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Quote from tikshow :yes, i know this is unrealistic but people can't see in the mirror or on the map before rejoining the race and they crashed into another racers, who can avoid the crash if he stays in place or move far from the racing line, that is the problem...

The solution would then be to identify and 'educate' those that cannot properly rejoin. People need to be educated about the yellow flag as well, because everybody tends to stay on the throttle. Maybe a timeout penalty for crashing when there's been a yellow flag there for more than 5 seconds.

edit: Fireb0llch: I know, that doesn't mean I need to always use it
S3 licensed
Quote from fireb0llch :There were everywhere Yellow Flags... they ignored them

You intentionally rolled onto the racing line after having come to a complete stop. That equals intentional wrecking.
S3 licensed
Quote from tikshow :why people can't understand, to use spec mode(shift + s) immediatley after or in the crash? why do they need to ruin the race of someone else... i hate this part in the sr fox server
anyway i laughed hard

I HATE people using shift-s at the moment they crash. It's unrealistic, no fun, and annoying to try to avoid something that won't be there anymore when you get there.

If you crash, crash. It's the responsibility of those coming towards you to avoid you, not yours to magically disappear as soon as possible. Avoiding wrecks is as much part of racing as driving around corners is.

Having said that, the one in this movie is a gigantic idiot. He merges, twice, without looking and without staying off the racing line. In my book, that is enough for a ban. You can miss one car, but merging like that twice (and the second time, simply rolling onto the racing line after coming to a complete stop to the right of it) is definitely 'intentional' and should be handled as such.
Last edited by TagForce, .
S3 licensed
You don't need anything in there. Just add some cable insulation to the spring and ball combo... Makes it stiffer (by the right amount, I'd guess), and silences the BB slotting in the holes.

Oh, logitek, if you can't turn the shifter selector knob, then you have another problem. That cannot be caused by the spring. Probably the metal slots on top are misaligned. They can't move.
S3 licensed
What spring are you talking about? AFAIK there is only one 'shifter spring' and that's the one holding the ball against the metal plate. Shortening that shouldn't make it stiffer, just too short to hold the ball. There's the pusher springs for the left/right force, but adding a couple of rubber bands will tighten that right up.

If you want to add a little force to the ball spring, here's a simple but effective way to do it, with the added bonus of getting rid of the annoying 'click' when you shift:

Get a cheap or old network cable. Cut about 0.75cm (about 1/3") of the insulation. Get the ball and push it into the cable insulation. Don't push it all the way in, just enough to make it stick. Get the spring, and push it in the other side (should be a tight fit). Put that assembly back in the shifter and enjoy.

On the subject of sequential downshifts...
Check the pot meter to the right of the shifter. It should fight into its slot really tightly, but doesn't. Get a piece of paper about 1cm wide, and 4 cm long. Fold it over a couple of times so you get a 1x1cm folded piece, and stick that in the slot so the pot gets pushed towards the back of the shifter (up). Downshifts should now work just fine.
S3 licensed
Well, at the rate Max, Bernie and associates are spewing out insane ideas and rulechanges, I don't think we'll need to worry about Ferrari leaving F1.

I think F1 will cease to exist well before that happens. I'm having flashbacks to the old CART days and the split with the idiot grandson (Tony George, FYI). It took 13 years of failing seasons and the total destruction of what once was the greatest motor race event of the year, but the IRL has finally won the battle for American Open Wheel Racing... And what happens? Nobody watches it, the Mindy 500 is only watched by people outside of the US who have no idea of what happened, and the Idiot Grandson has finally given his 'vision' 4 years before he pulls the plug entirely.

We don't need to worry about that happening with F1... I'm thinking they'll put it out of its misery in 2 years, 3 tops.
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :1000 to Tagforce and mrodgers.

Tagforce just PM'd me about it. He said that if you dont pay, he'll pay you a visit.

Be careful dude, Tagforce aint someone to joke with.


Now that's a great way to get out of paying me, Takumi :P
S3 licensed
Quote from _--NZ--_[HUN] :It's old, dirty and needs a new paintjob but it's a Starion

You need a new license plate too... The letters have gone missing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Nu ben jij mij 1000tje schuldig gek.

Lees nog eens... Read it again... I'll have $1000 from anyone... You're supposed to pay me

S3 licensed
I'll have $1000 from anyone who can tell me what the hell this is about...

