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S2 licensed
Ah cool you've made a team and niko is a member

I think your website looks ugly though, So ive taken an old layout and just added some images from LFS and your team name. I had nothing to work on so its nothing special, but its probably a little cleaner then what you currently have but its basically only a header and footer

If you want to use it just let me know and ill send the PSD or the images wrapped in a neat html template then just fill in the gaps
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Check if you have hardware acceleration enabled.

Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Display -> Settings -> Advanced -> Trouble shooting -> And turn that baby full blast!

That other post had the same problem, i used to get it alot its usally happens after a fresh install of Windows or a new set of drivers.
S2 licensed
Id like to point out that I myself have been experiencing problems with the LFS master server lately. Just last Saturday i had to attend a league race and the master server was down just as i needed to get on!

I would not rule out your ISP as turd and useless but I'm with NTL and never have issues with them and seem to have a few troubles lately with the master server.

Wireless has its problems too so i suggest you take a look into it a little further. I dont really know much about it but I hear most of the problems are beacuse of the signal fluctuating. Some guy had here made a video tutorial on how to boost your wireless with a simple kitchen mod. Perhaps you should give it a test?
S2 licensed
TyresHot you are possibly the most funny person ive encountered on a internet forum.

You're overly helpful and you always seem to post everywhere, but half of the time its useless and you never get anywhere

I have exactly £30 in my pocket right now, If i could hand it to you to buy an S2 licence i would! Just to get your dopey butt on S2!
S2 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :Err, no, the next race is next week at Westhill, followed by the final race a week later at Aston North.

Now who said i would race Westhill?
S2 licensed
Just have a general intrest in cars and want to be fast! Or just have fun, It really depends on what you want todo with LFS.

I suggest racing the FXO and the RB4 and possibly the XRT - These cars are pretty well balanced with good power and stability to help you learn a little more then using a slower car (UF1).

If you can master these cars then changing to another vehicle wont be so difficult, unless of course its the FOX or BF1 which require a different type of driving altogether.

Thats just how Im doing it with great success so far! Here are a few tips to make note of:

1) Setups are vital and the correct one will help you win a race, But at the same time its only a setup and its still the drivers job to drive clean and fast.

2) Follow faster racers lines and learn where they brake and turn and what not, you'll soon be fast enough to keep up with them!

3) Dont push to hard for hours and hours, this just gets you frustrated and often makes you alot slower! Just have some fun!!
S2 licensed
Good race I guess, but a very boring combo!

That track is unknown and Ive not raced it before, So as ever I was learning the track as the race progressed. I guess if we all had some more practice the racing would have been much closer, and perhaps Dave might of even stayed connected!

Unlucky there too Dave as you had some good race pace with a solid lead over the rest of us.

BBO, Good racing from you also considering your car had some damage and you started from last. I did call for a restart but no one obviously deemed it nessercary.

Good luck to everyone for the final race, Im glad its two weeks away and not next Saturday!
S2 licensed
Spa? illepall


S2 licensed
What drivers are you currently using for your card? And do the 5500 models even support heat stats?

immutability you say you're running WinXP Home (which might I add is awful) is it service packed? Have you kept the security updates in check?

As for the GFX card overheating, you'd probably notice artifacts or dodgey colours or something before it has any slow down on the machine itself. Ive read that the vertex shading was being a pain in the butt for another user with crashes and what not.

If you have another drive hooked up on the system, move LFS over to that drive as it still sounds like thats the reason in my opinion. Other possible reasons could be as followed :

Virus / Spyware
CPU getting too hot (could be dust clogging the fans air flow)
Hard drive is near its end of life
Possibly GFX issues, i suggest you swap it with your other card to see if it has any effect + New drivers

And if all else fails, kill the lot and make a fresh install of Windows, perhaps something you installed cocked up the registry or something silly. A fresh install from time to time saves alot of hassle, I myself reinstall Windows every month or so.

Good luck
S2 licensed
Does the hard drive LFS is situated on make any iffy noises when these lock up's occur? If you have another drive, move the LFS folder over to it (I'm not sure if it requires another unlock but it probably doesn't) and see if this does anything.

And what programs do you run in the background? I remember at work some silly administrator set a virus scan to start on the server at 9am, this would slow the server down hard core during those busy morning hours.

And when these lock up's happen does the computer freeze or is it just LFS? Simply hit the Windows key on your keyboard or ALT + TAB to see if its locked fully.
S2 licensed
Im having troubles with my sound and a horrible sqreech like something metal griding away. This usally happens in game and soon after the sound disspears untill the race restarts.

Ive tried lowering sound acceleration and this didnt seem to help, so im stuck?

Anyone know the cause?

Using a Realtek AC97 onboard sound chip, Server 2003 U29/30 - Both with problems, and i never had these problems before i updated to these patches.
S2 licensed
I winned again Pole to 1st

Well done to everyone else, seriously nice lap times!!

I am starting to consider leaving this league, its become too open and uncoordinated with people joining and leaving and back and forth. Lets see if it picks up at all or if its just worth scrapping the league now.

