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S3 licensed
Quote from micarone :I'll give it a go.. Even when my butt looks better than my face...
Here's an "Paparazzi-shoot" from local bar taken by my friend...

Hey, you don't look that fact, you're very, very hansome! Even the weird Mika Hakkinen guy in the picture you attatched seems to think that way, see the way he's looking at you?
S3 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :A game that is underrated is a very old one, but is STILL being played. Anyone ever heard of Re-Volt? It's a really cool RC game that you race RC cars around random tracks, like a neighborhood, a museum, a supermarket, and a ghost town. It has bad graphics, but it is a fun game! Plus, people make RC car and track mods you can get. There are Ferraris, Bugattis, Lamborghini's, BMW's, and a bunch more, including made up cars. It's a fun game that you can shoot other cars with weapons, and you can make your own tracks, too.

I've still got re-volt for the ps1, great game! It has such a nice 'feel' to it, that I really can't place...the tracks are just so amazing! I spent ages on it when I was 6 or 7, possibly older, and won/unlocked/achieved everything! The clockwork cars were great fun. I recently downloaded it for pc (running in dosbox) and it just doesn't feel as nice...the controls are too jerky, everything is too light and clean. But on the playstation, it still feels great!
S3 licensed
OMG! Damn that George Bento, you're second on the CTRA rankings!

Happpeeee Birthdaaaayyyyyy

S3 licensed
Urggg...I have some sort of temperature has gone right up, and I had no drink! Was bumped around a bit, not entirely other's fault, and got fed up. I was having problems concentrating, my temperature and dehydration were the main factors in this, but a minor car crash right outside my window didn't help! Someone slid on ice or something and managed to ground their car on a raised bit of earth outside, I'm told. People came and helped, which caused quite a lot of noise, ungrateful sods!

Didn't qualify brilliantly, and my race was hindered by the fact that I didn't pit with most other people at the first caution. I was having problems even then, and I just didn't realise until it was too late, there was a good chance of crashing if I suddenly swerved to the left! Got a bit of damage through a few bumps, I was having trouble controling the car, so I pitted. Sitting in the pit, I thought 'I just can't be bothered, tbh.'

Sorry to anyone I hit, and Hey! Damn you! to anyone who hit me! I still quite enjoyed the event As dforce said, great administration, as always! [/suck up ] No, really, you're very good.
S3 licensed
Team Dynamics are thinking of running Volvos instead of Hondas in 2009 or 2010, as anyone who got Autosport yesterday will know!
S3 licensed
Hasn't snowed here for over a day, come on!
S3 licensed
Quote from yoyoML :All gold at school?

Did that on christmas day, with a keyboard, apart from the final test, where I got silver. First try on most. I keep thinking, if I did that well, why am I so bad at the proper rallies? Actually, I'm not that bad, but I have to be in the right frame of mind/have the right attitude.
S3 licensed
Grr...I won't. No snow! Well, actually, lots of snow, but no new snow, meaning the road is clear. Fiddlesticks.
S3 licensed
Should be there
S3 licensed
I'll be at session 5, both if it snows heavily, but unlike J@tko, I probably won't get any. (SNOW! If your mind is dirty, reverse that sentence. :razz I might be able to catch the end of #4.
S3 licensed
'Tis good! I haven't tried any other of the rsbrs, but what it does is provide you with a lot more content - loads of cars, a few tracks and some mods. To start it up, you open a program called 'RSCenter' and you get various options - what car, what track, what mod (night, all tarmac, gravel, snow, normal...), what weather, damage and whether you would like to play alone or with other people! I haven't tried out the online stuff yet, but you can participate in various leagues and single rallys etc. Then you click on a button, which opens RBR and you start on the config you selected in the RSCenter. You also get your stage times in RSCenter.

It's a faster way of applying new cars/tracks/mods and provides an online multiplayer service, basically. I love the tarmac mod!!

I only downloaded this ~1 week ago, and got RBR for christmas, so there's probably a lot I haven't tried! What should an RBR noob do now?
S3 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :can you post the correct link please? I want to see this.

