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S2 licensed
Nice OC/system . Whats your 3dmark06? (we need a 3dmark thread?)
Also whats your display?
S2 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :hey all demo users buy S2 license or S1 and stop spaming i'm gotta buy the license very soon and i can drift lit any car i like and on every track... this is DEMO...

Some Demo users are so cool... Why can't more be like you?

I truthfully can't wait to have more people like you in S1/S2.
S2 licensed

Want a little Cheese with your whine?
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :Err.. no, FZ50 is S2 lol

D'oh! Always just thought all the road cars were in S1...
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :I always thought the 360 was single core.
Ah, well the PS3 has 8 cores too.

Oh nice it has 1080p too

Oh wait.. what was that? 8 cores? PC's have had the capabilities of having 8 cores since 2003.
PCs have also supported 1080p the past 4 years.

Sony just did a good job of putting it in an affordable package, that is all.

360 is a triple core... And it turns out very few 360 games and not all the ps3 games have true 1080p support. Even if they do, its with very low levels of AA/AF
S2 licensed
Quote from porschedrifter :Agreed, I will buy a license soon, and thank you to the Devs for giving us so much free stuff in the demo..

I still miss the xrt.

S1 has the FZ50, which is basically a 996 GT3 Porsche. So you should really enjoy having it judging by your name.

Merry Christmas
S2 licensed
Quote from porschedrifter :You are thinking of xbox 360 bro.... that was the 3 core

Sony's PS3 cell processor is in a league of its own, its at supercomputer territory...

By the way Gran Turismo's Physics get updated for each release and because of the power of ps3 the physics will be the most realistic than any sim.. yes ANY sim PC or Console alike

Not really. Its got one main cpu with 7 more basic slave processors, one of which is disabled to increase yields. The architecture is actually less efficient than that of the Core 2 line from Intel.

Add to that the Graphical processor is roughly equivalent to the 7800gtx, which is to say, not that great anymore....

What that has to do with the XRT is... i don't know. Find $24 and buy S1 for the XRT, the dev's deserve it.
S2 licensed
Oh my goodness.... That's Shocking
S2 licensed
The online racing with Patch Y is better than ever. The added element of unpredictability and added dash of difficulty (slight) are very welcome additions.

Patch Y FTW.
S2 licensed
Glad you had a good time, and didn't find out why they named it a F360.

"You Shout F***! And do a 360 (spin)" - James May
S2 licensed
Quote from Lhunathwen :I have no problems saying that I'm not able to keep up.

Or they shall at least write a tutorial on how to drive a racing car in LFS, breaking, shifting, steering, accellerating, and not stressing the car too much, not only technical stuff about parts of the car!

I'm sorry you feel this way.

I think you'll see the LFS mentality slowly but surely shift away from the hotlap race mentality. Racing isn't just about the fastest lap. I hope you will be able to come back to lfs in the future.

Anyway, I agree about your idea in bold. It would be very helpfull if such a tutorial were included.
S2 licensed
Quote from Lhunathwen :I realized that, too, not being able to downshift.
And I get more and more the feeling that you're left behind without specific hardware, without superior knowledge about how a racing-car has to be handled (is there any tutorial for it <<about LFS>> since in the end it is different compared to reality! ).

So I'm beginning to say what people say to me when I tell them about LFS:
>> That's just to complicated for me.

There are more and more parts that have to be trained and I don't have the necessary time, thus I'm really sad since LFS was the only racing game I liked.

Lol... the patch has been out for what.... 2 hours? Give it some time before you leap off the bridge...

You will need to re-learn a few things, as we all will. Don't be afraid of change.
S2 licensed
I hope that means you like it!

On the steering wheel there is a digital speed read-out.
S2 licensed
Quote from Lhunathwen :I see your point there, but the fun is gone for me right now...

Don't give up so soon. Reaclimate yourself to the new patch. Everyone will be (somewhat) slower, and the racing will be better than ever. Just give it a little time.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ssr_Nick :...I'm an idiot...

