Very, very bad. I didn't have time to test it, don't know when I will. I do intend to go through it one by one. But it might be a while. I'm starting to think that those who are complaining probably have some sort of controller issue.
Athlon XP 1600+ at 1.4gig, MSI K7T266 Pro2 (non raid) pure VIA chipset, 768MB ram (is it pc2100? Anyway, it's matched to the motherboard at 266mhz), Windows XP Home 5.1 build 2600 SP2, DirectX 9.0c, ATI Radeon 9600XT AGP 128mb DDR, Creative SB PCI 512, Creative Modem Blaster V.92 PCI DI 5633, TSW Sport with *analog* controller plugged into the mobo. (XP absolutely hates the analog controller.)
It's freaking me out. That is the first thing I thought. I went to Blackwood because I had a huge problem with NTOARSWRSI at turn 4. (If the whole chicken is turn two.) I tested there a lot. To verify to myself that there was a problem. When I'd test it was, wheels on the black stuff the whole time, consistent speed to one mph from turn three, steering angle checked by using the wheel view. The things would spin at turn in.
The first thing I noticed today was that I countersteer and modulate the throttle and brakes a lot based on where I am on what track. So, yes. I have learned a lot about LFS. It took a concerted effort to simply go 67mph (let's say) on the spot without lifting or throttling up when I felt the need. I tried steering at several different angles from too little to too much. I am very consistant and have learned how to test a sim for persnality. I've also been driving LFS since the first demo days. I have always, and today did run a legitimate test. Nothing.
Ah well, when I get the time I'll load that cfg.txt that a kind soul sent me.
PS, all my setups are based on either Bob's or RmachucaA's set. Brilliant, those two.
Well, I watched the replays but noticed that you certainly are not afflicted with "the problem". So I decided to make some replays of my own to demonstrate the problem I was trying to describe. My main complaint was with this:
"it is nothing that affects a race at racing speeds..."
I believed there is a problem at speed. So I was to make a replay of what I've been calling "neutral throttle oversteer at realistic speeds with realistic steering input".
Nothing. Buppkiss. The defualt and race1 setups work great. They handle as you describe. Not perfect, but no NTOARSWRSI. Now I'm freaking out.
I know I had the problem in S2. I know a lot of others complained about the same thing. I know others are complaining of it right now. I also know that I can perform in a testing manner, in other words, precise throttle, brake, and steering control, no matter how new I am to a sim. I know I've gotten better at setting up cars in LFS and haven't had a problem in a while. I assumed it was setup and driving style. But I know it was so severe that it should be easy to recreate. No luck. So where did it go?
Well, what has changed besides my ability to read LFS in the time I've been driving S2? Uh... just about everything. Almost all of my OPTIONS have changed. For a moment I considered going through all of them to try to troubleshoot the problem. But LFS is just the way I like it and I don't want to lose what I have. Also, I am very pressed for time. The way I set up my controller in windows has changed, and how I set it up in LFS.
I reset my controller in a few different ways. At one point for two turns the car started acting like it had NTOARSWRSI. But then sorted itself out on the same lap. ?? I have not been able to replicate the problem. Could it be an interface thing?
That being said I prefer softer front, stiffer rear cars. But what I thought I was refering to had little to do with reasonable setups. It was a real, severe, undrivable, NTOARSWRSI thing. I've been hopping in and out of sims long enough to know when it's not me. At the time I stopped having problems, too much was going on for me to pinpoint it from memory.
If anyone has the box stock cfg.txt, I wouldn't mind trying it to see if I can figure out why I think I'm losing my mind.
There is another problem that I have with the grip that I can demonstrate and recreate, but it's not "ice on the tires" so I'll leave that for now.
That's a hard statement to defend. Just load up the default setup in the RX7 thingy, LX6, RAC, FZ50, F0X, or F08 and tule around Blackwood. If you are not getting neutral throttle oversteer with minumum steering angle at realistic speeds, then I want to know exactly what you are using. Mobo, chip, brand of memory, monitor and wheel.
That being said. Setups are getting to the point now that the cars can be driven very, VERY realistically.
Like I don't have enough ways to waste what time I don't have. (OK, got the edit feature to work, but it removes smileys. There is one just to the left of this parenthetical statement.)
So I got VDMS. Very cool app. We had a flood here and had to replace all floors in the house, so alot of what used to be in this room here, is in boxes in the spare room. No NFS. I did find DOOM and World Circuit on floppy. Only to find that my floppy drive no longer works.
I did find World Circuit on my drive, but had forgotten about the manual check protection. Now I need to dig through boxes. In the mean time I also found SODA on my drive. Very interesting. I can hardly wait to get NFS, WC, and DOOM up and running.
CTRL+F5, when I edit, I get the edit page, then send, it wipes out my text and say I need more than one character to post, I add characters, then send, it brings me to a new 'reply' window.
