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S2 licensed
Opening ceremonies are always pants, but I have to say that this one was a bit "special", I really couldn't figure out what the big brass looking "instruments" that everyone seemed to be banging were all about.

I only managed to catch a few minutes of the opening games as I was on a bar crawl with some friends. From what little I saw the Costa Ricans were giving the Germans far too much space and far too much respect, there will be harder games to come no doubt. Still, it's nice to get off to a flying start with a win, and opening games with plenty of goals always set a tournament up nicely.
S2 licensed

click that link, find your router in the list, click the link for your router, click the link for Live for speed follow the on screen instructions.

If you're not using a router then ensure port 63392 is open since that's the one LFS uses.
S2 licensed

Follow that link, and you'll probably find your router listed, click the link for your router then click the link for "Live for speed" and follow the on screen instructions.

If you've already done that then I'm a bit stuck as to how to help you further. When I checked to see if I could connect to you, the in game server browser said that there were 49 occupied servers, and that I could join 48 since 1 [presumably yours] had not replied. It could have been a master server scanning problem I suppose, but I did hit refresh several times, and it made no difference, which struck me as a bit odd since LFS world could see your game.
S2 licensed

LFS world could see your server but the in game server browser couldn't [about half an hour or so ago]
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe : After that, when I get back, I'm gonna learn the 350D I'm using for piccies,

Big green square = full auto.
Icon that looks like a bloke running = sports mode.

AV = Aperture priortity [auto shutter]
TV = Shutter priority [auto aperture]
M = Full manual

Figure out how to adjust the ISO via the cunning marked "ISO" button, sorted.

My day:- Get out of bed deal with the mail, head down to uni, argue with the porter over when the building will be open to clean up after the show. Wander around the all the seperate elements of the degree show for the eleventy millionth time. Take the mickey out of the performance artist dressed as a mime clown [again]. Ring the person supposed to be keeping me company to find out why he's not. Tell him to get out of bed & put phone down. Scream burger at the Friary pub. Back to uni, discover my companion has finally turned up. Play "bowls" with two plastic bottles of water and a flip flop [made sense when we were bored].Snap a few pointless photos. Solve lack of paint crisis for somebody from BSc Product Design. Come home, eat, discover thread, post reply.
S2 licensed
Nice clear shots, you must have been quite close to get them on the 18-55 kit lens.

I too own a 350d, they are great cameras. As Tristan has already said, I'd advise you to pick up a skylight filter and leave it permentantly attached to the lens, that stops the actual lens getting scratched, and since the filter shouldn't cost you more than a fiver it's a disposable item.

Here's one shot from a recent shoot I did covering one of the many uni bands.
Last edited by Smax, .
S2 licensed
Literally the first render I have ever done.

The white tail spoiler has been lost in the white background, and the top of the instument bezel on the dashboard has gone white, so I suspect there's some reading in store for me to figure out why.

Anyways for what it's worth here it is. Scene courtesy of Ian H. of DS autos.
Last edited by Smax, .
S2 licensed
Master Skinnerz link

It does include using them as well as making just have to read down a little way. ... lay&thread=1139970414

Don't forget to save your new skins in the directory LFS\Data\skins
S2 licensed
If you prefer some real world brands then you can have this one that I quickly created in between these two posts presuming you have software that can read a photoshop document file [.psd]

N.B I haven't stretch compensated this.

Click this link for the Master Skinnerz tutorial on what that means if your'e not sure. ... lay&thread=1135206271

The ALMS plate came from somewhere on Master Skinnerz, I think it might have been Al Heely or Ian H who posted it, I can't remember...anyway credit to whoever did create it.

I thought I had a DTM style plate somewhere but it would seem not... oh well hope that helps you.
Last edited by Smax, .
S2 licensed
These "side panels" [for want of a better word] were created by the Master Skinnerz admin Bunta. They include the brands created by the development team for the LFS universe. Hopefully they'll get you started.
Last edited by Smax, .
S2 licensed
Carbon fibre texture courtesy of Master Skinnerz admin Bunta.

N.B stretch compensated to 2048 sq

.rar'd since the jpg is too big to attach.
Last edited by Smax, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :

I really don't mean to be critical (coz it's about 15 trillion times better than anything i could do), but, i do have a question about the overall colour, it seems a bit washed out?

A little bit of photoshop fairy dust helps

I'd would have replaced the wheels [which really needs doing] but I have to go out boozing. It's a tough decision I know... sit in front of the pc or go to the pub...

Anyway I'll photoshop some other wheels into it another day if I get a chance...
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S2 licensed ... lay&thread=1120022687

Link to Master Skinnerz thread containing download links for the 2048 templates and an explanation of how to use them.

Link to Master Skinnerz forum section with usueful tips and tutorials for anyone who's never made a skin before. THE place to pick up brand logos for using as decals.

