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Anything after UT2003 sucked hairy mutant nuts, UT with vehicles is just a copy of Halo which is doubly sheet. Looks as if they have vehicles in this edition too, so no deal for me.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Actually I have pulled them up in the past for bollocking on about how they've got the best, most professional sim-racing "in the world". I stopped doing it because I came to the conclusion that they actually believe it, so what's the point...

I've also bitched a lot about the CTRA userbars cluttering up every corner of the forum. At first the justification for them was that they were "for leagues", but in this case they're apparently also "for servers". I could probably get my own userbars on the forum these days if I set up a server. I appreciate that they're providing a good service, but the mess they leave behind pisses me off.


I can't argue with that, well said squire.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I don't want to put words into anyone else's mouth, but I think we just find it either ludicrous or piss funny (depending on mood at the time) that every post you make these days is plugging your website.

Oh come on fella it ain't all that bad if you want piss funny go read the STCC website's front page, the best "virtual" racing series in the world - those guys can't get enough of themselves but no ones complaining or the amount of CTRA spam we've had to endure.

And Intrepid if you wan't some real racing with skilled drivers and what not I suggest you get some more track time and join a decent team, then migrate from these turdy public servers into a top leauge. Come race in the BoTT or MoE and you'll see different types of 'attitudes' to what you get on public.
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :I admit laughing for the incident and shouting that cranes are banned and it's useless to wave them to get one. But I also laughed for the pure comical value and for the "Hamilton is a god" crowd. Plus, I want Räikkönen (spelling you noobs) to win the title and it's not fair he always has to be the freak incident guy, who apparently over drives the car... he is not the only one then.

Its about time Kimi gets a win he truly deserves it with all the trouble he has had over the years, Hamilton in my opinion doesn't truly deserve a title just yet because he hasn't struggled to get where he is now - Not that I care if he does get it.
S2 licensed
'07 FXO
'07 RB4
'07 XRT

Sounds good to me!
S2 licensed
Don't you have a postal service?
S2 licensed
If I had 6K floating around me I'd seriously consider the E36 M3 but it does have its downers, one of them being part prices from the main dealer. Although its a solid and reliable car because it carries its infamous M badge its going to cost you a bomb when something goes wrong or needs fixing, my father is looking to order two new front shocks for his E34 M5 Touring and main dealer price is £840 + VAT a piece.

As for a Porsche well I've only ever been in one and it was an old 911 Targa and it was miserably dull and boring, I guess they've gotten quicker and improved over the years but I'm certain if you want something fun and pokey you'll need about 30K.

The Intergrale is a beautiful car too I find, I was close to buying one last summer but only the 1.6 HF Turbo. It was completely reconditioned and it had no rust but I was outbid on ebay And they're not known for reliability and I guess the 2.0 turbo's are getting rare.

One car Id recommend although It hurts to do so is the MX5, my mum has the 1.8 Eunos roadster and its such a wicked car to drive. Its no 320bhp powerhouse but it will out drive a lot of cars on the road *cough* Toybota Supra *cough*
S2 licensed
Quote :I would bet the bigger problem is the faster drivers thinking they own the track

Quote :
That is 100% true. If you are fast, then pass the slower ones and stop complaining.

That isn't even remotely true you guys are just talking rubbish, I race with the top guys of LFS as often as I can and I never have any issues with them. I think you'll often find the problem to be the slower drivers who just can't take the shame of being overtaken, and make it infinitely impossible to overtake cleanly and safely.

Quote from Becky Rose :Any and all suggestions that the CTRA 1 server is populated by a higher portion of new and inexperienced drivers is bullshit.

CTRA 1 allows new drivers, unlike our tier 2 servers, but that does nto make them magically appear...

...To call it a newb server is frankly insulting and wholly innacurate.

Id have to disagree with you on that and I'm rather puzzled as to why you find it insulting, I like many others assumed it was the entry level to the whole system so having a higher amount of beginner racers is surely just another outcome because of that?

