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S2 licensed
Been waiting for this one for a while. Unfortunately that price is a bit prohibitive at the moment.

Damn i want one.
S2 licensed
Sorry I haven't read the whole discussion, but did anyone else notice Kimi had a digital speedo on his steering wheel?

Probably distracted him coming out of the tunnel...
S2 licensed
Quote from Aulden Slow :However, Moose has a record of slamming the products, even before he claims to have seen it, so his bias is as clear as day, regardless of how many here exercise respect for him.

Proof or it never happend (aka i want quotations).

Welcome to LFS btw
S2 licensed
He has his name and reputation. His word is enough here for 99% of this community. Of course he isn't going to hand out the beta tester's name he borrowed from.

You on the other hand, we've never heard of and are trying to discredit someone who posted a fair conclusion after trying out the product.

Edit - Saw your prior post. You wouldn't understand. As I said, between the two of you, I know who I'm believing.
Last edited by srdsprinter, .
S2 licensed
He didn't eactly tell us anything much, and The Moose is one of the more respected members of this community. Believe what you want. :shrugs:
S2 licensed
Ah. Very cool. Very good to actually hear something concrete, even if not specifics.

At best, hopefully iRental lights a renewed fire under our dev's respective arses like the rFactor F1 and NetKar releases seemed to do (iirc we got some major content updates around the time of those two).
S2 licensed
prob signed up for the beta testing early enough, there was a spot on the site for it.
S2 licensed
Hardly a better blend of speed and good attitude have been seen. AR will be missed. Best of luck in the future. damn you iracing, damn you
S2 licensed
That 2 resets is a pretty big turn-off as well. LFS did away with that what, a year ago?

Although, a proper damage model is something highly missing from most all sims atm.
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :I've no idea whether I'll actually get around to forking out money for iRacing, but I don't understand how you guys can be so conclusionistic about something you've never seen.

No-one [barring the free(?) beta-testers] will be able to judge the product without seeing/paying for it, as there is no demo...
S2 licensed
I really do like the thought of the placement IF it works correctly.

Ideally, you hop on iRacing, and in any race, if you drive your best, you stand a chance to win.
S2 licensed
Focus people! Rovals are not the enemy, iLeasingw/outtheoptiontobuy and all its assorted vagaries and nda's is!

Judging by the percieved support from some (testers), and the seemingly switch of opinions by others; it would appear that the product does have something genuinly new to offer.

Any idea when the cloak of the NDA will be lifted?
S2 licensed
It's early and I'd hate to jinx anything, but check this out: ... hr_fcst10DayLink_business
S2 licensed
Nico Rosberg?!?
S2 licensed
Olivier Panis in the wet FTW!!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
It's elitest in that they claim "iRental == Sim Racing"

That infers that, "Everything else == games for tots == LFS'ers == poo"
S2 licensed
The 500 is going to look amazing compared to the snoozer the 600 is going to be. Did you see the all-star race? Leader had 4 second lead after just 25 laps each time.

Anyway, awesome weekend for motorsports!
S2 licensed
I agree with you PS. Its quite silly to say everything else is a game, and that SimRacing is only a sport coming from OUR software and that a true simracer has 71-100 odd thousand dollar anual salary.

It comes across as so brash and elitest...
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :There's a bunch of people here that disagree with the subscription pricing, but what are the alternatives? How much do you think the game should cost if it were not subscription-based?

$50? $100? $200? How much would you pay for iRacing?

Finally, how much did you pay for your most recent steering wheel? How many wheels have you had over the course of your LFS career?

I'm not saying I agree with the pricing structure. But many people have no issues paying $250 for a G25 but I seriously doubt many people would pay $250 for any sim racing game.

If it was great I'd pay $100 for it. Without hesitation. I would have paid $75 or so for each S of LFS.

But to charge me $20 to see if its good, another $130 for the rest of the year, large chunks for various other bits, and to never own it is absurd in my opinion.
S2 licensed
IMO, this is the coolest race in the world. Looking forwards to the streams, thanks for the post!
S2 licensed
I don't understand the mindset of not allowing a free demo: Single Player, 1 car, 1 track. Just to see and feel it. If it really is that great, why try and sucker people blindly in with a ~$150 commitment?

I believe a lot of us are getting just a bad uninviting feeling from the whole project.
S2 licensed
Would you loose access to your single player if you discontinued your liscense?

Speaking of single player, is there any AI, or just test and tune stuff?
S2 licensed
How much is that going to cost?
S2 licensed
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :

the escort!

Good heavens... If that's as good as it looks...

Well, that looks fantastic.