BBO; you're too cautious with the tyres, keep the pace next time and only back off if they're melting

DaveWS; Lets make babies and forget LFS.

D6nn; Good job on catching me, at one point you were only 1.89 behind me

LFSn00b; HAHA Fell off his pony and think he broke his leg, decided to go to hospital to have it checked out.
S2 licensed
Ah social engineering this stuff is easy if you know how to play the game

I guess there is only a few ways you could really pull this off.

1. Beg and moan and whine till she gives in and just buys it to shut you up.

2. Help her around the house or do things the things that she really hates doing to make her life easier.

3. Compliment her on what a great mum she is and how much more you'd love her if she pays for your licence.

4. Send her on a guilt trip and explain that if she doesn't buy you this licence your life will be over, and you will turn to drugs and become a murderer all because she couldn't spare a few dollars to buy you a game.

If none of these work, combine them all into one and use the pokemon power card to double your skills.

** This post is purely a joke and i take no responsibility for your actions or the results of your actions. If you're put into a care home then its your fault **
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :illepall ive raced this guy and apart from him never beating me.... and that he's been known to abuse sheep and small wild animals sexually he's a good guy and you can laugh at him all day illepall

This guy is trying to ruin my clean reputation with filthy lies! I never touched the bloody sheep that was all you as i just filmed!

As for me never beating him well, thats just silly now isnt it? As we both know i dominate you on the track. *Evil laugh*

And thanks to everyone that came here to post, I LOVE YOU ALL. :grouphug:
S2 licensed
Not sure if this is just a problem I'm having, but it started ever since i installed U30. It doesn't happen very often but when it does it certainly lets me know.

Ill be driving along and the sound will make this horrible sheering/screeching noise, like you're using a power saw to cut through a lump of metal. The first time i heard it I nearly had a heart attack

I use headphones, so when it happens its very very loud and I usually get all paranoid that the aliens are here to beam me up or send me weird messages via LFS.:alien2:

And once this happens the sound will be gone completely, or it becomes really quite. If I hit SHIFT + W to reinitialize the sound nothing happens and it still continues, its like it does it when it wants too. It doesn't give me any warning signs or indications when its going to do it either!
S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :For anyone that's interested in boring things such as numbers and graphs I've made some stats of the first 2 rounds using the awesome LFS Stats tool

I've also made a MTC logo sorta thing rendered from the tbo cars in lfs instead of the porsche 944s, feel free to use it on the storm racing site or anywhere else if you like it.

Very nice mate, thanks for that!
S2 licensed
Best tip i can give you, is become a Rally Slag! Just go flat out, all the time, and not care about the corner or the car!

Typically a rally slag would drive a vehicle such as this : ... .2.8ghia.x.arp.750pix.jpg

Or this :

But these are not available within the game, so you're going to have to improvise.

I remember taking my first steps into Rally Slagdom, at the ripe age of 15 on a private :woohoo: green lane road.

Or just listen to all the other useful comments suggested by other members.
S2 licensed
Quote from matt_green84 :Stupid sarcasm not working over the internet.

No that was funny
S2 licensed
I always LFB in LFS, its just natural. As for the real road id never LFB in an automatic as this is a stupid move as you've always got your right foot resting on the accelerator. When driving manual i will use LFB most of the time, once you learn it on a track and you can control its pretty straight forward. I got into the habbit of heal/toe but i soon gave that up as it was pointless when doing 25mph!
S2 licensed
Quote from nubz :ok, all i get is to race some of teh oterh cars, i'm wanna buy the game soon, so what i play with the oterh cars. What i really want is to race online so relax. Man freak out over nothing.

So you admit to being a cracked LFS user, and expect people not to care/mind because you say you're buying it?

Ah whatever
S2 licensed
I would have to agree with BBO on this here, last night was very odd and in general the 'league' has warped from when it first started.

It seems the rules and structure of the league is changing with every event, i guess alot of us are thinking if this league is just more of a joke?

We are all here for the same reason, to have fun and race fair and last night was fine, clean driving from all but it started to slip.

A few people just disconnected or couldnt join, points being awarded for no real reason and a lack of intrest near the end of the race for a few people. And yeah Jack your performance was questionable, dont really know what happened with you there but your car was hanging.

Anyway, good event last night, i should of practiced more as that was the first time id driven that combo and my first league event Id admire the others who actually finished even though they had battered cars *cough* DaveWS *cough* o and BBO i watched the replay and i seen where you picked up most of your damage. Instead of coasting into the first bend off the start/finish straight, brake and shift into 4th and power back on
S2 licensed
Good racing lads!
S2 licensed
Skaterboy, you were in the server then you left, besides check your PM im sure its there!
S2 licensed
True true Mr Rodgers, you might be called Mike but you're still a bloke (i hope ) So that would make you Mr Rodgers(MrRodgers) so i win.

Yes the whole CRC gang, bunch of bloody nutters Dead funny running on the demo servers though.

So yes back to the point, we need a few decent video creators/directors and i guess some content to fill it to get these demo folk to see the light.