I don't really bother racing there any more because I've had my fair share of bad drivers ploughing into me, and of course this has nothing to do with the system but its also something it cannot save me from.
S2 licensed
10/10 for realism.

It just doesn't look perfect though in my opinion, a few things just look too sharp but its still a master piece.

I think its the chrome nostril things on the front they look a bit off in my opinion, too squared perhaps or edgy but you're probably happy with the result so no need to change it.

example: ... ot/front-driver-angle.jpg

example 2: - Race spec but I'm sure the grille is all the same.
S2 licensed
LFS Time!

Add another time area in CTRL + Shift mode that is the same time as the master server and everyone set races according to that.

Although UTC is sufficient
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :...

You failed to see my point but I'm sure you're happy now, your humour just totally defused and validated the situation - well done. Feel free to pull the red card I'm sure you've got plenty more white hate in your blood somewhere, right?
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :No. I never boxed you into anything. I only returned a joke that you made relative to the "w" earlier - that's all. Couldn't care less what flag you got next to your name. Infact I've lived, worked and toured in Germany - thoroughly enjoyed it - also one of my cycling buddies here happens to be German.

In the context of flags I think the proper term would be "flagist pig".

From the above the image I get is that you've got some insecurity of your own to settle. Please do so in private - resorting to unprovoked direct insults just gets you going in the same vicious cycle.

If I had 'German' or 'Deutsch' beside my name would the term then be 'texist pig' - I don't think it would but whatever, I also notice you pull the 'I have a German friend' card. If this topic involved dark skinned people the response would be something along the lines of 'Yeh we're all certain you've got plenty of those' right?

All is fair and equal, or is it?

I'm sorry if my previous post came across a little blunt but it wasn't as serious as you made it out to be, I've lived in England for 18 years now and I've had my fair share of Nazi stick to go with it, there is no insecurity just experiences to help form the opinion I have today.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :My position is just as reasonable as "Close the borders! They're foreign and I'm frightened of them!"

No one's afraid we just don't need people who refuse to follow the system that's been in place for years, or people who fail to integrate into society properly. We don't want people to setup sub cities within cities and we don't want communities that exclude the people that try to fit in.

Quote from thisnameistaken :I don't think nationalism is a useful concept except for promoting conflict

You're looking at 'nationalism' in the wrong light, stop looking at everything in such a political sense it can't be good for you. The way I see it is like anything, people want to belong to a group and no one wants to be an outcast. Belonging to a nation is just a bigger group you wish to belong to, and with such you carry all the positive and negative that comes from being in that group. You obviously only want to see nationalism as a means of conflict, but I guess that's because you like to put your political correctness jargon on just about anything.

Quote from xaotik : PS: Rooble, thanks for not using the capital "w" although it hurt you

Oh give it a rest you clown, in less then two posts you've already boxed into the 'racist nazi' container probably because I have a German flag beside my name, right?

Its not the colour of my skin but the colour of my flag, you racist pig!
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Why don't you just say what you want to say? Better out than in.

I'm sorry that my patronising comments offend you but you've got to admit, you don't half talk a load of bull squat.

Let all the Poles into the UK because their elders helped the RAF!!

Oh and don't forget those poor Africans that we enslaved 400 years ago, we should be feeling guilty for those too. Except that both you and I were never around during those times, but somehow we must repay the debt.

Is it cause I is white? <- I used a lowercase W incase xaotik is about.

Edit: I also think BlueFlames general message was, Why have nationalities if you're labelled a nazi for having pride in what nation you originate from. I think..? Do away with passports and such and all become ONE!
S2 licensed
Awesome stuff guys!

Big mean daddy Kev steps in and makes mince meat out of BlueFlame, then all the little rats come in and finish him off.

Quote from Kev :
Africans; well that's an obvious one. We wouldn't have achieved much without our handy African slaves now would we? So let's welcome Africans to share in the fruits of the labours of their ancestors who we shackled and put to work under threat of death, most of whom lived in conditions that meant they wouldn't survive beyond the age of 35 anyway.

