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S2 licensed
I'm English and have been speaking/writing it since i could but i am still shite at it.

I have odd days where my grammer, spelling and punctuation is perfect, yet others its really, really rubbish. But most of the time its in-between, so you get the odd spelling mistake, missing comma or something.

But, English is something i want to brush up on. Speaking it i'm fine, fluent, no mistakes, but its typing mainly i have problems with (just think you dont have to spell words when you say them out loud. ) Plus the industry i am heading into uses computers heavily so writing and documentation will also have to be perfect.
S2 licensed
IMHO downloading, say a single or album, to see if its any good is a good thing. You think, you download it, its shit, you delete it. No money wasted, no time wasted by going to the shops and getting it, then returning it because you dont like it. But if you like it, you delete it (or keep it on your HDD) then go buy the CD. Then you use the MP3 copy on your HDD as your legal copy (under law you can have 1 legal backup copy, but im not sure about MP3's)

Actually, if you want to be right. Lending CD's is a crime. So if you ever lent a CD to a mate for the night, you've broken the law. Plus, putting music from a CD onto an iPod or other portable media player is also ILLEGAL under current law. So they moan about p2p but not iPods.
S2 licensed

The dude who made this was -suppost- to make an update with an eraser. Posts on its forum said Monday (and i was reading on a Saturday) about a month ago, still no update.
S2 licensed
Mines still cocked. Although seeing people sign in and out is fine, its just any form of communication.
S2 licensed
No, but i'm guessing they were using ramps. The way you can access them is ONLY on a Blackwood Track, so GP, GP Reverse or the carpark. When you load one of them tracks, press SHIFT + U on your keyboard and you should get a menu at the top of the screen, under one of them buttons you will see a ramp button appear, click that then place it somewhere in game.

Hope i've helped and welcome to S2.
S2 licensed
Very nice movie dude.

I can't help but feel that the sped up sky was a bit overused. While the cars were stationary it fitted perfectly, but maybe not when their driving and drifting as it takes your eyes away from the main objective (which would be the drifting) But, it does make the movie. I like the video & audio syncing. Very nicely done there.

Overall i like it. I'd give it a strong 9/10. would be 10/10 but, again, i feel the sped up sky was a bit overused. And, albeit im not a drifting movie fan, i'm being unbiased.

Good movie mate.
S2 licensed
But then someone sits afk, on their last lap, at T1... Not fun, especialy if kick/ban is turned off and no admins are online.

But +1 for the idea (when people aren't afk)
S2 licensed
I know when i used to be up for more than a day, sometimes two days frequently, (i was badly behind on coursework and the night before it was due in seemed to be an all nighter all the time.) when i eventualy hit the sack i was out like a light for 12 or more hours. I could be up from 6am on a monday, not sleep monday night then go bed on tuesday at 6pm and not get up till 10am the next day. Then after leading a normal day, go to bed and sleep for my usual 8-9 hours.
S2 licensed
lol, main page i see this:


I remember a mate of mine playing this a while ago (if its the same game)
S2 licensed
Start > Control Pannel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management and in the storage tree you should have Disk Management. Somewhere in that you can do it IIRC.
S2 licensed
I thought bumping a topic when you got the same problem is a good thing? Then it dont waste forum space and people saying "Try here mate : *link here*"

But meh, some people.
S2 licensed
I think i've slept for more than 12 hours before. I know during the summer holidays i would go bed at 4-5am and get up at 2-3-4pm but now days i sleep for about 9 hours, maybe 10 if i feel lazy.
S2 licensed
big toe towards.....
S2 licensed
Citroen XM?
S2 licensed
A tip someone said to me and its always worked a treat.

Any time you have a single HDD (such as some people only have one 20gb hdd in their comp, others have a single 300gb) partition off 6,7,8 gig for windows and install it on there. Then you got the rest to do as you please. Then when you format, not only does it go faster than formatting 300gb, but you dont lose your stuff.
S2 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :take note of your posture. how you stand or sit.

this is one of the things that doctors can not help you... people who live with you will look at you and judge what it is that is straining you and causes pain.

little story:

my ankle started aching. BAD. i could not walk. so i go with my father to the orthopedic to check me out... we go in the elevator, up to 2nd floor, into the office, my dad staying silent all the time. doctor examines me, finds nothing, tells me to stay put for some days and rub some cream and if the pain returns, he will xray me. so me and dad, leave the doctors office, into the elevator, down... my father ever silent.

after a couple days rest, pain is gone... but as soon as i start walking, the pain returned.

so off i go, with my father, to the orthopedic... up the elevator again, my father staying silent all the time. doctor examines me, tells me that he can not do anything but send me for xrays, since he can not tell that something is wrong with my ankle. so we leave the doctors office, into the elevator... ...