Just remove the extra http
S3 licensed
I need a good picture first, IIRC I only have one close-up on my comp, stolen from someone's bebo, and it doesn't work very well! I'll get round to it someday...
S3 licensed
Kinda joined the strangs-mindless-communism-drone bandwagon...likee?
S3 licensed
Please start a blog Lerts, I couldn't live without you!

And now...
  • Goodbye
  • Bye-bye
  • Bye
  • Godspeed
  • Buhbyes
  • Talk to you later
  • Ta ta for now
  • Ciao
  • Sayanora
  • Kamsahamnidah
  • Unhello
  • See ya
  • McGoodbye
  • May the forces of evil get lost on the way to you front doorstep
  • Live long and prosper
  • Cheerio!
  • Out
  • Y'all come back now
  • May your teeth never be replaced by freshly ironed wool socks.
  • So long
  • Farewell
  • Bon voyage
  • May you never awaken one morning and find yourself with Iranian death camps for hands and Gorbachev's eyelids attached to your feet.
  • Aloha
  • L'hitraot
  • Kol Tuv
  • Shalom
  • Peace out
  • May your spleen never transform into a solution to the European Union's impending energy crisis and become a battlefield for an upcoming war to end all wars.
  • Be well, fellow citizen
  • I must take leave of you now
  • Adios
  • Arrivaderci
  • Do svidanja
  • Au revoir
  • Hasta la vista
  • Fare thee well
  • May your mouth never be conquered by a band of marauding Vikings.
  • Auf Wiederhören
  • Auf Wiedersehen
  • Servus
  • Tschüss
  • Tschüs
  • Tschö
  • Tschau
  • Bis dann
  • Bis bald
  • Bis später
  • May you never have your soul absorbed into the Netherworld by a power-hungry televangelist.
  • Bis morgen
  • Bis Freitagabend
  • Bis nächste Woche
  • God be with ye
  • Bis zur Konferenz
  • Bis irgendwann
  • Kkkkk...out.
  • Stay cool, home-brotha
  • Tot Ziens
  • Later days
  • Tschuess
  • Avrio
  • adeus
  • May you never urinate the sweet sweet sounds of 70's disco funk.
  • That is all.
  • May you never drown in a vat of monkey semen.
  • I'm leaving now.
  • May the Abu Jabi never bake muffins in your lower intestine.
  • daa daa dit daa daa daa daa daa daa daa dit dit daa dit dit dit daa dit daa daa dit
  • (*wave flags down and down-right) (*wave flags left and up-left) (*wave flags left and up-left) (*wave flags up and down) (*wave flags left and down) (*wave flags up-left and right) (*wave flags down and up-right)
  • No more of you.
  • And...I'm out.
  • So long, and thanks for all the fish.
  • In a while, crocodile!
  • Ta-ra
  • Cheers
  • Fine, then go!
  • I'm gone!
  • Get lost
  • Na-na-naa-na, hey hey hey, Goodbye!
  • Pasta-and-bagels
  • All-feet-are-the-same
  • Olive-oil
  • Aavjo
  • Shalom
  • Hallo
  • Later, gator!
  • Tutloo
  • Chevio
  • Pip Pip
  • See ya later, alligator
  • Not now, brown cow
  • 'Til then, penguin
  • Hasta mañana, iguana
  • You stay classy
  • Tallyhoo!
  • Timeout for now Houston
  • Keep it between the lines...
  • Keep it between the lines...and dirty side down
  • Dasvedania
  • Paka
  • Keep it real
  • May your mother's cousin never be assaulted by Attila the Hun at the supermarket
  • Hasta luego
  • Leb wohl!
  • Mach's gut
  • À voir!
  • À bientôt!
  • Äddi!
  • Avoir!
  • Nos veremos.
  • Vaarwel.
  • Zàijiàn
  • Zdravo
  • Tchau
  • Tootles
  • Até logo
  • Hasta la pasta
  • Valle!
  • Móin, móin!
  • Xau
  • Beijinhos

  • Abraço
  • Fica bem
  • Até amanhã
  • May bad luck always be at your heels, but never catch you
  • Xi chien
  • TTYL
  • C U L8R
  • chao
  • adichao
  • Inabit, inabizzle.
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Carmageddon 2?

