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S3 licensed
Those who don't want snow, get snow.

Those who want snow, like me, don't get snow.

That's a FACT.
S3 licensed
His death is the only thing I've cried about in, like 5 years. I felt immensely sad when Colin died, but it was only a few months later, hearing his name again that had me sobbing uncontrollably for half an hour. The feeling of sadness passed after 5 minutes, but I just couldn't stop the tears...I could smile, I could actually feel normal, but they kept streaming out. It was the most I have ever cried, something just happened inside my brain, pieces just fit together and litres of salty water flew out my eyes.

Grief is a wierd thing.
S3 licensed
More like 'there is a video of him apparently dicking around.'

'A birdstrike, the dropping of a camcorder in the helicopter and possible interference with the controls by the front-seat passenger, Mr Duncan, could not be ruled out as contributory factors' (and servo transparency phenomenon) There's a good chance the main factor was Colin taking unecessary risks, but I hope not. Even if he was flying dangerously, you can't really pin the blame on him if there was a birdstrike.

R.I.P Colin.
S3 licensed
Damn, I love both pictures but neither comply to the rules!

Brilliant work already!
S3 licensed
I lol'd hard...I'm so inconsistent, giving lectures one minute, laughing at sick things the next...

It's from pokemon btw, if one pops up in the wild and wants to battle you, you get the message 'A challenger appears!' Geddit? (Even if you don't find it funny!)
S3 licensed
Damn, I was about to submit a long post before something in my mind suddenly clicked...we have single file restarts! :doh: I understand now!
S3 licensed
Not coming, too late, obviously (I know this wasn't done for peole in my timezone!)

This one has the possibility of being a disaster, with all the tired, just woken up, bashed, befuddled, boozed up, buzzed, crocked, feeling no pain, flushed, flying, fuddled, glazed, groggy, high, inebriated, juiced, laced, liquored up, lit, lush, muddled, plastered, potted, seeing double, sloshed, stewed, stoned, tanked, three sheets to the wind, tight, tipsy, totaled, under the influence, under the table, wasted, besotted, crapulent, crapulous, drunken, intoxicated and sodden racers!
S3 licensed
I'll try to be there.

Green flag pitstop? So pitting under yellow doesn't count? Interesting...

I don't really understand the lapped cars inside on restarts procedure, could you explain it a bit more clearly for a noob such as me?
S3 licensed
Look at the 'Batracer' link in my sig, or click this.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed

I want that hat!

Holland, 1945

The only girl I've ever loved
Was born with roses in her eyes
But then they buried her alive
One evening 1945
With just her sister at her side
And only weeks before the guns
All came and rained on everyone
Now she's a little boy in Spain
Playing pianos filled with flames
On empty rings around the sun
All sing to say my dream has come

But now we must pick up every piece
Of the life we used to love
Just to keep ourselves
At least enough to carry on

And now we ride the circus wheel
With your dark brother wrapped in white
Says it was good to be alive
But now he rides a comet's flame
And won't be coming back again
The Earth looks better from a star
That's right above from where you are
He didn't mean to make you cry
With sparks that ring and bullets fly
On empty rings around your heart
The world just screams and falls apart

But now we must pick up every piece
Of the life we used to love
Just to keep ourselves
At least enough to carry on

And here's where your mother sleeps
And here is the room where your brothers were born
Indentions in the sheets
Where their bodies once moved but don't move anymore
And it's so sad to see the world agree
That they'd rather see their faces fill with flies
All when I'd want to keep white roses in their eyes

The King of Carrot Flowers

Part One

When you were young
You were the king of carrot flowers
And how you built a tower tumbling through the trees
In holy rattlesnakes that fell all around your feet

And your mom would stick a fork right into daddy's shoulder
And your dad would throw the garbage all across the floor
As we would lay and learn what each other's bodies were for

And this is the room
One afternoon I knew I could love you
And from above you how I sank into your soul
Into that secret place where no one dares to go

And your mom would sink until she was no longer speaking
And dad would dream of all the different ways to die
Each one a little more than he could dare to try

Brilliant, just brilliant!
S3 licensed
I'm ashamed to say I've seen that before

Doesn't lose any of its stupendous awe-kick-bad-assomeness, though!
S3 licensed
Ach! Damn! :dunce:

The first bit still stands. It took me a while to work out that it did!
S3 licensed
I didn't think the stage was real, either, until I searched for it on youtube a couple of months ago. Yowch!

Quote from 5haz :First time i tried that stage, I ignored the warning signs and went over the top flat out, it didn't end well.

Same, though on the ps2, so the crash wasn't as insane!
S3 licensed
Quote from racer hero :Will there be a season 2 of this series? If so, do you have any plans for when, or rule changes?

"Late October - December: Mini-FBM Series"

Quote from J@tko :Just to make it clear there WILL be a mini-FBM series this winter
S3 licensed
I'll be sure to have a look when you've set everything up. (To any Clockwork members reading this, I'm not thinking of joining! :razz

Good luck!
S3 licensed
Grr, all you southerners with your snow...

I want some snow, but the problem is it's forecasted to fall when I don't want any! I have to be at school at 9 to catch the bus to some sciency trip, but the bus has been getting there 10 mins late with no snow on the roads, as it is large, and has to turn around in narrow, snow lined country lanes. I would feel sorry for the driver if he wasn't a complete prick!
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :i am signing out


I always seem to go faster with you around, and where will I get my FAILdraughting lessons from? Who will be there to give me other people's setups?

Your decision mate, and I respect that, but PLEEEZE! Actually, I'm half-thinking about pulling out too, the racing can get pretty boring. Let's see how I feel after a bit of a break from the oval...
S3 licensed

I was saying it might be working for you because you're using an out of date firefox (a kinda good thing), then , meaning IDK, meaning I wasn't really accusing you of it, then the second line cancelled out that theory completely!

The only thing I was saying in the end was that the link wasn't working at all for me. Mabye there's something wrong with the page? Other people don't seem to be having problems, it might just be me. If so, what might be wrong?

Now, why the hell am I being so defensive?
S3 licensed
I don't think it's possible to add more than six cars.

I've got updated default cars, f1 2008 and nascar carsets. Generally Track of the Month is good for tracks.

Wait, they don't host any tracks...they're all in threads on the RSC forums...
S3 licensed
I'm using the latest FF, and I just get 'network timeout'. Mabye you're using an old version, Shadowww, there was an update recently.

Wait, it's not working in IE either! says 'Huh? doesn't look like a site on the interwho.'
S3 licensed
Lol, don't search for Ronan Keating on google images! I agree with J@tko
S3 licensed
I can play re-volt on my backwards-compatible ps2
S3 licensed
Hey, wasn't that joke from Marcus Brigstock live at the Apollo?

Oh, damn, beaten!