothing like the good ol' days.
S2 licensed
Last edited by RMachucaA, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :I've got a slightly painful venereal disease. He can have that if he wants it.

Naw, i think your gf\bf got it first.
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :I thought he worked for an F1 simulator company anyway....... and has for quite a few years...

NKP was his side project..


Last i heard, NKPro is more of a hobby for him, along with playing his guitar.
S2 licensed

Did you guys notice who was the FIRST person to spread the word?

I should be a mod by now or something.
S2 licensed
Quote from trebor901 :why couldnt Danica Patrick have won it, from what ive seen she's a really under rated driver

No she's not.

#1, she's in one of the best teams in the IRL, yet has failed to deliver countless times. She's only still driving because the media.

#2. I find her quite ugly tbh, she looks like a pre-op tranny jeff gordon.

#3. She will never stop bitching and complaining about EVERYTHING.

#4. I dont know why she wasnt suspended when she ran over a guy during practice in the pits while she was speeding last year.

#5. The one win she does have, was orchestrated.

So in conclusion, yes she may be a relatively fast driver, but not even close to what the media paint her to be, she'll NEVER win a championship, we all know that, with that in mind, why is she still racing? Ratings.
S2 licensed
Quote from dorikick :is it just me, or is there a lot less north american servers? compared to 2 years ago

All the real racers left for other sims unfortunately. Hope this motivates scawen to get some new news out at least.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :If you think the online activity is dropping, you can go to LFS World :

Click on "Racers & Hosts online" and select the "History" tab.

You will then see something like this attached image and you will probably realise there is no reduction in people online, just a gradual increase over time.

Whats missleading is that 9\10ths of the people online are kids playing about in cruise servers or some silly little mod where they putt putt around like... well, erm... kids.

Real racing servers are dying.
S2 licensed
who wants to drink stale water? not i nor many other people.

Give us a glass of fresh water, and we might drink it again and attract other thirsty gamers\simmers.
S2 licensed
Quote from RiGun :Great pictures, I was hoping I could go and see one of the final stages when they come back to Argentina but the friend I was counting on to go with is really busy so we can't go.

pfff, eso no es ser amigo, mas bien ex-amigo :P.
S2 licensed
Nice wheel blurs!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Well, according to that quote, he's only quick and fast when the car with the most powerful engine does the driving for him.

very well put.
S2 licensed
specially since i havent played LFS in almost a year :P.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :Wise Dog need not bark all the time

very wise words my fellow competitor and friend.