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Quote from Hypothraxer :Hey Tim

Try this one. It's possible to do mid 1:33's with 17 kg ballast. You might want to adjust tire pressure and brake balance (I'd reduce the braking power and the balance to the back to not heat up the tires too much in the hairpin). Good luck

Thanky you! I'll try it out now.
S3 licensed
I've had no time to make a set, I'm still using the base. Any tips/setups would be appreciated.
S3 licensed
I'm very happy with 6th fastest on race set with a good dollop of fuel and knackered tyres! Obviously drafting was a big part of it, thank you to everyone who did so with me. I really enjoyed the session actually, thanks NDR once again
Last edited by Timdpr, . Reason : Removed an errant comma. Oh the excitement!
S3 licensed
Quote from Chupacabras84 :Great vid rated 5 stars and added to favourites have to show friends what you can do in LFS.

Actually i heard a lot on this forum from ppl who hate drifting and take drifting and drifters lightly like its something bad.
Wonder why? Drifting comes from excellent control of the car noobs cant drift only ppl who can control car well. Drifting looks spectacular and cool.
PPl drift in real life wonder why only on LFS forum its treated like something bad. Its not arcade and its not against realism so...
Unless its another fanboyism dont really know, any sugestions why its not desirable

It's just personal opinion for me. I'm not jumping on any bandwagon, I just don't like it that much, in the same way I don't like dance music or rap, and some people don't like rock, metal, ambient etc etc... You think it looks spectacular, cool and requires talent. I think it requires talent too, and a lot of it, plus I do find it pretty spectacular. But it's just not my 'thing'. It doesn't excite me.

Drifting is massively different from racing, you just use the same 'tools'.

As for it being hated on the forum, that's mainly because of the people I'd say. I'm certainly not saying all drifters are bad, not at all, but they have gained a bad reputation because of a lot of drifters being really annoying, stubborn, arguing, not following rules, typing stupidly, etc etc, and alot of that comes from a lot drifters being pretty young, which comes with drifting. Also, as LFS is intended to be a racing sim and attracts racers, most of the forum dislikes drift 'culture' and think drifters in LFS are having a detrimental effect on the racing. I don't like the culture, and if I were to get really into drifting, to a point where I might enjoy it, I would come into contact with the culture extremely often. That is putting me off alot.

The above was pretty badly written, with loose ends, things not properly explained (and mabye just wrong :tilt, but I don't have enough time to do anything about that right now. I might come back to it, but I'm sure all this is explained elsewhere.
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :barney mcgrew?

Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub?
S3 licensed

I'm not going to shout 'Drive this category!!' You should try everything out, and go with what you like! Have fun, that's the main thing
S3 licensed
I'm afraid Clockwork Motorsports (#20) is going to have to pull out of this round, but we are aiming to be back at round three stronger than ever! (Or at least better than our R1 peformance, which won't be too hard to do :razz
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Tim [IIRC] lives in Devon/Cornwall or somewhere like that

Me? No no no, 'tis glorious Wensleydale in which I dwell!
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko ::rolleyes:


Quote from Kid222 :Just a note, my number (8) is missing.

Or am I missing something? You never know with J@tko! [/poet ]
S3 licensed
LFSName: Timdpr
First and Last Name: Tim Russell
Car Number: I assume I can't have 8, so 616 it is! If 8 is possible I'd like it, but I'm not asking anyone to change their number if they already have it.
Country: GBR
Team Affiliation: Clockwork Motorsports
S3 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :These cookies look really disgusting. Like poo with corn in it.

I've had some exactly like this, and I can tell you they certainly do not taste like that! But yeah, I definately see what you mean. Then again, chocolate cookies don't tend to look great...

But you just know they will taste good

Ahh cookies, dragging this thread up to new heights.
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S3 licensed
Ooh, damn...I'd completely forgotten about my neoseeker stuff! A cookie for you most definately, good sir.

It's interesting and embarrasing going over all this stuff, including my godawful youtube channel. And that post at neoseeker took me a while to understand! EDIT: Actually, looking at the thread it's not as bad as I thought ) I cheated a bit btw, I didn't remove my LFS frappr thing, I simply moved it somewhere else in the UK, with the comment 'Oh no you don't TVE!'

The PETTYFOGGING QUIBBLES thing is a Boot quote from the Perishers.

One thing though: I have no knowledge of joining the FUC forums? At least not today.
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
I'd like to wish you happy birthday, but I'm having my dinner. :haha:

