He has his name and reputation. His word is enough here for 99% of this community. Of course he isn't going to hand out the beta tester's name he borrowed from.
You on the other hand, we've never heard of and are trying to discredit someone who posted a fair conclusion after trying out the product.
Edit - Saw your prior post. You wouldn't understand. As I said, between the two of you, I know who I'm believing.
Ah. Very cool. Very good to actually hear something concrete, even if not specifics.
At best, hopefully iRental lights a renewed fire under our dev's respective arses like the rFactor F1 and NetKar releases seemed to do (iirc we got some major content updates around the time of those two).
Focus people! Rovals are not the enemy, iLeasingw/outtheoptiontobuy and all its assorted vagaries and nda's is!
Judging by the percieved support from some (testers), and the seemingly switch of opinions by others; it would appear that the product does have something genuinly new to offer.
Any idea when the cloak of the NDA will be lifted?
The 500 is going to look amazing compared to the snoozer the 600 is going to be. Did you see the all-star race? Leader had 4 second lead after just 25 laps each time.
I agree with you PS. Its quite silly to say everything else is a game, and that SimRacing is only a sport coming from OUR software and that a true simracer has 71-100 odd thousand dollar anual salary.
If it was great I'd pay $100 for it. Without hesitation. I would have paid $75 or so for each S of LFS.
But to charge me $20 to see if its good, another $130 for the rest of the year, large chunks for various other bits, and to never own it is absurd in my opinion.
I don't understand the mindset of not allowing a free demo: Single Player, 1 car, 1 track. Just to see and feel it. If it really is that great, why try and sucker people blindly in with a ~$150 commitment?
I believe a lot of us are getting just a bad uninviting feeling from the whole project.