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S2 licensed
While we're nearly on the subject, does anyone know any turntablists in the Leeds / York area? My new band could make great use of one.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I hate when that happens, beeing raped by surprise shemales that is :/

It's gay paradise. JTbo would be disappoint.
S2 licensed
The Galaxy S2 is a really great phone, and not too expensive now. It's probably still the best android phone on the market - the Nexus lacks an SD card slot so you can't expand the storage, whereas my S2 came with 16Gb and for £40 I added another 32Gb.

I think I'm paying £23 a month on Three, they had an offer on when I got mine. My only grumble would be that it doesn't have a notification LED, so if you've got messages you won't know about it until you wake the screen up.
S2 licensed
Not so much a purchase, but reserved at the RSPCA this morning. 18 month old boxer, he really has no business being in a rescue centre, all he needs is some training.
S2 licensed
I'd love to see Henry in the premier league again, I bet he'd still be massively influential. If Giggs can do it Henry can do it.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Negrito is actually a race of black people from South East Asia. So I don't see how he offended anyone, it would be like me calling you Siamese. How could that be offending?

That's not the sense he was using. The '-ito' suffix makes a noun diminutive. One weekend when I shaved my hair and dyed it red I also accidentally got sunburnt, and my Mexican colleagues called me 'Coquito Rojo' for ages (Little red coconut).

Suarez called him 'little black', basically. It's a term of endearment but using it against an opposition player makes it a patronising form of address - treating him like a child or making him a triviality.

Point being the offensive intent is entirely in the '-ito' suffix - belittling him. The 'Negro' part is irrelevant. It's just like you or I referring to the one black guy in a group of men 'the black one'. I've seen people tie themselves up in knots to avoid identifying someone as 'the black one' but if it's the most obvious identifying factor then for ****'s sake it's not racist to say it.

TBH the more I think about this the more I think the FA have set a really silly precedent.
S2 licensed
It seems the FA's view of racism is very black and white (haha) - an 8 game ban for something that wasn't intended with any malice is insane. IMO.

But if that's how they're doing it then I'm looking forward to Terry's season-long ban for calling Ferdinand a ****ing black ****.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :he's been in Europe for a number of years and is bound to known that if you say the 'n' word to a black person there's a decent chance he's going to become pissed off very quickly

The 'n' word in this case being 'negro'. Bear in mind he's a native Spanish speaker so that word simply means 'black' to him. Apparently he called Evra 'Negrito', which is pretty patronising - implying he's a child or a small man, but it's a pretty common way that Spanish speakers playfully insult someone. From what I know of south american culture (limited to three years of working with Mexicans, never been to Uruguay) I don't think he intended any racial insult, he was just trying to wind him up by calling him a big baby.
S2 licensed
I'm not a Liverpool fan but I think Suarez' punishment is totally out of proportion. Yes he lives here and he should be more familiar with English culture and what's an acceptable way to address a black man, but simply calling him 'black' as a noun seems fairly lightweight. He didn't insult him, he didn't call him names, he just called him 'black'. I believe him when he says he didn't mean it as a derogatory term. Maybe Evra ought to have a higher opinion of the word.

Terry on the other hand is a racist **** and an embarrassment to the national side.
S2 licensed
John Terry: ****ing white ****.
S2 licensed
I've got one goldfish. He's ****ing massive. A housemate got a job in Spain and asked me if I'd look after her goldfish so I said yes. That was 12 years ago.
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :And no, i don't like to make music with a computer screen in front of me... so don't even start about plugins can do the same blabla...

I know what you mean. A friend of mine's got a pair of valve preamps that make any input sound 100x better, I try to borrow them whenever I have any serious recording to do, they fatten up bass, vocals, brass, anything.

I don't think I could be bothered with maintaining a reel to reel machine though, they can be a big pain in the arse.
S2 licensed
You're using tape?!?
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :

What use is scratching with a dull straight 4 beat like that?

I'm not knocking your scratching, just your tunes. Try putting on some slow breaks, some old-school hip hop or something so you can get some more interesting chirp rhythms going on at slower tempos.

BTW the intro to 'Please, Please, Please' by James Brown has some awesome vocal material for tweak and transform scratches. Don't know why nobody ever uses it.
S2 licensed
It would be amazing if he had a race drive next year - hopefully Maldonado can fund it.
S2 licensed
He's now appearing in the same tweets as Kimi Raikkonen.!/andrewbe ... status/140490406763839490
S2 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Cort X1

Green Day - 21 Guns solo

Just started playing guitar about 1-2 months ago btw.

Cool. Stick with it. And get lessons from a music teacher (not your local guitar hotshot), you will improve so much faster with a good teacher.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :The amp is rubbish - Sony's amps havent been any good for the last 10 years, and $200 for 600w RMS is rubbish.

I doubt all of Sony's amps from the last 10 years have been shit. This sounds like 'accepted wisdom' to me.

Also 600W output from an amp in a car is way more than you'll ever need, assuming that your speakers are reasonably efficient (speaker efficiency, dB per watt at 1 metre, is never talked about but important for obvious reasons and varies quite a lot) and fitted to an enclosure which makes the most of them.

Bear in mind that to gain 3dB of sound pressure you typically need to double the power supplied to the speaker, so if you've got a speaker that produces 90dB/W at 1m, you will need 2 watts for 93dB, 4 for 96dB, etc. More to the point if you've got speakers rated 3dB higher, you'll need half the power from your amp to achieve the same sound pressure levels.

Anyway, from the example above we can assume that even with fairly inefficient speakers you will have unlistenable levels available for about 250W of supplied power. Your amp may be nowhere close to clipping and your speakers well within their operating limits too, but your ears would be the weak link. Don't **** your ears up.

Just saying.
S2 licensed
I just got a Galaxy S2 a couple of weeks ago. I thought about waiting for the new Nexus but tbh the S2 looks to have a nicer screen and better specs generally. Shame there's no NFC in the UK models but NFC doesn't seem to be catching on very quickly here anyway.

Still, recent Android phones are making iphones look pretty ordinary.
S2 licensed
Is the voice acting as 'good' as Oblivion?

That was my favourite bit. They created a fantasy world where the fantasy was that the world was populated entirely by terrible actors.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Depends on location and lifestyle Kev. By and large, a majority of people either do have to keep up with their neighbours, friends, whatever, or at the very least feel an "insignificance" when present with someone who has something they want.

I don't think there's an argument worth having here, given that we're already resorting to phrases like 'by and large', and 'a majority'.

I think the experience you're talking about is mostly something children do - where they have to be wearing the right brands. Anyone who carries this sort of concern into their adult life still has a lot of growing up to do.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Just because you chose to socialise with people who aren't braindead idiots doesn't mean they don't exist.

But it does demonstrate that not 'Everybody in the UK' is a conspicuous consumer, if pretty much everybody I know isn't.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Everyone in the UK has an obsession with having a new car on their drive, to "keep up with the joneses".

Really? Your typical suburban type maybe, but personally I don't know anyone who gives a shit about what car they're driving so long as it's cheap.

Then again I don't know anybody with a giant TV either. I don't think I want to know anybody with a giant TV or a clean car. Suggests they've not found anything to do with their lives.