Don't get too

Ankled, Badgered, Banjaxed, Battered, Befuggered, Bernard Langered, Bladdered, Blasted, Blathered, Bleezin, Blitzed, Blootered, Blottoed, Bluttered, Boogaloo, Brahms & Liszt, Buckled, Burlin, Cabbaged, Chevy Chased, Clobbered, Decimated, Dot Cottoned, Druck-steaming, Drunk as a Lord, Drunk as a skunk, Etched, Fecked, Fleemered, Four to the floor, Gatted, Goosed, Got my beer goggles on, Guttered, Had a couple of shickers, Hammer-blowed, Hammered, Hanging, Having the whirlygigs, Howling, Inebriated, Intoxicated, Jahalered, Jaiked up, Jan'd - abbrev for Jan Hammered, Jaxied, Jeremied, Jolly, Kaned, Lagged up, Lamped, Langered, Laroped, or alt. larrupt, Lashed, Leathered, Legless, Liquored up, Locked, Locked out of your mind, Loo la, Mad wey it, Mandoo-ed, Mangled, Manky, Mashed, Meff'd, Merl Haggard, Merry, Minced, Ming-ho, Minging, Moired, Monged, Monkey-full, Mottled, Mullered, Newcastled, Nicely irrigated with horizontal lubricant, Off me pickle, Off me trolley, On a campaign, Out of it, Out yer tree, Paggered, Palintoshed, Paraletic, Peelywally, Peevied, Pickled, Pie-eyed, Pished, Plastered, Poleaxed, Pollatic Rat-legged, Ratted, Ravaged, Razzled, Reek-ho, Rendered, Rosy glow, Rubbered, Ruined, Saying hello to Mr Armitage, Scattered, Schindlers, Screwed, Scuttered, Shedded [as in " My shed has collapsed taking most of the fence with it"], Slaughtered, Sloshed, Smashed, Snatered, Snobbled, Sozzled, Spangled, Spannered, Spiffed, Spongelled, Squiffy, Steamin, Steampigged, Stocious, Stonkin, Tanked, Tashered, Tipsy, Trashed, Trollied, Troubled, Trousered, Twisted Warped, Wasted, Wellied, With the fairies, Wrecked or Zombied

now, will you?

Why didn't anyone remember my birthday 14 days ago?!
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I give it a try tomorrow. Right now I am exchaused after 4 hour porn marathon and need to sleep!

Wow, you did a marathon? That's amazing, well done! Isn't that just below London marathon times btw - if so, that's quite a distance you ran! I'm planning to run one one day you see, and

S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :But preferable, please don't.

Hmm... Oh, okay, I won't.

What can you find out about me? I've had a look myself, and there are a couple of really simple ways actually

BTW, just noticed:
Quote from The Very End :I have yet not been killed so the danger isn't that big.

Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Haha, can I ask where you found out my homeplace? Curious.
Oslo part is easy, since it tells my profile, Mandal tho, back in 07 - 08 is a little more tricky.

Either way, I don't fear people from the internet, if peopel want they can find me. I have yet not been killed so the danger isn't that big.

Quote :My real name is Tor Ole Lerbæk. I am 20 years old and lives in Norway, I live in one of the "southest" cities / towns in Norway, called Mandal. A little place where not much happens, but at least we got pretty ladies here, fine weather and we....well beasically that's everything we got in this god's forsaken place..damnit..

It was pretty simple actually, you posted the above on the Bleach Network forums. I searched around, found your facebook but I needed to befriend you to see that (I'm not on facebook btw), I found you on the Crashday forums (aren't you a mod there? Cool!) I found a flatout track you made and a few other things including weird norwegian sites that might have had your contact details but I couldn't understand them! And eventually I found your post! If only I'd seen it first
Last edited by Timdpr, .
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Oslo says his profile o_O

Well, he was in Mandal in June 2008 lol.

Why am I doing this anyway? Mabye I should do something useful and find GrIp DrIvEr'S AdDreSS?
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Haha, is that haz adress? Give a try on mine, I don't care if you even manage to find my house number.

Mandal, in the 'south east' of Norway.

See how easy it is? Well, I might be wrong of course, but...

Scary thing is, I'm 99% sure I could get your house number, telephone number, etc in ~24h
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Where do you live?

Ardu, Kõue Parish 75001, Estonia.
S3 licensed
Great time, but that's not what matters...I have great respect for anyone doing something like this for charity, and frankly you're pretty inspiring! Well done mate, seriously!

Quote :daaan saaaf

I got an email from Terence Dove saying how brilliant you were btw, I assume he coaches you - is he any good?
S3 licensed
Quote from Chupacabras84 :German book of anatomy its kinda weird i should say

It took me a few seconds to work out what it was actually meant to be...just a comparison between a horse and a human in a horse-y position I assume.

Oh, and it took me a bit longer to realise this was the wrong thread!
S3 licensed
Lol, cheers Tristan. Personally I'm not in any race, I only did it last time so we wouldn't have a bad OP tbh. Though I'm not going to lie, it is nice to have people complementing you for the post.

Texas has made a great one here, it is really early but I don't see much problem with that as it is good. If we are going to have threads this early though, stickying them may be a good idea so they aren't forgotten about etc.

If we decide to nominate someone/certain people to do the threads I'd be perfectly happy to, but at the same time I'd be perfectly happy if someone good like Texas did them! The advantage of having one person doing them is you could agree a posting time - the Wednesday before the race might be good.

Anyway...probably Alonso for pole, but on very little fuel! I'm hoping for an incredibly exciting race and a win for Button, but I'm not expecting a particularly good race here, and the Red Bulls are very strong now, plusyou never know what the Toyotas might do. And mabye Alonso will get lucky?
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :

He says otherwise now

"Everyone has caught up and I think red Bull has actually overtaken us"

Apparently equals:

"Championship leader says Red Bull has already leapt ahead of Brawn!!!!11!!!1!!!1!!!!"