Yeah we - me - you - and everyone alive today must feel terrible for the horrible way those poor guys and girls were treated all those years ago. We - me - you went to Africa in our boats and forced them into shackles and shipped them over to England to work for us. And now we have to feel bad and let them do as they wish because we - me - you were so mean to them, except you ignore the fact that a lot of these black slaves were SOLD OFF by their OWN FAMILIES for food but who cares about any of that stuff.

Kev stop trying so hard and BlueFlame I suggest you watch what you say in future cause it will land you in deep sheeet.
S2 licensed
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :You're a good drifter when you realize that the real conflict isn't against demo and s2, it's actually drift against race.


Haha Conflict!!

Dude this isn't the middle east we're not at war with each other, we (the racing faction) just enjoy taking the piss out of you (the drifting faction)

I feel just as emotionally hurt when labelled a 'gripper'
S2 licensed
Quote from Smurfen :and you're a good racer when you realize drifting is just another motorsport

Nah, you're a good racer when you beat almost everyone, pretty much everywhere, virtually all the time. - This video proves drifting requires little or no skill at all, this kid drifts better then most of the people I've seen on LFS!
S2 licensed
You're a good drifter when you realise drifting is lame.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mauni :and now ill be able to proove everything via replay...mwahhhaaa, mwahahhahahahaah!
Last lap of the race, harjun strikes again

Id say its about time he gets a ban if you ask me as this isn't the first time he started wrecking people, I've seen a replay of him wrecking in the UFR at AS Club I think it was a while ago.

I think his last excuse was 'I'm only 13' He's now 14 so he deserves a ban
S2 licensed
"Oh no, yer..... I tink I dun it again, Ive gone un pissed meself"
S2 licensed
Quote from gohfeld23 :While all these arguments are quite correct and logical, here's a question.
Have you tries the M3 challange and what do you think?

I have and I think it's complete junk.
Handling is way off, graphics are sub par and FF is to laugh at.
Remember, this is from a guy who argues that one should play more then one sim and who believes that rF and the GTR series can be great fun.

Any automaker wishing to portray their top of the line sports model such as BMW did, with a game that's not even close to the real thing is out of their mind.
While going with gt4 or a more arcade game is fine IMO, the current M3 challange doesn't do the car justice even the slightest bit.
Chances are SCAVIER would have turned them down (sadly) but can you imagine what LFS could do for large automakers and what they could equally do for LFS.

20% less creative freedom, 80% more income and licensing deals.

M3 Challenge is no way near as bad as you make it out to be, the graphics are 10x that of LFS the handling is different but I wouldn't say its all that far off and yes the FF is utter shit. Perhaps if you spent more then 30 seconds playing it you might come to enjoy it, I found it pretty fun although its nothing to scream and shout about.

Driving a brand new M3 round a real track was great, it sounded cool and its modelled very good so I don't see why anyone wouldn't even consider downloading it. Its free and in some aspects it outclasses LFS no sweat, plus variety is good as it gives you a fresh look on what others are doing and what your favourite product isn't.
S2 licensed
I have nothing against it as long as it remains optional.
S2 licensed
Quote from Breizh :You could just have an area in the garage setup screen, near the gear ratios, that displays the top speed of each ratio.

That wouldn't be accurate either, tyre wear and wind downforce/drag and such will change that.

Simple solution would be to look at the thing that's designed to tell you your speed!
S2 licensed
Quote from wark :Rev counter (or your ears if you're not tone deaf) not good enough for you on a straight? the units of measurement are a little arbitrary, are they not?

That seems to be more distracting than helpful to the majority; might end up waiting to hit x speed and miss your braking point or something.

I'll add that you should be able to tell how good your corner exit was on the corner exit.

No the rev counter isn't 'good enough' for me to determine my speed, I wouldn't look at the speedometer if the revving engine gave me the information I want would I now?

You're obviously part of the majority that finds it distracting, but I find it useful as do many others in my team. Plus I never know if the sector I'm driving is good until the timer tells me it's good, just feeling fast doesn't ultimately make you fast but I'm sure you already knew that.
S2 licensed
Yeh wurd dawg homie.:dogrun: