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Quote from mrodgers :(how does everyone else say that, fuel kilometerage? hehe).

Since mostly non-english speaking countries use metric, I'd say we don't say fuel kilometerage.
No, just usage, or consumption.

Good idea though, to stay ontopic for a bit tonight as well.
S3 licensed
Quote from MrNase :We definatly need a longer drag strip..

Iam sick of hitting the wall at 500+ kmh just because there's not enough room to brake

OMFG... LMAO... You can't be serious, can you? :clapclap: :clapclap:

Let the flaming commence...
I'll be here doing :munching_
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :how fast can you go before the caravan begins to disintegrate anyway ?

LOL illepall
I wouldn't know... I can't attach anything to the back of my car unless I drill a huge hole into my rear bumper... Which wouldn't look good.
It's just old people that have caravans.. That's why they drive so shitty... Yeah, we have a LOT of old people
S3 licensed
Yeah, same here...
S3 licensed
Quote from herki :how fast is really fast? betya i'm allowed to go faster :P

Initial D OST is fine for driving fast

Yes, you're allowed to go faster... Doesn't mean you are going faster
S3 licensed
Let's see... Depending on where I'm driving I like to listen to the:
NFS Underground Soundtracks (including MW) - the Urban/rap songs : When queued up in one of the many traffic jams we have.
NFS Underground Soundtracks (including MW) - the speedy metal/dance songs : When driving in cities
The Crystal Method - Vegas : When going really fast on the freeways
S3 licensed
Quote from Vendetta :I find the links to these sites on other forums

So you're providing a community service by making sure people don't have to leave this forum to find the links
S3 licensed
I decided to become one of the few ricer that has some respect on these forums... So I bought myself a neon kit for my car
S3 licensed
Quote from Vendetta :Ok, dont post the skin..

Alright, you seriously made me fall of my chair with that one...:chairfall
S3 licensed
Quote from micha1980de :get your flamers ready... :P

i've always dreamed of a lfs like physics for some nfs-u2 like game.

why, not?

just a thought

At least someone agrees with me... I'd like a ricer game with physics (note how I didn't say 'better physics', but just 'physics').
S3 licensed
Quote :
But maybe it will illustrate that acting like that to customers is the worst business approach anyone trying to make money could ever take. That's twice now that he's been as bad as most of the people on this forum.

Yeah, maybe they should act like all the other developers except for a couple of old-time ISI guys and not respond to our questions at all...
Like my mom used to say... When there's one fly on your face it's because the fly wanted to... If there's hundreds of flies on you, you probably need to take a shower. Same here... If one guy won't agree with you, it could well be him... When nobody agrees with you, you should wonder if it's not you who's wrong. And no, I don't agree with you either.

Now let it go, and move on...
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :It's quite natural to be dissapointed if you have worked hard on something and then see it used for something you had no knowledge of. Don has posted his comment and offered to discuss it with Soper. So why do people need to pick up their sticks and take a swing?

Yeah... Not changing my post, cos I need the feeling it gave me to stay on... But you're right. Sorry.
S3 licensed
Alright, that's it... Same haughty crap over and over again... Are you making money off of your skin directly? No? Shut up already, then. You're not losing anything from this except your mind.

Could the devs please put a notice in LFS stating that any and all skins created for LFS become property of LFS?

I am sorry, but I'm getting kinda tired from all this elitist graphics-artist behavior regarding skins... Using the exact same skins is another thing, but this isn't even close to a copy... It's an adaptation.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :You're comparing radians to degrees. You need to convert one of them first.

I'm way ahead of you... (the 121 was converted from radians to degrees)
then I get a value of 171.892 degrees instead of 3.00 radians... Which still makes no sense whatsoever, if looked at clockwise or anticlockwise... But like I said... I don't trust my programming skills, and as of now my computer to calculate anything more complex as 1+1=2... I'm having weird problems with a counter resetting to 0 in a For-loop as well...

When I get home I'll try to show you part of the datablocks that matter in this case for both RAF files and Kegetys' Ghost files (which he says is raw Outsim output).
Last edited by TagForce, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Nitemare :here's a pic, how i think it is...

orientation of x, y axes is same as of world coordinates, origin of axes is in car's COG

F is a "forward-vector", R is a "right-vector"
φ = arctg(-Fx / Fy) is heading
length (absolute value) of F is |F| = sqrt(Fx^2 + Fy^2)
X = F + R

...but i'm not sure what does F, R and X vectors represent - speed? acceleration?

edit: also there is no "up-vector" (at least in RAF), so i guess it's impossible to get exact amount of bodyroll?

