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S3 licensed
That sucks...

So a driver that wins 9 races and doesn't finish the other 8 will become champion over the driver that won 8 races and finished 2nd 9 times... So the WDC may be won by a driver that is actually not even in the top 5 of the point standings. And the worst part. It can all be over after half the races.
S3 licensed
Thanks. Just wanted to make sure.

I love the quality of the races up ffront.
S3 licensed
Australia is the new China...
Holland thinking about it, the UK starting to implement it...
Big Brother is upon us. End of free speech and freedom of expression.

Censorship is never good for any citizen. Not even when it's done to keep the worst of the worst off the interwebz (read: Child Pr0n, terrorism, etc), the end result is the censorship of perfectly legitimate pages and the silencing of political opposition.

Don't trust your government, they don't trust you.

Edit: btw, how is this censorship going horribly wrong? This is EXACTLY what it's supposed to do.
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :I swore I would never race oval, but with 32 racers on the grid it is great fun in the FOX. Although everyone who hasn't tried it before the race start complains like hell, they always end up enjoying it, and we always get full grids

Speaking of oval...
I was there this week when the oval was on, and I was annoyed by someone who was unable to properly draft to gain speed...

When the final lap arrived I just couldn't stand it any longer so I got behind him and bumpdrafted him (way too late to win)...

The question, if both drivers agree, is it ok to BD on your server? I noticed one of your team bumping me along the oval (can't remember who, I'll have to look it up) on my final race there so I returned the favor. Just checking if it's an acceptable tactic

BTW, love the server.
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :They wouldn't even get around the hairpin!

Hell, they would get stuck between the left and right guardrails on the way to the hairpin.
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :
**=renewed venues modified for modern NASCAR races but in clockwise direction
note this is fictive, not real

I know this is fictional, however I wanted to make this one point really clear:

NASCAR cannot drive clockwise ovals for safety reasons. They run counterclockwise on ovals so that the driver during massive suspension failure is seated away from the wall. Spinning automatically slows a car down, but when you have a tire going down at 200mph you really don't want to be right next to the concrete wall.

For the same reason the AUSCAR series (AUstralian Stock Car AutoRacing) ran clockwise on ovals. Those cars were righthand drive.

Also, I think Zandvoort should be added to your schedule
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :So you chose a too big text size and/or a wrong place to put it and want the mapping changed?

No he wants the mapping changed so he can skin that part as well...
I've yet to find a real cockpit that has ads in that position though. Unless there's a camera that will show that part clearly there won't be any ads on it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Vinnylegends :The Nascar's can stay where they are.
Wich is Redneck country!

NASCAR can come here if they want... Nothing like the sound of 43 high powered V8s slipping and sliding through the dunes of Zandvoort.
I'd pay big bucks to see that happen.
S3 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :There is no justification or reason to own a car, and if you think you have one, you're deluding yourself.

I hate the environment, I love killing fauna, and I want to annoy people who complain about the noise my car makes...

That's 3 justifications and reasons for me to own a car.
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum :I'm wondering what all these arguments that "people are leaving LFS" and "it's hard to find populated servers" are based on. If you look at Scawen's post and the attached image it shows that the number of racers/hosts hasn't really dwindled at all. Rather, it seems to have increased, albeit only slightly.

I am not trying to disprove anything here, I just find it odd that there are clearly a number of people who find it difficult to find a populated server, even though the number of servers/racers hasn't really decreased dramatically.

Well, the number of racers has increased slightly... There are currently at peak times around 900 licensed racers online...

The problem is that there are also 893 servers online at any given point in time...

That is almost a server per person. There are plenty of racers on here, but they're scattered across too many servers. And that is why a lot of people can't find a decent server. Those that have more than say 3 racers are completely full, and the rest has 1 or 2 people racing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fischfix :i just want to bring into another aspect:
in the nationwide race, there was almost the same happening and the guy got a 5 lap penalty for it. so why didn't Jr get one as well?

or did nascar make a mistake with the 5 lap penalty. either way this season is promising so far *g*

Ok, Leffler got a 5 lap penalty because that was deemed intentional by NASCAR. Junior's actions were not. Junior never hit the side of Vickers' car, but rubbed the bumper. Leffler hit Steve Wallace square on the left rear quarterpanel, not even close to being clear.