In GPL a restart could be initiated by the server admin. Or, when the sever was empty the cycle would start over. Considering how people are using LFS servers (Thank YOU, Admins!) the voted restart makes a lot of sense.
I was simply trying to make a point. And I think it's valid. 55 races, no L1 contact. Same types of people that are racing LFS, normal people. And the sim was much harder to come to terms with. It is nothing more than a mindset, an attitude. Respect.
The only time you should be taking anyone out is in a legitimate battle for position. L1 T1 is not legitimate. If it's no battle, then of course. Like if someone misses a shift, doesn't get off the line, brakes 5 meters early...
I can't see the 50% rule working because that's a typical LFS public server T2 count.
he he he... I heard Gerhard Berger trying to say chicane in English and it came out chicken. The way he and his peers raced, I wouldn't be surprised to find out is was intentional.
OK, I say that with a smiley, but I'm dead serious.
Let's see... five 11 race seasons racing with GPVLF2 league. A GPL league. A sim, that if you're familiar, never even considered a voted restart. So, five seasons, full damage, 1 hour races...
Yah just answered yer own question there, dincha, Tristan? In your case I'm guessing it's worth about 2-5 seconds per minute. Not on my lap, but while you're smashing your keyboard with your fists and throwing your monitor out the window, I'm lapping.
What would really make this feature effective is if I could pipe you The Teletubbies at deafening levels, but not hear it myself.
Never been mad about the looks myself, but those things handle and corner very well and that rotary has a very drivable power curve. RX7 is a really fun car to drive.
In the nineties, I don't remember who, and frankly don't know what the different American racing series are named, maybe Zanardi, came over from Indy/CART and expressed to his team that they used asym sets on the road courses because their cars had the ability. Some F1 teams started using aysm at that time, not sure if they still are. (As I heard it from Bob Varsha and David Hobbs.)
In my sim quest I have used asym a lot. In GPx and GPL, almost always. It really helps in keeping the car balanced in places such at the chicken at As National or Masta Kink. It also makes the car unstable under braking and the offset has to be considered the entire drive. But it will shave time.
The T button is for handing off to, or taking over for, another driver. Can't remember exactly how it works, but get out there with another driver and both of you click the T. The next time the one driving pits, the one spectating will take the car after the stop. Really, really, really cool.
Me personally, I look or ask for top speed at the track. Gives me an idea of what an 'optimum' aero/gearing setting is, and allows me to move with the flow of traffic. Speed differential in corners and straights can be a headache for everyone.
I think LFS is very cool in that, even though I've heard the aero needs work, there really is an optimum. As I've heard it is IRL. It's going to be a balance of straight speed vs. corner grip individual to each track. More and more, when I set an aero car for a track offline, I show up online and am closer and closer to the pace.
You can really feel when there is not enough wing, and when it's too much. Even by a single click. I don't know if I'm doing it right, but as would seem to be obvious, if I'm driving through every corner flat with road to spare, then it's too much. Too little is slightly harder to feel. But the car get's nervous under braking at 'common' markers, and again at 'common' exit speeds. (In corners that are fast enough to be influenced by aero.)
Now that I am going approximately the same speed as the pack, I make my racing decisions by what's in front of me. I do have a habit of braking early in packs and have pissed a few people off by doing so. On the other hand, it is rare that I hit or even have to dodge someone who is braking earlier than me. So temperment, regardless of set, I guess.
In league races I watch what my opponents are doing in practice. I look for weaknesses in the drivers I intend to be racing directly, then set my aero to take advantage of that. I may go with more straight line speed in one race, more cornering in another. The adjusment may mean a compromise in balance or lap time, but allow me to get a position advantage. The strategy has to be set for the goals of the day.
Actually... the whole point in the post was supposed to be goofy.
In this case the racer dropped the setup second he/she hit the server. I had a lap on the board, but was using a high wing setup at We_Int. I have two setups, one is neutral at most tracks, the other oversteers. Both have a lot of wing. When I hit a track, I try both and see which one suits the track then start working off wing, gearing, balance...
Said driver left before putting in a time. No idea who was quicker. But if I was miserably off the pace, a setup is not going to be the primary issue. In most cases.
On the other hand, as bad as Eisner was at the start, the spirit that Walt intended is slowly creaping back in. Walt's vision was pure. Eisner is now mixing that with business. Not an easy task, but he's doing it.
Here's another idea I had. I'm posting it here because I really believe in the potential of the CRC and I think the LFS community will benifit on the whole.
It has been questioned, "What use is the CRC in S2?"
Well it should be obvious. To bring like minded racers together.
My league has some kind of script on its web page that, once we log in, shows where all the other members of the league are racing. What servers they're on. Does the CRC have that? Would go a long way towards |As meeting up with |Ms.
And of course the rules should be read. They are the meat and potatoes of the CRC. I personally think they are very well written and leave a lot of room for personal style while creating a safe environment for dicing.