I would have to agree with BBO on this here, last night was very odd and in general the 'league' has warped from when it first started.
It seems the rules and structure of the league is changing with every event, i guess alot of us are thinking if this league is just more of a joke?
We are all here for the same reason, to have fun and race fair and last night was fine, clean driving from all but it started to slip.
A few people just disconnected or couldnt join, points being awarded for no real reason and a lack of intrest near the end of the race for a few people. And yeah Jack your performance was questionable, dont really know what happened with you there but your car was hanging.
Anyway, good event last night, i should of practiced more as that was the first time id driven that combo and my first league event

Id admire the others who actually finished even though they had battered cars *cough*
DaveWS *cough* o and BBO i watched the replay and i seen where you picked up most of your damage. Instead of coasting into the first bend off the start/finish straight, brake and shift into 4th and power back on