Bad physics, but some cars have incredible damage models! Brilliant game!
S3 licensed
Ooh! I'll be there!

What was the delay since the last session?
S3 licensed
"Kenn believes 2 wheels on the grass anytime for how ever long u like is ok, while the other 2 wheels are riding on the ripple extension."

Change that to

"Kenn believes 2 wheels on the grass anytime for how ever long u like is ok, while the other 2 wheels are riding on the tarmac."

And I'm pretty sure he would be right. I don't like this sort of behaviour, though, so I would add the 'solution' if I were you!
S3 licensed
“Dammit I’m mad.
Evil is a deed as I live.
God, am I reviled? I rise, my bed on a sun, I melt.
To be not one man emanating is sad. I piss.
Alas, it is so late. Who stops to help?
Man, it is hot. I’m in it. I tell.
I am not a devil. I level “Mad Dog”.
Ah, say burning is, as a deified gulp,
In my halo of a mired rum tin.
I erase many men. Oh, to be man, a sin.
Is evil in a clam? In a trap?
No. It is open. On it I was stuck.
Rats peed on hope. Elsewhere dips a web.
Be still if I fill its ebb.
Ew, a spider… eh?
We sleep. Oh no!
Deep, stark cuts saw it in one position.
Part animal, can I live? Sin is a name.
Both, one… my names are in it.
Murder? I’m a fool.
A hymn I plug, deified as a sign in ruby ash.
A Goddam level I lived at.
On mail let it in. I’m it.
Oh, sit in ample hot spots. Oh wet!
A loss it is alas (sip). I’d assign it a name.
Name not one bottle minus an ode by me:
“Sir, I deliver. I’m a dog”
Evil is a deed as I live.
Dammit I’m mad.
I, man, am regal a German am I
Never odd or even
If I had a hi-fi
Madam, I'm Adam
Too hot to hoot
No lemons, no melon
Too bad I hid a boot
Lisa Bonet ate no basil
Warsaw was raw
Was it a car or a cat I saw?

Rise to vote, sir
Do geese see God?
"Do nine men interpret?" "Nine men," I nod
Rats live on no evil star
Won't lovers revolt now?
Race fast, safe car
Pa's a sap
Ma is as selfless as I am
May a moody baby doom a yam?

Ah Satan sees Natasha
No devil lived on
Lonely Tylenol
Not a banana baton
No "x" in "Nixon"
O, stone, be not so
O Geronimo, no minor ego
"Naomi", I moan
"A Toyota's a Toyota"
A dog, a panic in a pagoda

Oh, no! Don Ho!
Nurse, I spy gypsies -- run!
Senile felines
Now I see bees I won
UFO tofu
We panic in a pew
Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo
God! A red nugget! A fat egg under a dog!
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog

Read backwards
S3 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :I'll put in a vote for Richard Burns Rally, I guess just because it was incredibly unforgiving. When I first got that game I could barely make it 500 feet before my car was totalled. Might not be the most realistic looking damage, but if you hit a tree there is a good chance your car isn't starting back up again.

There's a lot of luch could nudge a tree and total your engine, or smack a tree with your rear end, roll 5 times, smashe through a fence and into a house at high speed and be able to drive off normally!

Okay, mabye I'm exaggerating a bit!

Flatout is good, I've got Flatout 1 for the pc and Flatout 2 for the ps2, but I don't remember the damage being that good...has there been a new game? EDIT: There has been, and the damage is good, yes!
S3 licensed

OMG, there's a website and a flash game in the making!

Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Quite a lumpy thing to be sat on..

Some varieties of lolchair can be very 'lumpy'...