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Quote from yaper :I see that 2003 was a good year in LFS history. Smile

2003 was the year the Racing Legends hype turned into vaporware, and loads of people flocked from that non-existing sim to LFS because of some user reviews on the forum over there.
S3 licensed
Yeah, same here.

Haven't raced since Nov '09, but with the recent announcements I've noticed myself logging on to the forums more often.

Need to finish some stuff first (a lot of stuff has happened since '09, got married, had a kid, moved a couple of times) like install my computer and wheel, but I am definitely planning on getting back into the racing in LFS.

Maybe not as much as I used to, due to responsibilities towards a 2-year-old boy who's first words were "auto" and "race", but I'll be back soon.

Thanks to the devs for keeping this thing alive!
S3 licensed
If I spoil it for anyone I'm sorry... I just need to get this off my chest...


S3 licensed
Quote from Eldanor :I already own an iPad "nano"

I prefer a tablet that allows me to tinker a bit with it.

S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Colts will out-score the Jets easily IMO. The Vikings and Saints I am not too sure about, I think I am going to go with the Vikings in this one. They have a better defense that might be able to disrupt Brees and the running game.

I'm just hoping they are some good/close games!

If the Saints can score first and hold off the queens' offence on the next drive they'll win.

If the Saints make it to the SB, they'll take it. They're due one anyway.
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Point taken.

I was under the impression that the sideplates on the wing and the wing itself together produced more downforce/sideforce then just the spoiler alone. If the spoiler produces more downforce though then I am deeply saddened.

Well... The spoiler creates more downforce in general, yes, but it also makes the car looser in packs. Since a wing allows air to pass under it it also allows air to hit the following car lower. A spoiler will not touch any air when a car is really close behind it. So, yes, a spoiler will create more downforce than a wing, except when racing close to others. And getting close to someone will be easier with spoilers. Add to that that a wing helps keep the car going forward with the wing-endplates and a spoiler doesn't, and you may have closer racing with more action.

One thing I didn't like about the wing was the way it made the car forgiving in turns. It was virtually impossible to spin simply due to loss of grip. If it went round it was 'easy' to save. That problem is gone from Martinsville on.

The front splitter will help trailing cars keep front end grip while close to another car, so I expect more bumping and more overtaking by getting opponents aero-loose. (and more wrecks the first few races).

BTW, Martinsville isn't a good place to introduce it. Won't make much of a difference there, too slow.
S3 licensed

Forum hates it if you use capitals
S3 licensed
Happy New Year peeps...
S3 licensed
Quote from franky500 :Sounds good, should have an FAQ post

If the best way forward is stricter administration, it will be all or none. kind of like a school playground.

I said this 2 and a half years ago...
Stricter administration, but more importantly consistent administration.
If user A gets kicked for something then user B should also be kicked for the same thing. Something that wasn't always the case.

I've been here since the beginning, and the forum has gone to hell in the last couple of years. Ever since people figured it was 'cool' to flame demo players and to 'over'protect the dev's project by pointing fingers at a lot of them as pirates without any kind of proof whatsoever.

I'm not sure if the forum can be saved, but if it is, I'm back.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Android rocks BUT the office apps are meh compared to the Windows Mobile versions, the cameras aren't 5MP (afaik - not that MP makes any difference but still), and only the Hero supports Flash.

Out of the box... And it's still a beta version of flash...
All Android phones will support flash when Adobe releases their player.
S3 licensed
Quote from mclarenmatt :Oh so it's their fault they were trying to provide and improve the service for the community?

No, it's their fault they ended up becoming a single point of failure for the community, instead of an improvement. Which is exactly why a lot of people ran away from them. Sure, you can have a failure and downtime. But years of them without a good backup? That's their fault.
Quote :
They provided, it's just a shame the community !&%$ on them. Then again the Sim Racing Community is probably the crappest of the lot.

They !&%$ on themselves. It's a miracle they didn't die 3 years ago when the whole disaster started.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Bob would win i think, he has a pic from some space telescope that is 26000 x 26000, i crashed my whole PC trying to open it!

I'd win...
I have a JPG that's 3+GB big... It's an image of Katherine Legge in her 2007 Champcar at Zolder, made up of 14000 640x480 pictures of naked women
S3 licensed
Quote from el pibe :WHAT THE F!@$@#$ IS THAT?

That, is a blasphemy to the image of God and it's hand crafted legendary F1 circuits.

So is the current Silverstone...
So nothing really changes. We need the old Silverstone back. Blindingly fast corners followed by idiotically long straights followed by the occasional hairpin, and that's it.
S3 licensed
Quote from ferrarifan777 :i only have kb, mouse sound and video plugged in as i only plug in my wheel when i play
i had another idea abou what the problem might be the mouse i have pluged in is wireless and a wireless keyboard is on the same usb but the wireless keyboard was running out of batteriesso i just set it to the side and plugged in a wired one as well
the wireless keyboard was facing up so none of the butons were being pressed.
but could the problem been because of 2 keyboards plugged in?

Shouldn't be a problem...
But you should really test it with everything except a keyboard unplugged.
Preferably the wired keyboard one.