There doesn't need to be an up-vector... The vectors are 3D... So, there's an X-value, a Y-value, and a Z-value that would point up. So my guess is that the Z value of the forward vector would somehow be able to give us the amount of pitch, and the Z value of the Right Vector should tell us something about roll... But I get really strange values comparing RAF output to Outsim data, so I really don't know for sure. What units does the Outsim data use, exactly? I get like 3.00 for heading in Outsim, when the RAF output heading gives -121 degrees. Which of course could be down to my really bad programming skills.

Would love Scawen to elaborate on this subject (I've decided to wait until 2006 to actually send him an email, so as not to bother him during the holidays)
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :It certaintly isn't a pre release if the files aren't released....... ?

I don't see anything.

Ahhh... But this all is typed Pre the actual Release... hence pre-release...

Not that I see the use of this thread meself, but hey... I just woke up, so that could be just me.
S3 licensed
There are many more places (mostly off track, but some on) where this happens... Maybe we should make a list of them. A perfect example would be the FE green sandtrap if you miss the turn after the first chicane... The car is literally about 2 feet up in the air over one of the sanddunes there.
S3 licensed
Quote from Vendetta :The AI are in devopment, so i dont think reporting ai bugs would be very helpful. But uhm..go ahead anyway, theirs no reason not too

In fact... There is a reason to submit a replay here... It'll give us all a bit of a laugh at the sometimes brilliantly stupid AI (even though I have the utmost respect of what Scawen is trying to accomplish with them).
S3 licensed
How is the router set up?
If it's set to use NAT or PAT, you'll have to tell it that any data coming into the router from the internet on the LFS ports needs to be sent to your LFS Server PC. Otherwise it won't know what to do with the info and just drop the packets, even if your PC is the only one on the network (easiest way is to try and set up a default server on your router, so that any data on the open ports gets forwarded to your PC, unless otherwise defined).
S3 licensed
I still think someone's been watching too many GIS episodes... Although I really think this series should be put up at machinima movie sites.
S3 licensed
Quote from tinyk :

Annabelle hangs out a lot on the FM server racing on oval track.


Dunno if I told you, but if I DID come to your town to meet with you, you wouldn't be the first girl I went to the US for... In fact, I'm fixin' to go see her this summer... How far from New Orleans are ya?

As for Annabelle... She wasn't the fastest woman on S1, but there was something about her that made it impossible for me to pass her. Speaking of passing women... How about you and me actually compete in a race sometime. I've seen you on the servers, but never actually raced you. It's about time, dunya think?
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :On the subject of some girls playing LFS... I haven't seen one in a long time since I knew about tiny. Back in S1 there were a few, but they haven't been around much anymore.... it's a shame, cuz some girls do like racing cars. Givem a wheel, pedals, and a BMW, and they will surely cut you off online

You ever seen Annabelle around in S2?
S3 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :What Is the First Day of the Week?
  • The Bible clearly makes the Sabbath the last day of the week, but does not share how that corresponds to our 7 day week. Yet through extra-biblical sources it is possible to determine that the Sabbath at the time of Christ corresponds to our current 'Saturday.' Therefore it is common Jewish and Christian practice to regard Sunday as the first day of the week (as is also evident from the Portuguese names for the week days). However, the fact that, for example, Russian uses the name "second" for Tuesday, indicates that some nations regard Monday as the first day.

    In international standard ISO-8601 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has decreed that Monday shall be the first day of the week.
Source: ... CTION00650000000000000000

And what if I don't like the Christian way of thinking, nor the International Standardization Organisation? From this day forth, the thursday shall be the start of the week for all things LFS!
S3 licensed
Quote from Frankmd :So I bet he will come with a new MPR header format sometime

Hope you mean new MPR format... Would love to be able to make sense of the entire file for personal reasons. No, not cheating.
S3 licensed
Happy Birthday, tiny...

Now... Since the first time we met was basically because I scared you on here... I'ma do it again

How about I arrange for a vacation to the US next summer?