The main difference is that Junior's move back up the track was a direct result of Vickers pushing him below the yellow line, whereas Leffler was running a lower line for half the backstretch without either car deviating from their line. Leffler then, unnecesarily, moved back up to merge while clearly *not* being behind Wallace's car. Intentional or not, that was a stupid move, but my guess is that it actually was intentional.
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Now that's quite a bad wreck.

Which is of course topped by changing the design of the car in such a way that you don't need to exit through the window, but can quite simply step out of your seat, onto the concrete.
S3 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :I'm pretty sure Vickers' block was legal. All Junior had to do was safely get back behind him, instead he just swung his car back in line and took out a bunch of good cars. I don't think Junior did it on purpose, but his BS about getting pushed into the grass by Vickers is a joke, he had plenty of space to get back in if he would have just waited another second. Junior knows he screwed up.

Watch the replay again... Vickers drove into the RF of Jr. At 195mph, I think getting hit might make you jump a foot or two left and then right as you correct it. He nearly made it, but wasn't quite clear.

It was just a racing incident, nothing intentional. With these guys racing every lap like it could be the last one cautions happen quite a lot more often.
S3 licensed
Quote from R32 Tuner :if someone adds me on msn for no reason ther obviously perverts.

At least now they know that is your msn addy as well.
S3 licensed
Quote from th84 :It's too late for that. Im stuck.

I was only being a smartass, I love her no matter how much money she costs me.

lol... She's standing right behind you now, isn't she?
But yeah, I love mine too, no matter how many times she manages to distract me just as I'm negotiating turn 1 on the first lap.

Get back ontopic
S3 licensed
Quote from HavocS :Hah, easy for those who have a girlfriend

If you don't, now would be an excellent time to find one

Well, then I recommend you to find a new one... On the other hand... LFS is a nice getaway sometimes when I do something to upset her... Honestly, I still wonder wth I did on some occasions to deserve her wrath, but that's women for you, I guess.
S3 licensed
A big thanks to all who made CTRA possible. It was fun.

It sucks that it's not here at the moment, but no hard feelings from my side of the screen. I'm sure it, or something similar or even better, will be back someday. Until then, my dear friends, until then.

(no, I'm not leaving, just going to spend more time with the girlfriend)

S3 licensed
Quote from FlyeThemoon :A F1 car paintied like USA Flag ;D in Stars and stripes.

PS Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming;
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,

Oh! Say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed, at the green flag's first showing.
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
'nto the armco we watched, were so massively plowing.
And the exhaust's red glare, tires burstin' mid-air,
gave proof through the smoke, that our team just misfared.
Oh! Say does that star spangled racecar still spin,
o'er the slickness of the grass, so it's sure they'll ne'er wiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'insert ridiculous adlib'iiiiiiiiiin.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :Easy way to sort this would be for Boris to choose a combo, tell someone to join his server and then set the combo he chose, then he can proove his theory.

Oh yeah, I've met plenty of fast drivers in LFS, and some of those are actually good, too... But being fast doesn't automatically mean being the other. And practicing 500 hotlaps doesn't make you a better driver, just a faster driver. Which of course makes it easier to win.
S3 licensed
Quote from breadfan :Do you realize that there are currently only 2 screens working with this nVidia 3D thingy? And they are both pretty damn expensive.


Any 100Hz or higher CRT screen works. And almost all 120Hz samsung screens.
S3 licensed
Grats mate... That we may all see him on the tracks when he's old enough to reach the pedals, and that we may see him become a champion in whatever career he wishes to pursue.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I wish I knew how to multi-quote

Whatever happens, I don't envy the job of whoever looks after it.

I can help you there
Just hit the middle button on the bottom right for each post you want to quote, and the regular (left) button for the last post you want to quote...

And I agree... :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Biohazard :it's not the same thing. imagine a server with all cars enabled. lfsworld may know which track the desired pb was set on, but not the car. so indicating the car would be required.

