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S3 licensed
If I could think in a colour it would be blue
If I could chose another then I would have said Blue 2.

I'm not afraid of public humiliation, could you PM me the link?

Hey, stop laughing!
S3 licensed
Lol, I just uninstalled the demo so I should know! ... g/street_legal_racing.htm is where I got the demo from, you can buy it there too, but I don't know how safe it is. It does look safe, though.

EDIT: :doh: G!nho, you tricked me! Unless you're right...
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Seriously, the instrumentals in those songs are fine most of the time but as soon as they start "singing" (:vomit I have to stop the song quite quickly.

Same. Music like this really annoys me, there are brilliant riffs, guitar pieces, solos etc, I would happily buy an album of just the guitar bits, but then the 'singing' comes in...'Grrrrrr brrrrrrrrl frrrrrrg ggrrrrrr gaaaaaaaa!!! rwwwwwwllll' as GFresh put it! Grrrrrraaaaaaaaawwwwwwwllllllgggghrrrrnnnnggggg!
S3 licensed
Someone mentioned 'sllr' in another thread, and I googled it, with the same results!
S3 licensed
We can has replay?
S3 licensed
Gino, that may be your dream game now, but not after you have seen the mighty Desert Bus!

(Ooh, 600th post! :razz
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Team Name: Clockwork Motorsports
Car: FXR
Team Manger: G!NhO
Team Co-Manger: Timdpr
Drivers: Provisional list, possibly more to add, hopefully none to take away...
T.Russell [Timdpr] (GBR)
G.van Verseveld [G!NhO] (NLD)
T.Feldmann [swisscosmo] (CAN)
J.Wang [lizardfolk] (TPE)
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Lol Bean0!

Danger Danger! Possibly Offensive! when we touch...when we kiss...

Steve Irwin died the same way he lived...
With animals in his heart.
S3 licensed
Quote from mookie427 :sounds exactly like my dream game too...but LFS physics and GT4/5 graphics on the SOD conversion of Carmageddon 2 = win

The perfect game! Well, if you include better AI (in SoD the cars won't bloody move! And with the LFS AI, they'll just keep bumping into you! Oh, wait...:razz And mabye objects from GRID, the tyres would be cool.
S3 licensed ... pc_facebook-nightmare_fun

Let this be a warning! Poor guy, but all the same...:clapclap::hihi:
S3 licensed
Well edited for $500 (there are a lot of mistakes with the blood, but $500!) Mabye it's because I haven't played the game, but IMO this was a bit didn't really excite me. It's great that loads of people like it, though, the creators deserve it for their efforts!
S3 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 ::d

Who is the guy at the back with the John Guest livery? I want that skin! Gooo Mike Jordan! (You have to follow the BTCC to understand :razz
S3 licensed
Grr, I'm a passive person irl, and I know I've said it's wrong (and still believe it) but I really want to do to that guy what he did to that cat, punch him in the face, smack his head off some walls. Then something a little different, kick him in the nuts so hard he couldn't produce any offspring to carry on his retarded ways...and just to make sure of that, I'll make sure to daze him with one of the blows to his head, then hack off his reproductive organs with a blunt knife.

Like (I'm willing to bet) everyone else in this forum, I wouldn't do this in real life as there are repercussions, but imagining it makes me feel a lot better...If there weren't repercussions, though, I would do all that and more (such as slicing his wrists and pulling out his veins, or inserting a length of wire into his eye and seeing how far I could get it into his head. I've always fancied chinese water torture, mental things are good... Okay, I wouldn't do those things!) I'm not being an internet tough guy here, I'm not particularly tough irl, but I would seriously do it.

Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Not to be violent, just to give him a taste of his own medicine.

I'm curious, was that a mistake or not? What would you do? I have to agree with the too leniant penalties etc. I have 2 cats btw, and they're the cutest things ever! I absolutely love them, wouldn't give them away for anything!

Also, lulz, not lols. Lulz are usually lols at the expense of someone/thing else.
S3 licensed
S14 DRIFT is like the nazis.

Bring on teh Godwin! Reductio ad Hitlerum!
S3 licensed
Long jail sentence = good, vigilante justice = bad, death = easy way out for the prick.

Leave it to the guys in prison to administer the beating, eh? The internet death threats are a little stupid, but it is basically /b/ who alerted the police first, and because of the sheer numbers of complaints, the sentence should be worse. As long as no-one goes and kills him after getting his adress from the net, +1000 internetz for the internetz! Erm, wait...
S3 licensed
How come you guys don't have the logo? Damn you F-F, I've got that song in my head now...I knew what it was, but still clicked it. Mabye I'm beginning to like it?
S3 licensed
Am I allowed to post all his personal information, address, parents adresses etc? I have it, though I very much doubt any good will come of it...might make someone feel a little better though. The guy who did NEDM got jailed IIRC, but I can't remember for how long...

Lol, his myspace has been hacked already...
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Can I request that we post the actual picture as well?

Mine's just the bluey-grey background with the logo at the bottom, but it would be nice to change it! Plus alot of these would look good as desktop wallpapers, especially Tomba and Blas89's
S3 licensed

My first ever league race! Go to 27:50, I have the same problem. Also have a look at my awesome battles on laps one and two!
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :yeah the conversations were very interesting.

S3 licensed
¡uʍop-ǝpısdn llɐ ɯ,ı 'ɥoo
S3 licensed