I want to do this on my own, sorry. We'll still help eachother out with sets ect, we're both racing for **! There will just be 2 clockwork drivers (lol) out on track at once
I'm gonna get flattened in NDRC! I want to be up near the front for once . I could argue I've never completed 2 full leagues . (Not completed all the races.)
Which class would I be put in? I know you said I could probably choose, but I just want to make sure, the rules seem pretty decisive (or whatever the word is).
Yes yes, I agree, but his post wasn't taken too seriously I believe...He wasn't expected to do it by anyone that knew him...
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't do anything like this but you did say you'd 'never even contemplate it' which is a lie - it doesn't matter now, but a lawyer could use it to great effect. I'm not saying I've never done anything like this, but it was a bit hypocritical.
When I go to school on Monday, I am going to be super nice to everyone.
I'm trying to beat the record of 30!! (Fingers crossed)
So I plan to take my fully loaded Bubble blaster, as seen above, and have everybody on the ground from how crazily funny and awesome the bubbles that I am firing in their direction are!!
I may donate to charity, assuming I havn't spent it all on popcorn and sherbet for the class, but then I am totally making sure each and every person has one of my world-famous hugs!!
But, it's not over yet, what they won't know is that I have hired 14 mind boggling activity stalls for the younger kids to partake in!
Everybody will notice me and how nice I am once and for all!
I live in UK, Devon and i'm sure it will soon be all over the world news!
Oh yeah, the fastest lap points are wrong. How about none for fastest lap, instead the one point was given to 6th place? (Points were given to 5 drivers, 2 being the smallest amount last year)
If that's right, I'll give you an easy one if you promise not to google it!
Since J@tko forgot to ask for some information when you signed up, could you please provide it now:
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Server details and password will be sent at a later date.
You want a pm or an edited post? I've edited my post btw.
If, through this, I can convince at least one person to pronounce DC's surname 'Cool THard' rather than 'Cool Tard', I'll be happy! Great site, thank you
I'm gonna be loved by some, and hated by others...when the race is done, and all the accidents have happened, I'm just going to be hated! Personally, I can't wait!