If you really struggle then get registered at Master Skinnerz

As long as your question is clear and concsise and doesn't read as "please do this for me" you'll quickly get an answer

Alternatively P.M me I'll see if I can answer your question.
S2 licensed
Sounds to me like everyone else is right and you are running LFS from inside the packaged zip archive, which means windows has to unpack it everytime you want to play [which accounts for the window and the progress bar] and since a packaged zip archive is compressed and not like the other files on your hard disk windows can't put anything else into it without unpacking it permanantly first, and then re-packing it.

What that last sentence means is that at the moment you are making a temporary version of LFS everytime you run it. Until you unpack it permenantly onto your hard disk that temporary version basically vanishes when you stop using the program [that's not actually quite accurate but it is a simple way to understand it] Thus you're left with a compressed package which windows does not understand as seperate files and folders... it think's you've got one file. Therefore when you download a skin,setup, hotlap etc etc it's only going to work until you close the game, because at that point windows reverts to the compressed archive and can't add your recently aquired extras to it, since until you make your permanent unpacked version it doesn't understand where within the packaged version they should go. [Again that's not actually quite accurate but it's a much easier notion to grasp than having me chatter to you in binary language]

heh... just realised I basically repeated what Bal00 said... that'll teach me to only read half a topic before I hit reply... oh well
Last edited by Smax, .
S2 licensed
I'd only add that my definition of a public server is any server running without a password, regardless of who owns it. I realise that is a different definition, than is the case with many other games, but since for LFS there are not "official" servers, and anything not password protected is advertising itself as a place to play:- thus it is public.

However the development team are not those who I was referring to as "elitist"

I'd agree that you have the right to play with the S2 content, and would add that you have the right to at least connect to any public server. Whether or not you are granted the right to remain there by whoever administrates it is up to whether or not you can behave reasonably and play fairly.
S2 licensed
Quote from ]_[SS WIZZARD :was just wondering if theres anny good serevr where you can practice on cause im really slow at the moment and make alot of mistakes and i dont want to wreck other better players there experience

Ignore all the elitist CRAP that is being written by people who should know better at the moment. You've paid for this game and you therefore have the right to play on ANY public server. If you make a mistake and cause an accident then apologise, it's very rare that anyone will bear a grudge against you. If you find yourself seriously out of your depth the maybe you might consider playing somewhere else but that's up to you not somebody else.

Bottom line is just go and play and have fun.... The day the new racers feel they can't play online unless they were born with the ability to set the car up perfectly and race at the same speed as the top drivers is the day there are no more new drivers. The day after that is the day that LFS starts to fade away.
S2 licensed
Here's your XFG and helmet, a day late I know... sorry....

The Helmet's not particularly good I'm afraid, it's the first one I've done and it took me a while to figure out how all the bits line up illepall

The stretching isn't consistent across the model and so the stars across the crown have an inconsistent distortion and spacing, unfortunately I don't have the time to fix this by altering them individually.

Since I presume you're now an LFS addict I won't rule out coming back and tweaking some stuff for you in future, but for now I'm so far behind with the skins for the Portuguese uPGaming team that if I don't get them done soon they'll probably start looking into the price of a plane ticket to England :hide:
Last edited by Smax, .
S2 licensed
I do Mr Logitech... I play LFS with one too...
S2 licensed
My system did better than I thought it would, so I will stick one shot up, although it's obvious I can't get better than 4xAA
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S2 licensed
It would seem you can't get that if you're not registered for the Danish language forum, stick it in a post on here will ya please?
S2 licensed
I don't want to be too critical since you've answered my request and your screenshots are much better than my system is capable of, but would you grab a few nice skins? Since imho plain black cars are bit...well....plain
S2 licensed
Nice concept.

You just need to be a bit more careful when you cut the car out and be a bit more precise to avoid the unblurred bits underneath the car.

As it is you could use the smudge tool to blend the sharp edges of your image into each other.

Anyone else with a monster vid card got a nice pic? I'd post something myself but I can only do 4xaa @ 1024x768 and it would look crap
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :We don't need this thread, and as far as I know, the times I did this in the second pits of aston... I could just start driving and fling back on track, don't know if you can do that there too tho

I did the same thing yesterday quite by accident, then tried to drive out and sent the car on one of those mad spinning rocket mission to Mars and back down with a bump type flights so yeah I'd say you can.
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Fetzo I dunno, maybe I'm a bit out of date, but for me Gran Turismo music still is
1) Cardigans - my favourite game
2) Rob Zombie - Dragula
3) Apollo 440 - cold rock the mic

at least theese are the first tracks that come in to my mind


Feeder "Just a day" Gran Turismo 3

Manic St Preachers remix [but I forget which track] Gran Tursimo 1
S2 licensed
Premiere will do, it's designed to operate at the standard cinema frame rate of 24fps or 24.9something in Premiere's case. Unfortunately it thinks anything else is a silly idea, therefore you need to use something else to run your footage at 50 fps