For "promoting" the use of AutoX (and others) custom layouts it would be really usefull an official site done like tm-exchange that would allow direct download, images, comments and hotlap submitting of LFS custom layouts. Imho
They did pitlane park in Rome some weeks ago and LFS was here too.
It was with a sort of motion platform, but the wheel mounted on it, G25, didn't had force feedback activated, and was set up very bad, with unlinear steering and german language.
Remember that you can't take as example short races of 5 laps and "hotlap aimed" sets:
For having some proofs of that theory you should do at least 2 3 stints of about 1 hour on 2 3 different tracks with both cars and a well developed setup. (and for having a realistic result avoid locked differential sets)
I have no experience of long BF1 races so i don't know how much tyres would last, but it can differ a lot depending on setup, track and driving style.
You should test before saying that, imho.
With the actual track temperature (unknown value) R2 is the softer usable r3 the harder usable (r4 is useless)
When we will have temperature changes we will use different compounds, i dont see why R2 should not last one hour in real life in certain tracks, on F1 races too they have one compound softer and one harder, and until 2006 they could choose to race with the softer for the entire race distance.
Obviously you have to take care of your tyres, you cant drift into corners and hope to finish the race...
Wednesday i have done for the italian championship a 38 laps race ad WE1 with Fv8 and i did it with R2 tyres (and 90% of other racers too), and those run very well, probably i could have done about 10 laps more with the same set too without problems. (and we were not going slow, fastest lap on race was 1.21.13, and the polesitter during qualifications with hotlaps took WR...).
These should be at the end of the pit lane too, with blu lights for cars approaching and red and green light respectively before and during the session.
I think that for leagues that suggestion would be awesome:
i already know leagues that in GTR2 requires, with the choose of a car, the choose of a tyre manifacturer too (and to stick with it too), and the same car with 2 different tyres has different advantages-disadvantages
I remember clearly from F1 montecarlo 2006 GP that one of the Italian tv commentators, the one that usually speaks about technical things, said that F3 cars had faster top speeds at apexes then F1 cars.
So to me fv8 speed through the corners does not seems that wrong, taking into account that F3 cars are lighter then F3000/F. Renault 3.5 cars like the Fv8.