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S2 licensed
user: admin
pass: sky
S2 licensed
You guys just have no class and no clue.

It cost 8 million to design and build purely because it was a ONE OFF test machine commissioned by some tyre company. Im sure 8 million in car design is pretty reasonable!

Oh and on another note, that thing is just beautiful!

You need to see its true beauty and not its physical existence!! The beauty of it is if you're driving that you're very rich, and you know how to hide it tastefully.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Hmm. The abbreviation "VD" has certain connotations amongst older forumites.

Hate to bump a useless and somewhat oldish thread but!

:banana: ITS A SEXY TIME

S2 licensed
South Coast Racing?

I used to get most of my MX gear from a shop called South Coast Racing! (Fareham)

You're not affiliated in anyway are you? I need some new gear
S2 licensed
Quote from Blaeza :If they have sense, no...

Thats a little harsh isnt it, you're in MG dont you forget!

shaun463, Do as you wish but consider the fact that you're still probably very new to LFS so it might be easier for you to join an established team.
Every dog and his monkey can put a team together, but it takes a little bit more to keep it together and to keep members active and intrested.

Just my opinion

Good luck mate.
S2 licensed
Take a look here : ... &sort=posts&pp=30

Notice how out of the top 5 posters, they all refer to Jaffa cakes in their biography?


People have started to use the forum like a chat room, posting stupid and worthless threads to feel like they've contributed to the community. illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :You're just normally such a nice fellow (I think) and ruining someone's life in real ... life for doing a "digital B&E on a forum (of all places)" seems over the top, but you're entitled to your extremist opinion


Digital breaking and entering!!!

Im sure my neighbour wont mind if I break into his shed later when he's sleeping, its only a shed.. Right?illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :You wait it will be on Sky One soon presented by that idiot with spikey hair and glasses...THE PHLOS CONSPIRACY

What JakG?
S2 licensed
Why does anyone actually care what the hell is going on here? He's probably found some dog old exploit to this dog old version of vBulletin and everyone is feeding his ego.

Move on let it pass.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :
Luckily LFS is great for sending setups, when I get a fast set I pass it on to anyone who asks for it, because I like knowing I am beating people because of my ability and not my setup.

This is why I love LFS! Faster people sharing setups with others to better those who need it. I like the idea of getting whooped up because of talent not because your car is faster or your setup is better. *COUGH* STCC FXO RB4 *COUGHPHOOEY*

Quote from ATC Quicksilver :
Thats why if you look at my qualifying stats they are a bit crap, because I stick to the good old motto 'fast is good, consistent is better'

Try telling that to bawbag
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :On that black maserati I notice that they really should do something to that oversized whale grille, 50% of that size is max that car should have. I'm pretty sure that car did not have such ugly grill before

It is not so bad in this one for some reason

I think its probably the same size it might just look bigger at that angle, if compared with the DB9's front layout i think its smaller.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I mean it looks plastic and tacky, like they made it on a tight budget. The Aston Martin looks classy and well made, as if they used only the best materials and staff.

Its probably because of the lighting more then anything and the paint work.

To say it looks plastic and tacky is really an insult to the designers, take a look at this version :

I think that car is a beautiful machine and Ill take it over any DB9, as its a real sports car with real sports car looks.
S2 licensed
I can agree with most people here when referring to the open wheelers, to me they're just not that fun to drive.

If you want close racing and fun racing stick to the TBO (FXO - XRT - RB4) class until you've clocked a few miles, I can promise you now within an hour of driving this class you'll have twice the amount of fun then in a BF1.

I also suggest you go and download some setups and get comfortable with one then focus on your lines and race craft. -- Popular setup field.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :...them M$ wheels last FOREVER, i've had one for oooh, as long as i can remember (easly about 6 years!) sold it and it was still working great

Anything will last a life time if treated correctly, but can you trust the seller?
S2 licensed
No they're not cheap but you need to consider what you're buying there mate.

If you win the wheel and pay out £21 given the fact its second hand it probably wont last much longer, perhaps it will.

Now say if it breaks in say 2 months? You'll go and buy another wheel perhaps even a brand new wheel @ £50/160 and if you buy it online you'll have to cough up another £10 for delivery.

Now consider you can pickup a DFP(Driving Force Pro) for around £50 maybe cheaper with a £10 for delivery. Is it really worth buying a second hand wheel? In my opinion it isn't and id consider going out any buying a new wheel just for peace of mind.
S2 licensed
I wouldn't say the game is old but dated...