I'm lost here (but enjoyed it so far).
S3 licensed
Quote from batteryy :to bumb this abit, now when the tilt came atleast im glad they mentioned that ''this game is made from live for speed, the favourite raci...'' and something like that. but still, i think theyre a bit like stealing a part lfs :hide:

Yeah, but that's just because us LFSers tend to be a bit overprotective of LFS...

There's nothing wrong with what's happening, or there would've been some news on it by now. Like "MTV3 forced to pay 15 million in damages to LFS" or something.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Here: ?

You know that mod is illegal, right?

ALL NR2003 mods and add-ons are.

I don't agree, but that's the deal we got with iRacing.
S3 licensed
1984/5 Commodore 16
S3 licensed
Depends on what the thrustmaster wheel is doing when you hook it up...

I would:
1) Start using the DFP instead of the MOMO. It takes some getting used to, but in 2 weeks it'll feel like the old one.
2) Destroy the Thrustmaster, and get all pots, sliders, and things you might use out, along with the electronics that make them work.
3) Engineer yourself a handbrake lever that rotates around a central axis to which you connect one of the pots from the thrustmaster.
4) Build a wooden 'cockpit' frame, to which you can mount buttons and switches and knobs and stuff.
5) Get the buttons from the Thrustmaster, and place them on the cockpit. Using buttons and knobs that resemble those on real race cars (a flick-switch for ignition that returns to the 0-position, and possibly a knob that has different connectors for left/right, so you can actually turn the brake bias front/back).
6) spend one day configuring your favorite games to use the buttons. Possibly scripting different functions for different cars in LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from 91mason91 :Santa clause was actaully purple but is now red because of coca cola.
Coca cola made satna red as part of their advertising campaign one christmas (forgot the date) and now santa is red... hoora coca cola!

Santa was never purple. They derived him from the german/dutch Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) who comes to bring gifts to children on the night of his nameday (dec 5/6). St Nick was a bishop of Myra (turkey), and hence was originally depicted in traditional bishop's robes (which indeed were purple), but that person was never Santa Claus.
S3 licensed
Gripping is a term invented by drifters to pretend their form of motorracing has any credibility in the big bad world.

Or something like that.

Oh... @AcesHigh:
Drifting is the act of moving off the intended or initial line of movement.
The meaning of the word in autoracing is simply 2 or 4 wheels drifting away from the line the car is moving on.
S3 licensed
Racing and Sexy women have gone together since the very first automobile race.

You cannot have one without the other. It just wouldn't feel right.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :At the risk of being lambasted by the hordes of oval haters, I thought I would post here.

Started playing a bit of Nascar 09 on the xbox, and would like to know of any sites/links with information on Nascar racing techniques, racing lines, stratagies etc etc, because at the moment, all I know about Nascar is that you put your foot down and turn left (at least on super speedways!!) .


Beside the standard stuff, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind when racing ovals and setting up cars...

1. The car is repeating the same transitions over and over again, so don't bother with all the fancy analysers and stuff... If you're consistently faster and it feels easier, the change was good.
2. You're only turning left. Don't ever think about symmetrical setups on ovals.
3. Each long turn has a couple of 'states' which need to feel good to you. The car can be loose, tight, or neutral. A little loose is good. The states are "braking (or lifting), entry, middle, accelerating, exit", and the car will transition from loose to tight between them. Different states require different adjustments on the car to fix them.

1. As a rule, the less distance you travel, the better. Especially on the fast ovals.
2. If you find you are lacking in corner exit speed and get run over by everybody else on the track, try a higher line. This allows you to keep more speed through the corner, giving you better straight line speed.
3. Don't destroy the tires, if the car doesn't like a line, try a different one. There's basically 3 lines available to you, each requiring different speeds and resulting in different tire heat. Try them all and see which is the better line for your setup tire and speed wise.

