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I have inside knowledge that a large FAIL is about to be posted, a fail including Mr. Puntola.
S3 licensed

Bookmark these and read some in times of boredom, that's what I do
S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :

Thank you Tim Nice But Dim!
S3 licensed
I'm afraid you're going to have to count me out, I'm karting tomorrow evening. Damn that real life! Mabye I could get them to postpone the races - "Look guys, I'm participating in an LFS world record attempt, could you hold the meet tomorrow...hang on, I've got GTAL then...what about Sunday?"
S3 licensed
Not the .dds, the .jpg
S3 licensed
Oddly enough, I'm in Wensleydale :faint2:
S3 licensed
Sat a thermometer thingy outside an hour ago in direct sunlight. Max temp: 36.8 °C.
S3 licensed
FBMs + FOXs on FE green yesterday in the LFSBC/NDRC was...interesting. Had a few people on their roof, but mabye not as many as you'd expect.
S3 licensed
I'll trade someone a Demonoid code for a Racing Underground invitation code.

Done, thank you ddd9022!
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Okay, 5 mins before the FBM race...anyone got a setup?

No seriously, mine is utter crap. Add into that my bad driving and wow it's shit! I'm going to have to use my not quite so bad quali set. *Sound of tyres bursting*
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Stiffy?


Wait, crap, no one's gonna get that
S3 licensed
Quote from broken :I see that you people like to vote(or help) xD
Now to make the competition more popular you can vote for it here: ... detski-risunki-?feature=6 ... It's a red arrow that points up(it's on the left side of the page).. Or maybe it looks more like a triangle.. Now this is not one of the company's sites so you can vote at will.

I just don't know if you can vote more than just once before ip-lock activates.

Thanks again for the help.

S3 licensed
Visited Durham today. Ugh, over 6 miles of walking in 25 - 30 degree heat up a lot of hills! Part of the visit included going through the botanical gardens (£4 quid to get in!? ) and that included a large greenhouse with lots of cacti and a rainforest section...the thermometers in there were recording 30 - 35 degrees (or possibly more, I can't remember) and it was seriously humid. Luckily I wear black, and black only so the sweat didn't show...but unluckily black absorbs a lot of heat. Went karting too, which drained even more energy and made me even more thirsty! Did I mention no wind and very little shade?

Anyway, enough annoying moaning, I had a great day, despite being absolutely knackered at the end of it!
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :I forgot to mention, I'm going to recount the sessions, and as I do so, upload the results.

That'll keep me busy tommorow and Saturday.

So, for now, assume that the sessions count is just mistakenly wrong. I might have missed one here or there. I'm human like that.



Fair enough!
S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :i don't think common courtesy has anything to do with it. the fact that you are communicating is effort enough in my books.

what's the difference in me typing something like "He went to the shops when I asked him." or "he went to the shops when i asked him." when the point being made is exactly the same?

Forgetting whether it is right or wrong for a second, I'm afraid people will judge you on how you type. Obviously that won't be all they judge you on, but it does make you look lazy or/and a little dim. As for common courtesy, it is harder to read an uncapitalised sentence. You, through not being bothered to capitalise letters, have caused me to put in more effort to read your post.

Therefore there will be less chance of people being bothered to read your post, comprehend it or reply to it. And there will be less chance of people liking you.

Did that make sense?
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :The main difference is that drawing is pretty good, your band on the other hand... ;p

[edit: I voted for this, because it is the youngest entrant.]

Heeey! I love his band! *SLAP*
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :She draws better than me


Me too

And me too!
S3 licensed
So deko, did I not get credited for practice session 2?
S3 licensed
Well, we're relatively least compared to just about everyone I know. I do realise I'm extremely lucky!

I'm not aiming particularly high, I don't think I'll follow a racing or even a motorsport related career, but it would be nice to do a bit of racing. I think I might save up for a kart and get involved as much as possible though! You never know what might happen, if I find I have a lot of talen I might take everything more seriously, for now I'm just trying things out. Cheers for the advice.

Ooh, Becky posted while I was writing! Yeah, I'm in a rental series atm. I have to go through the categories, so I'm in a junior one now. It's for 8-14 year olds, so I'm easily the oldest there (the next oldest is 11 or 12) and double the weight of most of the kids! I doubt it's a very good indicator of performance... The next category up is aimed at children around my age, so that should be a little better. I'll see how I do there before making any major decisions I think.

EDIT: Uh-oh, fight! Hmm, I think I'll stick with the paragraph above tbh. As I said, I want to measure how good I am before taking any major steps.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Go out and get it then!

I'm trying, I'm trying!

I've just started doing a bit of karting actually, the Warden Law track near Sunderland is doing some arrive and drive races. I seem to be doing okay, 7th out of 21 at my first meeting with no previous experience of the track and no practice before the races! Oh, and I spun nicely spectacularly. I haven't bought a kart though, and most of the money for it isn't going to come from me, considering I've just turned 14. This ain't really the place to discuss it, though advice would be nice. Remember we have very little money available though, my family is quite poor tbh.
S3 licensed
Great stuff! Loved the second pass. Looks like brilliant fun, wish I had the money etc to do that.
S3 licensed
And so an era comes to an end... Well, a 4 and a half hour era, but an era all the same.
S3 licensed
Sounds like an amusing tactic, good sirs.

Last edited by Timdpr, .