... at which point, my father looks at my foot, points at it and tells me "stop doing that."

i looked at my foot... i had it tilted outwards straining the ankle... i was doing that, all the time, without noticing it. i stopped doing it and in one day the pain went away and never returned.

there are cases where your body is ok, but there is something that YOU do that irritates it...

these are the cases where the doctor can't help much.

you must learn about yourself.

and follow my previous advice, as well.

Yeh i can relate to this. If i sit at my computer for a long time, because i cba to move my DFP pedals, my feet are usualy leaning on them. And, when im relaxing i dont have them flat, i kinda have one tilted (like i was wearing high heels) and the other, angles and resting on its side against the pedals and my feet are fecking sore after. Same with me back. After about 30 mins of leaning forward typing on my comp, my left shoulderblade feels like its burning and someones pricking me thousands of times. I lean back or sit straight, im fine.

wheel4hummer: Yeh i had that done at the hospital. I cant remeber the exact number but they said theirs nothing wrong with mine. And i had the same done today at the docs but it was on a smaller machine, yet it still took the same readings (i think) and the doc said i was fine.
S2 licensed
Just been to the doc and he said that my pains i get are from indegesgion (which i been getting latley) and also *hope no-ones eating* my loose shit is from quitting smoking as i recently aslo had lots of gas. So, i'm happy now.
S2 licensed
Hehe yeh theres always been a hunch in the back of me mind saying "Mums right" It's amazing how you say what you got to them and they know whats wrong, then you ask about another thing and you get "I'm not a bloody doctor"
S2 licensed
LMFAO. God i hope not!

As for the headsets, i want one. Mainly because the less wires the better (i'm a clumsy mofo ) I always seem to tangle my ipod headphones up with my shirts or something. Plus I got bluetooth on me comp and, much like victor said, can use it for VOIP thigns like teamspeak, and again, not be tangled in my headsets wires
S2 licensed
Well anyone on a forum saying something is like my parents saying something... I mean now, I sat down this afternoon (before this post) and basicly thought to myself "Stop being a c**t, David" so i aint as worked up about it now. Also, after reading the last part on that wikipedia atricle (about self diagnosis on the net) is what i'm doing and i've kinda taken a step forward and not so worried.

Quote from xaotik :Yup, it all sounds just like what a pal of mine had, God rest his soul.

That dont sound good.
Anyone a Hypercondriac?
S2 licensed
I'm not sure if the title is in contex but i think i'm becoming / become a hypercondriac. Recently, i got pains in my chests and I kept working myself up about it, thinking it was every heart or lung disease under the sun. Even though i went to A&E and they checked me out, saying i was fine in that area and I had indegesgion/heartburn and possibly overworked my chest muscles (which would explain the pains) but i'm still worrying about it.

Then i got a weird cold/flu thing from my dad, sore throat, swollen glands in me neck etc yet i was still convinced it was some form of cancer. Its now gone but i occasionaly feel pains in me chest like the ones i went to the hospital about. Also, taking two weeks to see the ****ing doctor! Made my appointment on the 23rd Oct and i'm seeing him tommorow (the 7th) so that hasn't helped.

I've quit smoking, cut down on the shite i eat and drink (so you could call it a diet) and then all this happens and i've just gone mental with worry. Me mum says me bodys doing loads of changes because of quitting smoking and the diet, plus its that time of year for bugs to fly about and stuff.

I mean, looking at it all now i can see i was overreacting a tad, but still, everytime something different happens i worry. Anyone else like this? Or am i being completly OTT with the whole thing.

Recently (mainly cos of the amount of time i gota wait to see the doc) i been using the net to see if i can find what i got, and obviously using the net i find shit that dont even relate to me but i might look into the symptoms of what i find and i have one of them (like a cough or something) but loads of things have a cough as a symptom, thus i start to crap myself.
S2 licensed

Install Win95 & run LFS from memory card? Should work shouldnt it?
S2 licensed
If this is still open to contestants, i have a concept idea (mainly to increase my portfolio for uni) that i might start soon.
S2 licensed
18, 19 next January
S2 licensed
Very nice move. Betetr than half the other drift movies out there.