No, he wants to see the PB of the person he's spectating using /w pb. Not his own...

Since the person he's spectating is driving, LFS could simply do a /ws [track] [car] pb [spectated person] instead of a /w pb. LFS has all the info, and he can use his keybind.
S3 licensed
Quote from Zen321 :
EDIT : Did not see your post TagForce, nice analogy with the football team I added your concern with real-life licensing issues in the first post, if you do mind, please tell me and I will remove it.

I don't mind...

In fact... In the other thread I made quite an extensive post considering what I thought at the time to be issues that we need to concern ourselves with with regards to mods... They range from clogging the LFS folder, to monetary issues for users, to licensing issues and ability to play mods on- or offline.

To save everybody the trouble from looking it up and reading through the whole beast, here's a summary of the main points:
  • Allowing all mods will result in a HUGE (30+ GB) LFS folder. A certification system needs to be made to control the amount of mods available (at least for online play).
  • Devs creating mods poses 2 problems:
    • Devs would need to license real life content, as they use it to make money
    • Devs would need to stay involved in LFS using either pay-per-download, or simply because they want to. Pay-per-download locks out a lot of casual players, and when the devs quit, LFS quits (we're in it for LFS, not the devs, are we?)
  • Physicswise LFS should be closed. Any mod should not change the physics values of LFS. Just to keep the mods on par with the quality of the LFS physics, they should only be able to reference values within LFS. The main program should provide the parameters, not the mod (which is completely unlike the way rFactor works, where each mod can change the physics parameters to its liking)
  • Mods should be made available on a central site (at least online compatible ones), not affiliated to Scavier (plausible deniability). I know people would love to see LFSWorld host them, but that would pose a licensing problem.
  • Online mods need to be approved before being made available on the internetz for online play. Preferably on the site mentioned above. This would require a team of dedicated players that test and grade mods. (this poses another problem which I won't go into just yet)
  • All mods should be made available for offline play, as long as they don't change any of the original gamefiles. This doesn't need to be on the website mentioned above, but can be from anywhere. Just to encourage modding. The more mods get made, the better chance there are good ones.
Now, what would this require from Scavier? Very little in terms of changing LFS as it is at the moment, actually. The fact they can't create (real life) mods doesn't mean they cannot facilitate the creation of them. So here goes:
  • A server side check (again, preferably using the site above, but may be adjustable, as long as there is a way for LFS to check legitimacy of the site and/or mod) to check if a mod is online compatible. Think hashcode checked with the download site's hashcode for the mod.
  • Proper Folder management. Setups in mod folders, or any logical folder where you won't get murdered by a gazillion different setup files. Also, track based folders for setups.
  • Of course, editors or enough file format information and inner game requirement informations so that people can create their own editors (think BTB).
Now, all of you fire away at my thoughts, that's what I put them here for.
Last edited by TagForce, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :I didn't compare computers with human beings. I said that trying to get a program faster by added more developers, was like trying to get a baby faster by adding more women. Plus I wasn't commenting on the overall topic, I was commenting on the part of your topic that I quoted. Also, why does using an analogy involving computers make me a geek, and why is that a bad thing?

Actually... Trying to get a baby faster by using more women DOES work.
Only the conceiving part though. You increase your chances of producing a baby (or more babies) if you have sex with 10 women a month, instead of just the one. However, the act of producing a baby is a linear one. You cannot create a head if there's been no conception. So it's impossible to have more women work on one baby. Creating a computer program is like creating a whole lot of different babies, and combining them to form a football team. All those babies can be created by a lot of different women, and once they're done, a single coach takes over and tells them how to play together.

Quote from The Very End :I think there should be a tool to create the tracks and cars from scratch. Probally only the pro's would understand this program, since it's not something that is easy to do.
The contest that is made would only work offline, and would not have online support.

Tbh I don't see the problem and why Scawen and co doesn't release their tool, if they somewhat could limit it to be offline only. Then if the devs approved someone's work, then they could allow it to be played online, by release a patch and such.

If the Devs need to approve each mod, and have to patch their program for it, then there will be a huge problem with licensing. So, don't expect any real life content.