I'd like the chance to beat all you yanks and rednecks at your own game.
But we'd need the american national anthem played before the start of the warm up laps, and I mean from "Oh say can you see" all the way through to "Gentlemen, start your engines!", and of course a spotter going "Git to her, boy, ye can shure'z ol'hell take'r passs dat dang slow piece-o'-junk, 'slong as ye keep'r from wreckin' ya"
NR2003S physics are different from LFS, but they do not *suck*, imo.
If I could find the darn mod installers again I'd give it a go myself. Used to be good at it.
Which is exactly why I post that here, and not somewhere else. The point is, that no matter WHAT you post somewhere else... If the letters LFS are anywhere in it, you're going to get flamed, especially when they know you play LFS.
Even if I were to post it somewhere else, that still doesn't make it a flamebait. It's simply an observation. And I back up my claims by showing them what exactly is wrong with it. Even the people playing that sim themselves claim that part of the physics is wrong, but when I state the exact same I get flamed for being an "lfs-fanboy". THAT is *not* our problem.
NR2003S is indeed superior to LFS in online play. I especially liked the ranking on the sierra servers... Which is probably why I love Becky's system so much. The collision system actually wasn't half bad. It was worse on road courses though. I suppose detecting collisions is easier on ovals.
It's just human nature I suppose... Like I said about the foreign policy.
You are, of course, free to play whatever you enjoy. When we're talking about other sims, we're doing it in relation to LFS. Yes, the physics are unrealistic in iSi titles, some more than others. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. The point is, we feel that the physics in LFS are the 'most realistic' (notice I didn't say 'best') to date. Not only that, but we have graphs, replays, video comparisons, etc, etc, that support that claim. The problem starts (and that is really the root of our apparent hostility towards iSi games) when others come and bash our physics when all evidence points to the contrary. We are not better than you in any way. After all it is just a 'game'. It's all turned into a championship football match, it seems. We're the away team and the underdogs, so we have to yell harder in here where it's safe
It's not that you have to love LFS or get out or anything. I like the occasional blast around Spa in GPL or NR2003S. Many people enjoy other sims, including me.
As I stated on the Race boards. Eventually, the simulator with the most realistic physics will be the only one used, provided it supports modding and offers the same tracks and cars as all the other sims. We here strongly believe that will be LFS in the end. Nobody makes you switch before you want to switch. And if you feel 'unwanted' because you want to race real tracks, I'd like to apologise for the community. We're not out to bash other sims, perse, but we will defend ourselves against people that make false claims. If the other communities take that as offensive then so be it. We think we have proof that LFS is most realistic in its physics, and that is all we'll ever defend. For the rest we say "LFS isn't finished yet". Everything else you may read is just some person's opinion, which admittedly is sometimes stated as fact a bit too much.
Yup... Kind of the same situation I described earlier. Still your fault, but can't really blame either of you. Racing Incident. Stuff like this will always happen (but it gives you such an adrenaline rush if you make the move stick and pass around the outside).
No, it doesn't. If you enjoy LFS, and don't go off flaming it with unsupported claims of superiority you have nothing at all to fear from any of us. That goes for anybody who wants to discuss the differences between LFS and other sims (maybe with the exception of NFS players, but they're just treated the same as all ricer/drifter fans we have here, we ain't perfect).
It's the continued accusation of acting 'elitist' whenever someone mentions LFS (even when it's relevant to the topic) that started this feeling of, dare I say it, hatred towards eachother's communities. It's not that we feel like we're the elite anymore than other communities, it's just that we get accused of it a *lot* more than other communities for reasons I will never understand. It's gotten to the point that I will NEVER actively join another sim community ever again, and not buy another sim ever again, unless I know it will be at least 50% made up of LFS guys. I just don't want to get my ass flamed for liking LFS every time I use the letter L, F, and S in a single post.
Edit: Maybe we should just look at other communities and think they're applying the bigger d*ck foreign policy... (what?! They have bigger d*cks?! BOMB THEM!!! (c) George Carlin)
What?! They have a better sim?! FLAME THEM!.
Yeah, 20 meter slabs of concrete welded together with a substance that will wreck your tires and suspension if not specifically set up for it. Sounds like fun
In this case it's in fact easier to put the blame on you, since there's no way he can possibly see you. He's turning away from your car, and so you are most definitely in his blind spot. He can't tell if you're overlapping or not.
