A simple question :
Atm with 20 players limit + 4 spectator there is a command that allow you to set the server for 23 players and 1 spectator. (i have played some times ago into some 23 slots servers)
There will be the same command with the next patch? (allowing to set some servers with 47 players? )
Keep attention :Here noone is speaking about exact laptimes.
But if from 3 - 4 seconds advantage only for FXO we can go down within a difference of 0.5 sec in the majority part of tracks (in certain AWD will go faster, in others FWD, in others RWD too), surely it will be a better situation that the actual ones.
FIA GT is ruined by ballasts to winners imho, not by balanced or unbalanced cars
And WTCC from a racer prespective too (not from a TV viewer prespective, WTCC is much less boring that F1 on that aspect )
I think that the situation which you have described is much different from the actual LFS one:
GPL is simulating an old f1 season:
simulating a season mean with all the goods and bads of each car.
LFS instead is creating and simulating completely fictional cars:
These are not meant to be identical, but at least balanced each other.
Atm FXO on longer tracks can be 3 / 4 seconds faster then RB4.
2 drivers with SIMILAR skill but different cars are realistically unable of compensating 4 seconds at lap eachother with skill difference.
Imho eh
However the amount of these limitations should be written in public somewhere (a page on liveforspeed.net, in game, on lfsworld), because if someone is developing a setup for a champ race in a, for example, 2 weeks time, and 2 days before the race you change the amount of ballast and restrictors to one car, at least he has the time for adapting his setup to the new values.
There should be an advice for each change some days before too (like 4/5 days before).
Victor should made an automatic Email notification (like the ones on forums when u receive a pm) when someone send you an LFSworld message.
The mail address should be the same where licensed users receive LFS new patches notifications.
Often i have found unreaded message many days old, and some many months old too
I don't think that implementing this suggestion should be much complex.
I hope that this will be implemented soon, will make lfsworld messaging much more useful.
If it is simply a blue flag not moving, this does mean that is approacing a faster car, and with faster i mean with higher velocity, like when you are exiting pits. However on pit lanes in recent years has been implemented blue lights instead of flags.
A Waved blue flag instead mean that the car behind you is one or more lap in front of you, so you have to let it pass.
If you want to simulate correctly blue flag you need 3d marshals at sides of the tracks, imho.
reading "Waved Blue Flag" is not much immersive, neither simulative
In my ignorance of being only a "sim-racer" (and not real racer) and not graduated into mathematical or engineerings degrees, i think that the "unrealistically curbs" are caused by 2 things:
- suspension damage
It is modelled into lfs, but still susps can take much more damage it should take into real life.
I remember and interview to Ron Dennis where he said that Ferrari needed to build a Tank for Raikkonen because he never drives for "saving" the car.
Now, i have never seen Raikkonen smashing jumping into curbs or things like this, so probably suspensions in real life are much less "damage forgiving" then in LFS, and that costrict drivers to take care of their cars and dont risk of break them around, because one curb taken bad could cost them many moneys.
- material used for building the curbs
from what i know (readed on books, newspapers, net, etc, never raced on real track), curbs are usually builded with the material called in Italian "cemento" or "calcestruzzo".
Finding these terms on google it says that should be translated into "concrete" or "piling" (i hope these are correct).
This material has much different grip then asfalt (u can feel it when u walk on a surface done with this material too), and is that difference in grip value that cause problems in real life if you try to brake with half wheels on asfalt and half on curb.
Instead, i feel that in LFS curbs are made of asfalt, so, whatever height or dimension they have, they have the same grip of a normal LFS flat track, and that thing, added to high capability of lfs cars of sustain suspension damages, allow racers to use curbs pratically as the rest of the asfalt track.
If we add to these the fact that LFS does not simulate the differences between more used traiectories of the track (with more rubber, so more grip on it) and less used/more dirty trajectories, and that LFS tyres does not suffer of real life flatspotting effects (like unregular susps frequencies/vibrations, less grip for the rest of tyre life and not related only to overheating, etc...) which can be encountered during braking (so during braking on curbs too) we have said it all.
I was really waiting for a new lfs spectator!
I sent just 3 days ago an email with suggestions to original lfs spectator author, but sadly he answered that he has no more time for ehnancing it.
Your 3d race spectator is a really great news!
It will be very useful for leagues!
I don't think STCC is the best:
when u enter with quite full server and u start from the rear the first race, especially on silver and gold, where cars are heavier and bigger then uf and xfg of stcc1, lot of time u are not able to finish the race for a crash into first turns.
I no more play on STCC if there are more then 8 people on the server for that reason:
there is no fun on waiting for 30 minutes an endurance of 20 laps and then receiving one that bump u on the rear at T1 and send u crashing directly into a wall.
However with max 8 or 10 people, STCC servers are fun
My suggestion is:
find some racers that u like to race with, add them into browse for speed and join them in the servers where they are.
Some of the most fun races that i have done where in servers with 4 5 peoples, even less.
Ok, there are lot of more things that can be considered more important of this, but i really would like to see .xxx measurements on split and lap times implemented.