What makes a new game these days? Graphics and eye candy!!

All LFS needs is some work on the bugs and some phat eye candy n hippo hoppo beetz, and we be back in the new age baby!

Be thankful for what you got, and not what you don't have. We got a good game that looks a little ugly and sounds a bit iffy, but she drives!!! O DOES SHE EVER DRIVE!!
S2 licensed
Not really sure what your problem is perhaps show us a screenshot of it? Or something?

Its a little miffy and could be alot of things!
S2 licensed
I'm sorry to say but if you're blind then there really isn't much you can do when it comes to video games. This is only my opinion of course and I'm sure it will come back to bite me in the arse.

But from where I'm sitting all I have to go on when I'm playing LFS is my eyes and ears, I do not use FF and I have no £250,000 real world simulator terminator cyborg thing.

So what do you propose?

That people follow a sighted car around a virtual race track to experience what it would be like driving a real car on a real track? Its hard enough for me to feel really fully immersed into the action with two seeing eyes and semi-working ears! And this to me doesn't sound like racing but a guided tour and we all know how much they suck.

As for coloured textures and stuff, that sounds like a great idea although the screenies CSU1 posted do look a bit iffy illepall
S2 licensed
Why would you need this?

If you learn the engine and when its rev'd out you'll know when to change it, its not very difficult.
Live for Speed Camera Hack
S2 licensed
Update to latest stable patch Y

+ Be sure to read the front window for hot key shortcuts
+ Must be in SHIFT + U camera mode
+ Update to Patch Y
+ Added update for Test Patch Y22 (Requested by Kahin)
+ Added .NET version - Might be buggy - But works OK for me (trying to phase out VB6 - Let me know :razz

Note : I noticed when applying the hack that the camera in this patch didn't lift or lower on command and had to wiggle the camera for it to shift position, just be aware of this as it still works. - I'm not sure if this was the case with the last few Patches but when in paused mode, the camera will lift and fall as you apply the hack.
Last edited by Rooble, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :ROFL Yeah, I need help & I hope I never get it. Bollocks is probably right... I should've put in parenthesis( runs off crying and slams a door) after typing the first part. It would've had a better effect I guess.
I was just being silly dude

But still just what are causes of servers going down? I know severe weather can knock out power lines and all, but I was talking to someone a while back
and they told me overheating was a problem that servers could have. Is this true?

Read the last post by Victor it explains pretty much what happened, or didnt you care to read?

P.S : Victor is a noob but he'll always fix it
S2 licensed
Its a good idea and always works.

Quick and easy, no fuss on who's server you have to join to talk to someone for less then 20 minutes for a race.

Everyone has the same bit of software so no more downloading or compatibility issues.

Cheaper for people hosting ventrilo or teamspeak servers.

Can disable it completely in the options screen if you want to use TS or Ventrilo only.

Can block certain users or have some sort of 'friend/buddy' list that works along side LFSW. + Can block users individually unlike the chat system that requires blocking everyone.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :As stated above, you can use the wrecker barricade to report deliberate wrecking but make sure you have a replay of the incidents as proof.

Additionally, you can report bad behaviour on STCC servers to Becky Rose or SamH at the STCC reporting site.

Please don't post the names of possible wreckers publicly.

No replay evidence = no action.

Not every server run's wrecker barricade, so warning people can't really be such a bad thing? I thought the idea of having an S2 licence was to eliminate the wreckers and anonymous users, If the user names are kept secret doesnt it defeat the point (mostly) of having an S2 licence?

I try and keep my name as clean as possible and race as clean as I can, and try and not to upset people. My brother caused alot of problems for me and I was 'named and shamed' yet the post still sits active and open for everyone to read? illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Didn't think to perhaps turn the FFB down a bit? 100% is too much for most wheels.

Yes well believe it or not I have actually gone through the whole force scale to see if any of them felt ok.

In a nut shell the FF to me doesnt feel real at all, its either too stiff or too slow and I never have this problem within a real car.

Perhaps its all I can expect from a £50 wheel!
S2 licensed
Ok so the GUI needs a whole revamp, big deal?

This can be done within a few hours im sure, but does it really matter as of now? What difference will it bring to the current LFS user base? None.

And will it put off any of the new LFS users? No, why should it? They'll probably think what 95% of the rest of us think.

'Its ugly but it works'

I think the whole 'professional' thing is mistaken with the 'corporate' thing.