Besides, getting into a situation where you're committed to a line that will take him through you when he loses control isn't a smart thing to do... In these cases I'll just brake a bit harder, slow down more, and pull the switchback on him (accelerate out of the corner on the inside). That's the only safe thing to do.
I keep forgetting about the multiquote thing:
Ah, I know what you mean, but why would you drive defensive lines when there's nobody near you? If you're doing it to save tires I can understand, but that's the only reason I can see. I don't care if I'm quicker than you are. If you're defending in a way that gets us both in situations that are inpredictable we may end up spinning eachother out. I know you're smart enough to make sure I don't get to the inside after I've done it twice, but not everyone sees that. And that's the ones that can expect to be spun out (accidentally).
I was making a post in a thread about add-on tracks for sims, in which I made the suggestion that (as opposed to some people saying conversions are bad) conversions are in fact a good thing because ultimately it makes the developers spend more time on the sim aspect, and less on the 'but we have this and this track'. Nowhere in that post did I mention LFS, except in the final paragraph in which I clearly stated that there will always be to camps in this deal... An iSi camp and an LFS camp.
Besides, I OWN Race... So it's MY forum as much as it is theirs. Most users posting anti-LFS threads on this forum don't own anything, so they have no right to bash anything.
Then how come when you even so much as mention LFS in a comparitive way on an iSi game forum (Race in this case), people immediately bash you for "preaching LFS, and trying to convert them"... Honestly, the hostility comes from the other side more than it comes from us. They create the atmosphere of hostility, not us.
That's how I spend most of my time of the freeway... Going "why the hell is this road turning from 120 into an 80 zone while we're going from 2 to 4 lanes?"
If someone is slower than I am, I make it a point to avoid touching them. Like earlier I was racing Danowat, and he was consistently braking 10 meters too early for my style. Gave him some lovetaps on the first lap, but after that it was anywhere between 5 to 30 cm between us on hard braking. Never touching. We could do that because we were both very consistent in our braking marks and turn in points. I would've regretted it very much if we had touched and crashed because I wasn't in control enough (in the end we wrecked because on SO3, there is no room for error, and the wall is unforgiving, neither of us at fault, just one of them racing deals). Best chase I've had in a loooong time.
However, if I'm behind someone that is consistently slower than I am, being an absolute b**tch about defending his/her spot to the point I'm the only one trying not to crash it seems, there may come a point where I'm less inclined to screw up my front tires trying to miss him/her. If it was a calculated move on the other's side I'd have some respect for it. Like, when I dive down the inside for the 5th time on the brakes for the same turn, you'd think someone would block the inside before I had time to go there and make me take the long way around, but they amazingly only move offline when my nose is already at their rear wheel, making me do all kinds of crazy things to keep them from wrecking themselves. In THOSE cases, I'm not sorry one bit if I spin someone out. There's an art to overtaking, but the same goes for defending your spot.
I think everyone has had these situations where overtaking someone becomes the single most important thing in the world after you've been stuck behind them for 90% of the race. Stuff like this happens in real racing too. They get a good scuffing from the FIA (if you're Schumacher) or a fine (if you're Alonso), or get suspended because you do this stuff all the time (if you're Montoya). The difference between them and us is that we would be hard pressed to kill someone in LFS.
I think (hope) that that's what Flippy is describing.
Dude, just get the Puma Sparco racing shoes look-a-likes... I got them, and have been simracing with them for 5 years... They're perfect. Like... No sole indoor racing shoes
Probably nothing to do with the update, but the strangest thing...
Ever since the auto update our server keeps on lagging us all out. We'd been racing for over an hour and a half without a problem, then all of a sudden the autoupdate comes in and our server just lags us out... Anybody else experiencing this?
EDIT: let me elaborate.
We were doing fine. Then someone said there was an update. Next thing we know the server connection dies on us. No big deal, happens every now and again. Reconnect, argue about the starting order, and it kills us all again.
Thank you!
That is now mapped to a key (which I can't reach anyway)
"Ouch! If you're sorry please drop your handwritten apology off on a red velvet pillow at the following address: TagForce, ******* ** **** ** ******* *******"