Learn the TBO class and most cars will follow soon after, cars I would avoid right away are the FWD GTR cars (UFR/XFR) purely because it takes a decent amount of control to keep them on 4 wheels and to keep the tyres healthy. The FOX is another car I would try to avoid unless you want to race it competitively in a league, more and more beginner drivers opt for this car and then never progress to anything else.
Try to avoid the overly packed servers, this might sound like silly advice (the more the merrier - or whatever saying is) but you'll find nothing but careless and overly aggressive racing in there, and yes even these licensed servers. Practice racing with some of the faster guys too on their servers as they usually run fun and challenging combos and help people out too.
Practice, watch world record replays, ask questions, ask nicely for setups, be friendly, and have fun!
But yeah don't expect WR times instantly as it will never happen, just take your time and you'll be OK with it. I had the same problem when I got my DFP, at first I really didn't agree with it and was debating whether or not to sell it. 8 Months on and I'm glad I kept it because I wouldn't be people to play without it!
The majority of people that are licensed on LFS don't even use the hotlap feature, the people that do would probably be extremely upset to see it taken away. I've never spent more then 45minutes on a WR attempt but I know some people spend ages trying to beat times. Most people semi-hotlap online and then try and make it offical offline, so what we have now is fine by me.
I think too many people are starting to see the suggestion in the wrong light, my idea was simply to help LFS with content not to modify the game. I don't want mods, all I would like to see is talented artists/modellers/sound engineers/track creators to be able to submit something they have created to the development team and then handled accordingly.
Perhaps run a public forum vote on the suggested content and let the public vote on it, if people agree and like the content the developers slap it in a test patch and everyone has a go. If people dislike the content then it gets removed before the next official patch and nothing changes. If changes need to be carried out before a proper release of the content then Eric or the creator can fix it up so its of a good standard. This keeps everything legitimate and legal and everyone is happy, no shoddy 3rd party work and nothing gets put into the game that isn't approved by the development team. Fin!
Real tracks would be nice but as mentioned many many times before you need rights to use the track and name, but having made up content from people should be taken into consideration and should be perfectly legit.
My advice would be to join a server that is known for clean racing and good administration, currently I've been racing on the F1RST racing server which runs the ESCC combo. You'll find clean racing here and some really fast guys that help out and give advice.
And as GabbO pointed out, try to keep away from the really popular servers, as much as you might think its fun to drive with 25+ people on a public server it will always end in disaster. No public server will ever be as clean and well organized as any half decent league event, so if you're after big fields and clean racing join a league. If however you're just after some clean fun racing then I suggest you try smaller servers, team servers are usually the best as the members are more often then not there and always make for a good racing environment.
These 'please buy me a licence' threads have started popping up more and more lately, can I suggest to people who wish to give out S2 vouchers please not to post on the forum on the matter. If you feel generous and wish to hand out your money then please do so in private, as it fundamentally it is a private matter
iluuv2sk8: It can't be difficult to get $50 together, I mean you could probably cut down on some stuff and not buy things... or something?
You're saying we shouldn't have more content because LFSW and the master server might not be able to populate so many results??!
Either way there are far more plus points to this idea then negative, I bet if user submitted content came out the 'nay' sayers would soon change their tune. Everyone wants more content so who cares if its from Eric or some other equally talented forum goer? You're still going to drive on/in it who ever made it, and you're still going to enjoy it so where's the problem?
Also there really doesn't need to be a committee to decide this so Scawen can continue to code his stuff, let Eric work with the people who create the content to improve or change bits. It will make his life easier and in the process we get new tracks/cars/etc.
Id have to say I agree with him regarding Wrecker Barricade servers but I wont go into detail on the subject because it will get me blacklisted (thats the beauty of free speech, its a myth )
Back on topic:
I think the 8 people system works fine as it is now, I've not encountered a problem with it yet and the idea of tribes of people going round to ban people is silly.
I think user submitted content is an excellent idea and is something LFS should look to consider for S2. All you really need to do is lay down a set of rules and test the content thoroughly, if its up to scratch then great release it in another mini patch, if not then sorry better luck next time.
This would eliminate issues with mismatches of content or people splitting off into mod pockets and sub communities, and if the only other issue is to hurt peoples feelings well... Just make it perfectly clear that all content must be of the highest standard and that some will not make it. Perhaps do some sort of licensing system for developers, so that people with real potential to help LFS can submit content and leave all the fly by night dreamers to rFactor
Id hate to see LFS turn into another rFactor mismatch half baked semi finished not even worthy of my bandwidth 'sim', But if done correctly and ultimately Scavier had the last say on it, I think it would be A big step for LFS.
Ok if it was a joke, why does PSDF on the first page want Ian to apologize for what he has said? The way it looks to me is you're trying to humiliate him (and fail because he doesn't care) and then turn it round into a 'its only a joke' thread.
Yeah... because having an opinion that differs from yours is just wrong! Bad Ian!
I've started relying on the speedometer more frequently now then before, especially when tackling WR's. People don't seem to think its needed to glance at your speed, but I assure you it is. When you're fighting for tenths of a second 1MPH or 2KMH really does make a difference so finding the optimal line and getting that 1MPH more out of the car is vital. If you don't look you'll never know, so you will never really progress faster.
Stop doing what any child does and try and reword what everyone else has written, to just look as if you're really intelligent and know what's cooking.
You're only adding insult to the whole thing and its taking the piss, everyone's moaning on these boards how its going down the drain but feel all chummy when you gun down someone in some sort of geek posse.
Edit: Danowat your comment has only confirmed what I thought to begin with so thanks, I mean what good is life if we're not being crapped on, right?
You're partly right but I'm not sure where you got most of those ideas from...
Fact is that the ocean gives off more C02 a year then humans could do in a year, so saying we're the problem is just ludicrous. This whole global warming crap is making people very very rich, and secondly who the hell cares you cant stop it and its right on time to happen. I think we're overdue a change but I could be wrong really, still no single person can outright motor sport because no single person has the power to do so.
So yes try to be efficient and help the planet where you can but for the love of god don't buy into all this non-sense. Here's a small documentary explaining the whole thing, I suggest you doomed people go view it : http://www.my3id.com/video/con ... warming-swindle-2007.html
You must have some sort of guilty concious Kev, each time such a topic appears you feel the need to post that you're so anti-racism and love the world.