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S2 licensed
it'll pick up once the patch/S3 comes out
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Video Time!

Final assessed run (which felt more impressive than it now looks ):

Fair play Jakg. Superb effort I thought. Really good control! Well done mate thanks for sharing too
S2 licensed
thanks for the comments everyone. After speaking to a Creative developer, I'm going to wait for the Zii Egg
S2 licensed
nice driving, especially in the 2nd vid! good stuff
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :I almost fell for it until i realized that now you don't get any credit with a years sub you're actually $3 a year worse off than how it is now.

Classic bit of marketing. Give with one hand, take away with the other

Still, great to hear content prices are far more like they should have been to begin with.

oh well, I'm happy
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Man, those freaking whores are trying to suck me back in!

you love it!
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :Looks like iRacing is dropping the prices on content.

If this brings in more memebers, I'm all for it. Kind of sucks for people who paid the higher prices for everything, but whatever. Happens with pretty much everything when you want to be the first one to have it. They still haven't posted the full details but its supposedly coming some time today.

that's cool... where did you see that?
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3

Not OMG good, but one of the better hostage/negotiations movies lately..

seriously, see the original.... I've just seen the remake and I much prefer the original...
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :
sorry cant attach .rpy file

zip it
S2 licensed
Quote from spacedskunk :Well the obvious choice..the iPod, limits to one computer.

an ipod is limited to one PC? can't upload or change from any other PC apa\rt from a named one?
S2 licensed
Quote from spacedskunk :I recommend the Creative range

yeah, really would like the Zii Egg but it's not out

I do want it for MP3's but I'd also like other things too. One reason I like the Zii.
MP3 Players .... questions!
S2 licensed
So I have a question....... I'm going to get a new mp3 player. My old and trusty 1st generation ipod has finally died and I need to get something to put my music on.

I have two questions for people to help my cause!

::1:: What mp3 player do you have and whats good and bad about it?

::2:: What mp3 player would you like and why?

If you have links to any then add them too

I'll answer question 2! I'd like the Zii Egg from Creative but it's not out yet. It has loads of features to it, apart from playing mp3's but I think with the better battery life, poses a great alternative to the itouch..
S2 licensed
Quote from Gnomie :What are the details about these certificates? How much do you get for winning a division? (and do you get the same if you win Division 1 or Division 7?)

you get the same for div 1,2,3 or 7 - a certificate
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Does Rookie Skip count? if it does then i got one .

if you're driving the skippy and you are in a division for it and come 1st to 3rd, you'll get a certificate
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :oooh certificates when do they start handing those out?

at the end of the season if you come 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your division
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :

Gratz on yer win Andy, remember 'to finish first, first you must finish'.

133 points for it too... Sadly, being in Div 4 and not that fast, no chance of a certificate this season
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :............which is nice

Try this for yourself, take a big square of cardboard 46" size. Overlay it on your screen and cut out a 22" "window hole" in the centre. Then adjust LFS so it looks as it did before on your old setup and just use the 22" hole as your screen. Then after you are used to that, take away the bordering cardboard. All the extra peripheral vision is flattened out on the sides of you ,which can give a sort of tunnel-vision effect which makes the car feel like it's snapping. I think it's more of an optical illusion. A curved screen or dome screen would feel better at these higher FOVs. Personally I use about 110 degrees (40" series 5 Samsung). It looks best to me when I make the ingame virtual wheel the same size as the G25 wheel.

Actually that experiment would require you use 130 FOV or something. Makes you realise how much of a huge step you have taken by going to 46"

that looks fantastic!
S2 licensed
Will be interesting to see the new tyre model applied to the Mazda in 3 weeks when the next update comes. I'm hoping the Corvette comes too along with the Indy.

I really enjoy driving the Mazda, especially now I managed my first win on ViR Grand West ---- mainly because the majority of the field crashed
S2 licensed
Quote from Paranoid Android :Are you guys aware of any promotion so that I can try iRacing right now?

I am not sure if the Radical deal is stil on the table but there is the INDY option:
S2 licensed
Quote from tinvek :hmm since i've hit a brick wall (and numerous tyre walls and a tree) trying to get the lotus dialed in consistently at VIR i may pay the mazda a visit, havent run it for a few months

not sure if it will help but it is a good starting point for ViR and stable!
S2 licensed
Quote from richard dk :I don`t dare to run that combo with a Pro license...

I thought the Mazda league would be less stress than in the skippy, due to the higher license needed to drive it.
S2 licensed
Just managed a 3rd in the Mazda at Road Atlanta. Man, that track is a laugh with those cars but pretty intense! How the heck are the top people doing consistent 1.17's!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :I find these posts regarding the price of LFS frankly ridiculous. Any other game that you try to buy on the shelves today will cost around £44.

The fact that Scawen (wrongly IMO), has branded LFS an alpha product and decided not to distribute LFS in the high street has compounded the issue. His latest post seems to agree that the alpha tag is no longer applicable.

From my personal point of view, I have never in my whole life experienced anything that even comes close to LFS in terms of value. £24 for 5 years of constant entertainment. I spend double that every month on Sky TV, which thanks to LFS, I never get to watch

Asking another £12, or whatever they ask, from users who have been playing the game since 2002 is absolutely nothing. We have all seen the alternative with iRacing, which thank god they have not decided to do. If, god forbid, then went down that route, I would have spent £100's in the last few years. Also, if LFS did go the subscription route, I would leave instantly. But what I would happily pay extra for is exactly what the community has been asking for, real tracks, with laser scanned quality (and hopefully bumps), and more content.

May I talk hypothetically for a minute..

Scawen wants to charge £24 for S3, on top of S2. So, LFS S3, for a new user, costs £46 (normal retail price for a game these days). For us it is £24.

For this money, they will spend the money on marketing and distributing LFS in shops, putting in 10 Real tracks, putting in 5 more cars in, surround sound, dx9/10 quality graphics, better physics, sanctioned races/servers.

So, if they did this, they could afford to hire some graphics guru's, get some tracks laser scanned, and increase the user base. With some sanctioned servers/leagues/comps aswell LFS could easily (IMO) take over iRacing. iRacing get's away with charging >£10 per month, plus content cost, for a product that is vastly inferior to what LFS "could" be, with a modest amount of investment.

Hypothetical over

LFS already has a huge physics update coming, a new car and the prospect of S3 on the horizon. This is not before time IMHO, but it will be free.

When S3 does come out, I hope it will be a big change, but I do fear that it won't. I hope to god that S3 doesn't cater for the pentium 3/4's that LFS caters for atm. It will be 2010/2011, and to expect the majority (probs 90+%) of the userbase to have to put up with shite DX8 graphics and 2 channel sound to please the tiny minority, in spite of the huge progress computers have made in the last 10 years since lfs was first released, would be a massive shame

/rant over

nice rant..... totally agree on the value. I just hope that with Rockingham coming that all the other current tracks are updated too to reflect tarmac with bumps. If not, Rockingham will make the other's feel even smoother than they currently feel.....

S3 for £12 will be great
S2 licensed
I really want to try that Corvette!
S2 licensed
it'll be here soon enough!