1. To finish first, you must first finish. Don't try to win a 334 lap race in lap 10. It will come back to haunt you. If there's faster cars behind you, let them go. No point in fighting for positions you won't be able to keep because you wrecked or blew out your tires.
2. Get fresh rubber as often as you possibly can. Every time there's a caution, you should go for new tires. Unless near the end of the race, or you're in danger of getting lapped soon, you should always go for rubber.
3. later on in the race you might opt for track position. Stay out with plenty of laps to go, instead of pitting. Make sure your tires and fuel are going to get you to the next caution, and you're not really slow on the old tires, though.
4. Do whatever the leader does in the final 20 laps. If the leader pits, you pit. If you're outside the top 10, and there's some 20 cars left on the lead lap, pit for rubber, even if the leader doesn't. Chances are you're going to get by a lot of them not-pitters because of the tires.
5. FIGHT THE LEADER TO STAY ON THE LEAD LAP! You don't have to move. You should fight to stay on the lead lap, with all the cautions going on. If you lose a lap you're screwed. Once the leader has passed you, let the rest of them by easily. No need to fight the rest as you're already a lap down.

1. Bumpdraft. Don't ever lift off the throttle. Use the brake to gently slow down so you don't knock the other guy into the wall.
2. Find a mate to work with. You're faster with 2 cars than you are by your onesies. Make sure to be friends with one during the race, it may bring you to the front to fight for the win.
3. Don't make your 'winning' move until exiting turn 4 of the last lap.
4. Stay up front, even though you don't really have to. Cars crashing behind you can't crash into you. Trust the big one happening at some point, and at that point it's probably best to not be in it.
5. Hold your line. Don't go back and forth between high and low lines. There's probably 2 or 3 of them where you're at. Don't upset them by trying to change to the faster one every lap. That way you won't end your race prematurely because a 'Smoke' wannabee figures he's had enough of your stupidity and bumps you right into the safer barrier.

That should get you upto speed...

Oh, and I'm a former NR2003S ESCORS champion, so this isn't just someone BSing.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Downloaded NR2003 and it's unrealistically crap. You can just slam the cars around like they are on rails.

That means you are too damn slow...

Way back when I raced it, it was the most realistic sim out there. Haven't played it for a while, but it's probably not as realistic as I thought it to be at the time. On rails, though, the cars are definitely not when you're on the limit.
S3 licensed
Quote from tinvek :or villeneuve in 79 ?

for those that don't here it is

But they drove back to the pits... Vettel continued passed the pits and tried to finish the race with his car.
S3 licensed
Quote from Crommi :TagForce: Seriously, that makes it even worse. Right thing to do would have been bring it up to city government and just request original (Jesus) message to be removed, instead of being childish and making a counter message. The way things seem to work nowdays, it should have been easy to do since if you're not promoting minority, you're racist...

Ah, but no...
The message we're trying to get across with the ads is that we're fine with the religious ads, but we have exactly the same rights, so we can make an ad that promotes agnosticism (because of the word 'probably'). We even leave it up to the reader to make up their own minds about whether or not there is a God... Now religious ads are being planned that say "There definitely IS a God"... That's only after they tried to ban the atheist ads. Notice the difference in the tone of the ads... "Probably" versus "Definitely IS", no room for any free thinking within the church.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :It could work, in theory. You'll have a couple of problems though:

1. How long it's going to take for the ZWD to start increasing in value. It's currently still losing about ZW$500k per day against the Pound and it's not showing any signs of slowing down.

2. Where would you keep it? I'd love to have a suitcase sitting there with 6 million dollars in it, but you just know that someone isn't going to understand and will break into your house to nick it. They'd be really disappointed and that'd be funny, but you'd be out of pocket with insurance premiums to replace the window and anything else they buggered while they were in.

Well, you could always get insurance on 6 million dollars (conveniently forget to mention the ZW part), and have them pay the value of 6 million US$. That would be the quickest way to make the value of the ZWD go up... A lot.
S3 licensed
Quote from Crommi :That sign on a bus is just like forum trolling, only there to annoy people (in this case religious ones). If someone wants to believe in god or eastern bunny, let him. It's pretty hypocritical to first complain about those religious people who show up on your door and try to convert you if you're doing exactly the same thing just in reverse.

Is it?
That sign on the bus was an answer to other signs on busses pointing to a web site promising hell and eternal damnation for those who do not believe in God.

S3 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :All hail me. I am the great Messiah of the Sun.

To prove my superhuman abilities, I foretell you all that this thread will turn into a furious debate of multiple pages and end up locked by a moderator.

Now kneel.

That would, on a small scale, prove that all religion is good for is warfare.