Urggg...I have some sort of illness...my temperature has gone right up, and I had no drink! Was bumped around a bit, not entirely other's fault, and got fed up. I was having problems concentrating, my temperature and dehydration were the main factors in this, but a minor car crash right outside my window didn't help! Someone slid on ice or something and managed to ground their car on a raised bit of earth outside, I'm told. People came and helped, which caused quite a lot of noise, ungrateful sods!
Didn't qualify brilliantly, and my race was hindered by the fact that I didn't pit with most other people at the first caution. I was having problems even then, and I just didn't realise until it was too late, there was a good chance of crashing if I suddenly swerved to the left! Got a bit of damage through a few bumps, I was having trouble controling the car, so I pitted. Sitting in the pit, I thought 'I just can't be bothered, tbh.'
Sorry to anyone I hit, and Hey! Damn you! to anyone who hit me! I still quite enjoyed the event

As dforce said, great administration, as always! [/suck up

] No, really, you're
very good.