S2 licensed
All new PB's will ease everyone's transition into the new patch, as a few seem to be fruitlessly holding on to the past.

As long as total miles done stays, along with races and wins I think we're good
S2 licensed
Quote from Ssr_Nick :They should ask before just changing everything..

Go eat something with cheese in

They did. The test patch was up for weeks.

Grow up and drop the petty insults.

Merry Christmas everyone and thank you devs!
S2 licensed
Quote from batteryy :I just can stop driving with the formula, so real...
Merry Christmas!

A demo RACER!!!! Hooray for the dieing breed. Hope you enjoy and manage to get S2 soon!
S2 licensed
Meh, delete em all. Old cars + old tracks = not worth much.
S2 licensed
Kudos to our dev's for more fantastic work.

Some close battles in the FBM have blown my mind, seeing the track through the wings of my opponents.

The bar keeps getting raised... Now about those new interiors....
S2 licensed
Sorry to hear that GoA. It's been a long time since I've heard of those problems.

On-topic: I've no recollection of how exactly I found LFS.

I remember Racer, and vaguely BHmotorsports leading me here. I was in a quest to find a somewhat accurate representation of my dream car, a Caterham (despite being almost 6'3"). LFS had my beloved '7' and got me pretty hooked. I remember hours upon hours of SO Classic FOX pick-up races.

GT4 somehow pulled me a way for a little bit, but in finding a great group of guys with LOTF drilled me right back into LFS for good.
S2 licensed
Quote from Patussay :Great improvements ^^
but i am a bit confused... it's just me or is a bit weird that in a 7800gt, athlon 64 3700+ the game gets slow 30/40 fps with 14 people at the start grid on blackwood? (to be specific :P)

Not really odd at all. LFS is pretty demanding with a lot of cars out there. CPU presumably holding you back at this point.
S2 licensed
Quote from Danke :I'm also thinking of somewhere between a 26 and 32 inch HDTV for a monitor/TV.

Seems like most HDTVs under 50" are 720p and have 8ms refresh rates. Is that really good enough for LFS and occasional normal PC use? (emailing about LFS, for example!)

You'd think my pixels would double in size if I get 2x the monitor size and don't significantly increase the resolution.

Its a really interesting conundrum:

Big tv makes for nice dual-use and ~pretty good for LFS.

-relatively Low resolution makes for pretty low detail on LFS. i.e. small mirrors, can't see very far in front of you down the track.
-General use computing, isn't very good. It's passable, but you have a small window of info.

I think the best compromise would be 1920x1200 - aka 1080p. In TV's this is pretty expensive.

On the PC front, this looks pretty enticing. A 28" 1920x1200 hans-g lcd. For about the price of a 32" 720p tv. Of course, it doesn't have a tv tuner, but it would be a pretty sweet pc setup, and big enough for dvds or hd-dvd to be worthwhile. ... aspx?Item=N82E16824254026

In closing:

720p is playable. I found myself wanting more resolution very quickly though. 1080p tv's are nice, but expensive, and sometimes falter as monitors.
S2 licensed
Quote from RINGPULL :not tryed the patch yet will hang on till all is ironed out.
but from an old GPL driver i'm in all the way

Thats just awesome to see people 4.5 years into LFS, never made a single forum post (till now) and still into it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Californian :But you have to remember that you shouldn't blindly look at all chages

Some changes are good but some need a bit work to become better than initally planned to be. You can't accept all changes with: "OMG this roxx" if they are not that.

Many people are playing this game and there will always be different opinions about it's updates so you can't just say shup up when you like them and they don't

Except the majority playing LFS online are demo users, who haven't paid and have no say. Furthermore, LFS is Scavier's, to do with it as They see fit. If you like it, great! But if you can no longer find enjoyment out of it, sorry, but whining about it here will not do any good.

While most can agree, LFS does seem to meander at the will of the devs, it still remains unrivaled in terms of developer involvment and interaction.

Personally, I'm at a loss to understand how this patch killed the fun of online pickup racing. I can't understand how more fully replicating the whole experience of driving and racing is anything less than improving LFS.