Oh come on mate, seriously what are you trying to pull here?
One moment you're all 'I'm here to help' then you're giving deadlines of when you're releasing your 'POC work' into the public. Sorry to say but you're nothing more then a script kiddie, you say you are not but I fail to see anything more then that.
Its obvious you want people to admire your 'talent/knowledge' but on the same hand you're trying to play the 'I'm here to help, and don't require public recognition' which just doesn't make an ounce of sense. To top if off you start to play the victim game and make out everyone's attacking you for what you've done, but in reality they're just not putting up with your ever changing attitude on the situation.
Besides this was a general thread concerning software exploits, the fact you've spent 3 pages making it all about 'muhaa' suggests that you want nothing more then attention. Your 'exploit' was really nothing big or dangerous in comparison to what this community has already gone through, just ask some of these clowns about our good mate Phlos (He actually keeps all his tidy exploits to himself - then informs the dev team of them)
Don't take this post personal I'm not here to attack you, I just don't agree with some of the things you've been saying.
K, Thnx Bye.