On a scale of 12 to 63, this Toxic Mahjong Orchestra was somewhat like a Mechanized Bubble Colosseum, in that it hasn't read 'Making LFS Movies #2'. But it could have been worse.
A neorealism film, set in troubled post war Italy. It's not going to be happy, is it? Just incredible though, so beautiful and so powerful. The ending made me cry...goddamn...
Seen a lot of good films recently, mostly through LOVEFiLM, which I thoroughly recommend. Can't be bothered to find the list, but it included the rather wonderful The Third Man, and the pretty good The Damned United.
Just finished downloading Sátántangó. The reviews speak for themselves. I'll get back to you on it when I've got a spare 8 hours to watch it.
EDIT: Almost forgot Un Chien Andalou. A groundbreaking film, surrealist and incredibly shocking when it first came out (1929). Nowadays the shock value is tiny, apart from that eye scene! But seriously, watch it.
"Martin Brundle and Jonathan Legard have got their snorkels and flippers on. Ted Kravitz has donned his Peter Stringfellow-style thong and is wandering the pits looking for someone to lotion him up."
Well, apart from the people who don't, the people who think it is desperately trying to add something to an abysmal track but actually contributes nothing. Something to keep the masses happy until they actually see how crap the racing is!
A great event and a fun layout. My time will get smashed when the aliens show up, but I don't care, I enjoyed this a lot. It might improve in a bit, had to stop to ask the way a few times
Sorry, but we need some pictures! Very, very few people will bother trying it without knowing what its like. Nothing fancy, just give us an idea of the layout.
How about I flip that and say halloween is a time to meet up with mates and show a fun and creative side to your personality? How about I say dressing up removes any preconceptions people may have through appearence, and therefore you are even more 'yourself' as your personality is not affected by worries you may have about how you look.
You are playing a computer game, and arguing on the internet. Some people would say that is something you should 'grow up from'. But LFS is fun! Halloween is a medium through which you can have a lot of fun, does it matter that much that you dress up in spooky costumes? What's so wrong and childish about enjoying yourself?
I try to steer clear of arguments, but you just did something to me. Why start this flame war, why do you want to stop people's harmless fun? As soon as someone got annoyed at you, you unnecessarily generalised and insulted everyone from his country. Go away, you're entitled to your opinion but let us enjoy halloween, we're not doing you any harm.
You beat me to it! Just been going through my Alan Partridge DVD's again, brilliant stuff. I would go as this if anyone knew who he was, unfortunately I might just get a few funny looks...dunno why
As usual, didn't have any idea what to do last year. So I rummaged around in a few cupboards. "Let's see what I've got...black jeans/hoodie - check. Victorian cape whatsit - check. Skull mask - check. Uhh, how about a top hat? Ooh, and I've got a pink wig too."
Now, who'se going to start a flame war about american traditions? Have fun all.
Hell yeah, love autograss. There's a track 30 mins away from me (Yorkshire Dales - Masham) and I go whenever I can. Brilliant stuff, good racing, some insane cars and incredibly dangerous! A kinda throwback to past motorsport, with everyone so close to the track...one time I watched someone roll his class 9 eight and a half times into the only place there weren't spectators. Almost a horrific tradgedy right there.
If someone sets up a server, I'd love to give it a go.
This GP was very boring, yeah, extremely so, but compared to other races this season it was alright. The track certainly made it more interesting, as did the title battle. The last few laps were great, at least compared to most F1 races recently. People are just annoyed because they woke up at 5 to watch it You can't expect an exciting race in F1, and it wasn't, but I woke up at 5 anyway and am glad I did. Don't moan, seriously.
No. Simple as. It's why the ****er has only won one championship, he's constantly up the top because of his dirty driving, but has no skill whatsoever. Well okay, he's fast, but he can't pass (or not hit everyone) for toffee. I simply cannot see how he gets away with these things, whereas others can't. (See Adam at the first round. Plato brakes early, Adam pretty much has nowhere to go and makes a mistake. Plato gets rammed, and loses a place. This round, one corner on Chilton brakes early and Plato purposefully 'twats him up the arse'. He loses a multitude of places as a result. Would Adam have got away with it if he'd done it on purpose? Or is is because he's not Plato?)
And Tim Harvey, I do like you but stop constantly defending Plato you little shit! That applies to other commentators as well, plus Autosport.
Having said that, Plato has been better this year. Also I don't know if there will be a penalty for Plato yet, but I doubt it tbh.
EDIT: Ha ha! Perfect, I've been supporting Harvey all year and was really glad that he was on top, then started not liking him this round and he loses the title! Well done Bridgeman.
Awesome, awesome. A true man, supporting Newcastle was the icing on the cake. I'm a pussy and am simply waking up for the race...I feel inadequate. Weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. Grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. I'm foul and disgusting. I'm a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on me. Even sheep won't have sex with me. I'm unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot. Compared to you, anyway.