It could be because the keyboard was low on batteries and it started messing up the signal.
S3 licensed
Unplug any peripherals connected on usb...
Hook up only your keyboard... Boot, and check if it still happens.
It might be something completely unrelated to your keyboard.
Maybe it's your wheel, mouse, usb bluetooth/wireless, memory stick, whatever.

If it doesn't happen with only a keyboard attached then hook up the rest one by one. If it does happen you could try booting without anything attached. Make sure to turn off the "Stop on keyboard and mouse errors" setting in your BIOS setup utility or it won't boot.

If it still happens your mainboard may be broken... Get a new one.
S3 licensed
We have a winner with the apple iCar...

S3 licensed
Quote from senn :IIRC didn't some sega racing game have a little sonic doll hanging off the mirror that moved with the G forces sideways etc....was a really old game...

Rad Mobile, wasn't it?

God I loved that game.
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :You're kidding, right? Football, any type, is a pansies game.

In the words of King Julian...
'They're nothing but giant pansies... Where do you giants come from?'
"uhmmm...New York"
"ALL HAIL, The New York Giants!"

(New Orleans Saints though, are not pansies)
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :Germans deadly.

English is shite as the people who invented it, cant even use it correctly.

Nobody invented english...
It used to be german, then the french came and you lot figured that sounded cool too, so you mixed and matched and came up with english...
S3 licensed
Quote from ZORER :if i'm not wrong, there are 4 known forces.(or 5) one of them is gravity. everything is orbiting around everything because of gravity. (orbiting is movement, so we can include galaxies' movement) so the question is "who created gravity".. depends on your religion.

The big bang...
Every fundamental interaction (or force if you will) is caused by a specific particle (most of which are still hypothetical and have yet to be seen on an individual scale).

Gravity is supposedly caused by the graviton and interacts with every particle that has mass (which, hypothetically, is caused by the higgs boson).

By the way, galaxies don't orbit around any particular point as a group. At most they orbit around eachother in small groups eventually colliding and creating a bigger galaxy that isn't orbiting.
S3 licensed
Well, whatever you do...

S3 licensed
Quote from hiroshima guy :Well, well Xaotik... I take that upon your comment that you're trying to insult or lecture me?

Anyway, of all the posts around, there's actually no mentioning of the who made God... All I've seen is talking about the Bible Stories, and the biblical gods coming about in heaven, on earth or in hell, but who in particular, made them... What I believe is actually one God, and It alone, no others. I take the others as deities or angels or prophets...

As of popular beliefs, many thought Jesus Christ or Mary, as a God. But they're actually not. Some how, there's almost no way to tell them the right things, they just won't listen. Sort of a rogue church?

God wasn't made by anything or anyone... God just is...

If you believe in such a thing, that is.
You can't tell anybody the right things because there's no such thing as the 'absolute truth'. At best we can say that what you try to teach others is what you believe, not what is the absolute truth.

I can tell you that there is a flying spaghetti monster... But that's just another belief, just as the belief in God, Jahweh, Allah, Ba'al, Horus, Ra, Quetzalcoatl, etc.

Like I said before, I am just as atheist as any christian, I just believe in one God less than they do.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I'm not completely sure on this stuff as i'm not well read on it, my understanding is that Annunaki reffers to a mortal of Godly status, specifically the sovereign monarch of Babylon and their descendants.

EDIT: Jahweh is of the Gods (ie: the Annunaki walk amongst the Gods) but the Gods are not of Jahweh. Jahweh is an Igigi (a heavenly God)

Or do I have it completely wrong?

You're close, but not completely correct.

They're both Gods...
Annunaki are the Gods that walk among men (on earth). Igigi are the Gods that remained in heaven (not on earth).

In the hebrew texts Jahweh was the prime (only, for the most part) deity that has characteristics from both Annunaki en Igigi Gods. Anu was an Igigi god who remained in heaven, but did on a few rare occasions come down to earth to speak with his sons (Enlil and Enki) and offer his advise on certain problems.

The fact that in the old testament Jahweh was both the destroyer of mankind and the one to save Noah from the flood while in the sumerian texts it is Enlil who opts to destroy the whole of mankind and Enki who saves Noah (Ziusudra/Atraharsis in Akkadian) by instructing him to build an ark, just goes to show that Jahweh of the Hebrews is a deity that is composed of multiple sumerian/egyptian/indian/babylonian deities.

It is also said that the name Yahweh is derived from the West Semitic pronunciation of Enki's akkadian name Ea: eeyahu.

In the hebrew bible the Anunnaki are depicted as the nefilim... Which can be translated as 'fallen gods/angels', or demons...
In the original sumerian it would rather mean 'Gods on earth')
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Common concenssus attributes this to the Jews, although studying the history of the Book of Genesis reveals that even Judaism was based upon earlier writings not directly attributable to any current theology.


Sumerians have provided most if not all of the stories on which the bible based its old testament.

Also, the sumerian theology is directly linked to ancient egyptian and even indian theology. They used the same gods, albeit by different names and sometimes multiple gods into one...

As an atheist, I disbelieve in as many gods as a christian plus one.