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Quote from Gills4life :It's not as if DX11 is going to make Dirt2 look much better than it does on the console versions. It's the same game. Only difference is, most of us have been playing it for months already while you have had to wait because of the thrills you get over having the latest dx version, which will have little to no difference over this game anyway.

Not sure about that Chris. I know in COD4 or 5 for instance, the difference is huge as the consoles don't get the shadowing etc.

Be interesting to see the difference though
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I watched The Hangover a few weeks ago - brilliant. Very funny, some classic lines, and not at all predictable (mostly). A good waste of a couple of hours, and well worth the cinema prices (or a dodgy foreign DVD if your housemate obliges).

you're about right...... a good waste of a couple of hours
S2 licensed
Quote from AlienT. :It's because your rapido Crommi

Radicals at Road America is my favourite combo. My last race there people were asking whether to use tall or medium gears and how much fuel to use just before the race started! I found this a bit worrying

Wow just noticed I'm leading Div 2 of the Radicals, my best ever position in any series

Send me your radical set for RA will ya?
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :* BUMP *

Two more days left on this poll.

Vista x64
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnPenn :I bought the Skippy today, driving it at Limerock It seems stable and predictable as long as you watch what you doing with the right foot, Initially I was a little disappointed with the FF, the car feels like it wants to steer all by Itself ( using corrent polarity in FF settings) but at Mosport even on lap one it was being five again at Xmas.

It maybe partly nostalgia for GPL , but one thing I do know the track is in another league since I drove it In GPL ,combined with this car driving the same corner always feel that little bit different each time, the Solstice is the same.I think thats whats makes you want to try one more lap.

It's a great car the skippy.... I'll try to find you when you're on
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I've spent quite a bit of time over the last few days, examining commented Fortran code

I'm worried about you!!!!! You'll be on to PL1 next!

Is this all part of the NWO?

Quote from SamH :I'm a big supporter of finding alternative energy sources. I love the idea of wind turbines and capturing solar energy. These are noble goals, and I certainly don't have issues with cleaning up our act.

My issue is that I don't like being lied to. I don't like the idea of paying taxes for science that lacks integrity, I don't like the idea of scientists being paid by the government to reach pre-determined conclusions.. tell me the truth.

Too true. You also know the UK government doesn't act on what their specialist advisers recommend!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :This was reall funny. I was at the back of the pack gearing up for a pass and followed all the RSR guys into the mess. I actually got out and was 2nd.

and yes we blame Celtic....

Celcius I couldn't agree more... Usain is the MAN!!!!! get him in to LFS!!!
S2 licensed
that was too funny. Can't believe we all followed! I was sure the track went right but seeing as everyone went left, I followed
S2 licensed
Quote from jtw62074 :Fair enough. If they want to train people to drive lousy cars that don't drive like real race cars should then so be it

it's still fun to drive!
Last edited by StableX, .
S2 licensed
Quote from DooBee :Egad!
It has been over a year. I have searched the forum.
Is LFS better than IRacing overall (including replayability) or not?

If I missed the thread I am sorry.

For the money, you can't go wrong with LFS. Best money I've spent on a game so far. However, as Crommi said, it depends what you are looking for in a sim/game. Each have their merits and downfalls. You just need to look at what's important to you.

For instance, what are the 5 top things you look for in a driving game?
S2 licensed
Quote from richard dk :No -

hahaha.... I reread the other quote I meant too true to the two licenses to watch.

1. if it's rookie, be careful as you might get a hit up the back or they might brake early.
2. if its a PRO license they are going to pass easy anyway, so let them go by
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :

One of my favorite quotes on licenses was on the iRacing forum, and it went something like "The only licenses that matter are Rookie and Pro, because if you see either one of those behind you, you have an equal chance of being wrecked". Classic.

LoL - too true!
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnPenn :Got the impression from reading the forums that racing in rookie servers is frowned upon if you have a better 'license' which would be a shame if you really like the car/ track combo.

Saying that if the Skippy is as much fun to drive as the Solstice I can't wait

oh my, John... Skippy is a dream. I love it!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Crommi :Sporting code has been updated and it made me really happy once I saw this:

It's actually not that bad on large ovals which have apron, but on Milwaukee and Phoenix you have those slower cars run 50km/h on the racing line.

yup..... the new issue on sporting code for Hosted servers is causing a bit of an issue
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :It does. When deko [or whoever] presses "Green Flag", it comes up as an rcm on screen AND as a message in chat. However, mpr's don't save those messages therefore you can't see it in the replay

However, it should show a chat green flag in the stream replay shouldn't it? that way you'll be able to get a accurate time of when it came up in chat to then analyse that against the replay without the chat......?
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Good one

Back on-topic [ish]. We're in the process of reviewing the protests, and thus the results of them should be out soon-ish [today/tomorrow/Tuesday]. We can then add them up onto the tracker and give out the final results

thanks mate
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :

EDIT: And I'm not sure a 30s penalty to deko would affect the results... :P

well, if Deko had a 30 second penalty, that would have delayed the start and all the trouble that has come of the start error could have been avoided

S2 licensed
Protest, Pre-Lap One
Against: Organiser
Reason: Starting Race when grid was not lined up in accordance with the rules.
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Please, keep it civilized with the insults.

Timo, you spin me RIGHT ROUND
S2 licensed
I've left it until now to say anything and have just watched the replay. As has been said by PMD and a few others, everything that is at fault seems to stem from the race being started when the grid was not lined up properly. There is no way, based on the way the grid was lined up that the race should have been started and green flagged in chat.

There should have been an extra rolling lap until the drivers bunched up properly!

Everything stems from that poor decision to start the race, even though drivers were not even around the last bend fully!
S2 licensed
Watched a film called "TAKEN" with Liam Neelson. Thought it was excellent. Certainly worth a watch
S2 licensed
might try to get Tommeh to race for RSR for race 2. Where will he be for race 3?

Sorry Tommeh, had to be said
S2 licensed
Quote from zapz :How much (in USD) would I need to spend on a PC to play LFS (and most other racing sims) in 1920x1080 and get a frame rate of 120fps at minimum.

I want 120fps for 3D with 3D glasses.

I don't need a monitor, KB, mouse etc, just the PC and OS. The graphics card needs to be invidia for 3D.

if you are running a flat screen monitor at 60Hz, then your max frame rate will be 60 that you'll see, even if it says 120!
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :You been taking lessons off Mr Chapman?

The show can go on without spdo, the main grid is full so whether they confirm a month beforehand or turn up on the server 10 mins before the race start is neither here nor there. The whole point is they are a guest team and thus do have special priviledges, like running advanced drivers if they wish; they are here at the request of Deko so I'm sure he can sort it out.

While I see your point I put this to you. The Guest team which, is typically from MoE, or another top team, should surely be setting an example on how to act, drive etc. Following the rules should be a must. The fact that any team taking part doesn't have to follow rules and is seen to be allowed to have special privileges seems more ridiculous.

Quote from racer hero :The whole purpose of the guest team is too show us an example of the MoE/IGTC driver quality. They aren't scored for points, so why are you all worrying about it?

Exactly - so surely they should show the example by not breaking a rule!

Look, I know this is an AMATEUR league, but it would be good to show that the league can follow professional rules and stick to them